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No Drama Please But Why Cant We Add The Sith Back?

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why were they even removed? because joah said? it created RP when no events or encounters were happening. No when no events were happening the server is DEAD. Tryouts and maybe trainings. back on endor it was always busy and fun. IDK If there was drama but no were serious RP and it shouldn't be mingy. and if they minge all it takes is an easy BL. If we need a temple just add the old one onto it. I think Lots of people can agree the sith was so much fun. Promotions, Spars, trials in general. the fights between jedi and sith. the rivalry. it was so good. Now idk why they were removed no hate on me please just yeah just wonderingggggggggg thanks . i feel like the only people that hate them is SOBDE, high jedi people or people that don't like losing. cause   I only made this because the server seems to be kinda slowly dying. thanks. Pls no ban lmao kinda seems like someone is trying to kill the server no fingers pointed im just putting it out t here

Edited by McFisher
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Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Hell No

I think a faction would be good to add for downtime hours, but not the sith. People who were sith got too edgy, and most of the time acted like baffoons.

If a faction where to be added I like the gang faction, or like a CIS faction 

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Former: Liaison


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I mean it was fun tho sooooooo yea

Please not hate T~T

Current: Just Some Guy
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Also with the proper rules enforced and leadership  it can be serious

Current: Just Some Guy
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Just now, Pythin said:

Hell No

I think a faction would be good to add for downtime hours, but not the sith. People who were sith got too edgy, and most of the time acted like baffoons.

If a faction where to be added I like the gang faction, or like a CIS faction 

Yeah I mean id like sith and some others but another faction would be great. cause EU times are down times. theres lots of VIPs and not many SA+ so there aren't any events. but adding a faction is a server suggestion and pft where even are they anymore.

Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Also people who were sith dident get too edgy they just got into charecter if ya know what i mean. Then again you had a few who were the exception to that

Current: Just Some Guy
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-1 for this post I dislike the thought of having the sith back

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1 minute ago, McFisher said:

Im gonna get beat up lol


But what ppstine said was pretty much it. No one cared enough to keep it going save for a group of persistent people. It was quite unfortunate, really. When they were very clearly on the inevitable chopping block there was a brief resurgence, then they were gone; simple as that. Sith weren't the best thing to add to a Clone Wars RP server, but I'd be lying if I said that some of the most fun I have wasn't in or interacting with Sith.


9 minutes ago, Pythin said:

People who were sith got too edgy, and most of the time acted like baffoons.

This behavior went both ways; from the RC blatantly hunting them, troopers breaking NLR and metagaming to get revenge on a Sith that killed them, to the Jedi always bitching them out for not being the best sparing partners at times. My friend on the server, Anderson, made a very good point when it came to the R.O.E. of Sith in that NO ONE would want to be Sith. The people that were had to be either masochists or just people begrudgingly accepting things the way they were. The best RPers were usually with the Sith, and many didn't get to express this because they were stuck just sitting in a shitty CGI Citizen outfit because they didn't want to get gunned down at first glance.

I won't say there weren't shitty people in the Sith as well who were idiots, though. Definitely had their moments.

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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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7 minutes ago, Ratio said:


But what ppstine said was pretty much it. No one cared enough to keep it going save for a group of persistent people. It was quite unfortunate, really. When they were very clearly on the inevitable chopping block there was a brief resurgence, then they were gone; simple as that. Sith weren't the best thing to add to a Clone Wars RP server, but I'd be lying if I said that some of the most fun I have wasn't in or interacting with Sith.


This behavior went both ways; from the RC blatantly hunting them, troopers breaking NLR and metagaming to get revenge on a Sith that killed them, to the Jedi always bitching them out for not being the best sparing partners at times. My friend on the server, Anderson, made a very good point when it came to the R.O.E. of Sith in that NO ONE would want to be Sith. The people that were had to be either masochists or just people begrudgingly accepting things the way they were. The best RPers were usually with the Sith, and many didn't get to express this because they were stuck just sitting in a shitty CGI Citizen outfit because they didn't want to get gunned down at first glance.

I won't say there weren't shitty people in the Sith as well who were idiots, though. Definitely had their moments.

I Agree. I Mean The dark lord went on a DayZ spar and never came on. but now there could be a leader. there was lots of leaders in the sith. You, bro, dark. all the other lords. RC just shoots them yes but this new map is trash. its not a bad map but the people on this server aren't the best at starting RP. GMs are kinda esh atm. NGL when dennis etc was sith the RP then was much better. jedi were always lame cause they didn't like losing. its just now the server is kinda dead. no updates. no good events etc. if we tried to add a faction it could be better. like if you go on the server now all we are doing is Bhopping around. I tried to start RP but everyone didn't care.

Edited by McFisher
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Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Ratio makes valid points, I mean i was having fun as sith despite tough times. Even though we couldent really exit the temple without being called out and gunned down at first site it was nice

Current: Just Some Guy
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PTL x1 to kill Jedi 

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Interesting. I'll put a word or two on this.
Look at 187ths scenario (sorry for using you all as an example but cmon). It's a battalion, it has potential to work in some world, but constantly and it has always been proven, it always gets the wrong leadership and the wrong people, and will continue to attract people as so. This is exactly what sith is and will be if it ever makes a return. Poor leadership, bad mentalities, no effort being put forth to further expand upon relations with others. Granted sith previously may have tried to RP with troops, I personally as regimental and even when marshal never got any sort of complaint or word from the sith leadership that they wanted to work upon the relations with clones and sith for further RP potential. People don't do that here, and that's why it would fail again. Communication is ass and will further be so for a long long time.

This is not me being against sith or anything, I love the lore behind them by all means and I avidly play games like SWTOR and what not that expand upon the topic. However in a clone wars environment, especially how this server acts, it just can't work. It's worse then how MRP was run. [X faction] vs [X faction] isn't a good idea in gmod if you want an RP server. I'd say/recommend waiting another year or so when there's an overwhelming amount of new faces to bring up this topic, and see if the new majority agrees upon it's return. If not, then that's just how it is I suppose. But you still have a vast majority of players still playing who agreed to its removal.

Overall just of this is; leadership is shit, people don't want to talk to eachother, so on and so forth

Edited by Jayarr
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5 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

 I'd say/recommend waiting another year or so when there's an overwhelming amount of new faces to bring up this topic, and see if the new majority agrees upon it's return. If not, then that's just how it is I suppose. But you still have a vast majority of players still playing who agreed to its removal.

Yes. the fact is the server is dying no doubt. no offense to young people but all the good RPers were around 17+. now its becoming more of a kid thing. and they're not that good at RP. as I said no offense. and the way its going with no updates. like its took 6 months and they still haven't enabled the MTT Prop. 6 months to do that! I doubt net year this will be a thing. like today icefuse and superior servers went down. we had a odd 30 cts come on. and around 80% of them I have talked to said it was boring and I can see why.

Edited by McFisher

Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Its sad to say but i agree. I mean im not a kid or anything [Teenager] but i can say from personal experience some of the RP they do sucks myself included. I joined when i was 11 and looking back my roleplay sucked majorly. This is no offence to anyone tho

Current: Just Some Guy
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Nah, eternal empire would be better than sith change my mind

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Why the Sith really died

  1. The first two dark lords shouldn't have been the dark lord, Joah and Jackson had to much to do regarding other IRL and server issues to put their full time and effort into it. 
  2. Chromes activity and henceforth lack of leadership because of it lead to factions growing in the sith empire. There was clear favoritism from the start and inactive members of the community where put in high leadership roles and couldn't balance the workload. 
  3. Characters, people were allowed to have a clone,Jedi,Sith, and possibly BO and three characters is way to much to split good activity. IF AND ONLY IF they were to POSSIBLY come back people should only be allowed EITHER a Sith or a Jedi. This would prevent their knowledge from influence their RP and actions towards each other and keep it balanced and fair. 
  4. The community as a whole thought of sith as something to KOS and not RP with. This was Jedi,Clones, events ETC. RP was tried to be done from the sith side and either ended in them getting shot or them getting shot due to us not wanting to compromise on anything because it was a "good deal" when the sith where forced with the jedi on Janaia or whatever the fuck it was called and they were allowed to quasi join a battalion it was some of the most fun i had and i feel others can agree on this as well. 

While i have a lot more to say on this topic im about to go buy a car so i'll continue my rant in a bit. 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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1 hour ago, ISNIFFPROPANE said:

Add Bounty hunters

i agree with sniff add a bounty hunter faction or possibly a full CIS faction so their can actually be combat rp with droids and actual battles or the B1 Commander can send a battalion or squad of droids to patrol the area then us as clones see it and call for reinforcements and such then a big encounter happens without waiting for a Gm to do it 

as for the bounty hunters there can be a lot of RP with them from them doing their mission and such like we see in the bounty hunter comics and such but imo both could add a lot to the server and RP for the serious rp we now have could help and be a ton of fun but thats just me :)

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All siths only purpose and the only time they werent annoying is when we got to kill them in their robes

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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4 hours ago, Mist said:

I Personally thought it would be replaced, Also because Cloud was running for Dark lord.

Idk if your saying me running for it got it removed. 



Anyways I mean when I was wrath and chrome was out of Sith it had numbers. And at the end SOBDE didn’t hate Sith many of them actually were in Sith. The fact is it got removed because people wanted a guy who ran a faction on favoritism and edgy RP and making it about himself. He wanted Wrath (Siths windy basically) to be a pure RP position and he had the entire structure of Sith reworked to his own needs but he made Sith soft bois. They were basically beta cucks under him who were pacifist and if you killed someone you would most likely get in trouble. Even though the numbers were fine at the end and a lot of people warmed up to them a jizz stain was left in some peoples mouths.

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33 minutes ago, SmallJeff said:

i agree with sniff add a bounty hunter faction or possibly a full CIS faction so their can actually be combat rp with droids and actual battles or the B1 Commander can send a battalion or squad of droids to patrol the area then us as clones see it and call for reinforcements and such then a big encounter happens without waiting for a Gm to do it 

as for the bounty hunters there can be a lot of RP with them from them doing their mission and such like we see in the bounty hunter comics and such but imo both could add a lot to the server and RP for the serious rp we now have could help and be a ton of fun but thats just me :)

Yes then I can be the bounty hunter leader as Durge 


I call dibs

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Tbh. When I first joined SO BDE. I was Sith as cucks got in the way and shouldn’t of been there. Lmao. Although, as it went on. I had some more fun encounters with sith on my clone. And towards the end when I decided to play actively on my sith. I had some awesome encounters with Jedi and clones. We ended up attacking the base in down time and taking over outposts. But tbh, even when im on my Jedi. Roleplay isn’t the same, Jedi feel like they are just there for the sake of it too.  Clone is where it’s at. Most of the events are clone focused anyway. So it’s a shame that there’s a lack of events dedicated to sith and Jedi. Although, the majority of the player base prefer  their clone characters.

Though as soon as Chrome got dark lord, sith went down the shitter and those left merely tried to save it but it was too late. Tbh, sith before their removal seemed to be at their best kinda state. 

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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To be honest, I thought they were being removed with a replacement, rather than just being wiped out. I was hoping for that mandalorian thing (there's even models with different factions on the workshop etc). I feel like it's kinda shit having to be the good guy all the time, otherwise you'd never see me on the good side ever again if we had some cool bad asses to be edge lords on. 

A refresh of leaders with new ideas or actual control would've done a better job than wiping it off the face of the Earth, just reset the fucker.

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I'm gunna bring up an old meme ^. This is how Sith RP went down every time. Even with massive RP efforts from both sides, the RP became super stale. I dealt with Sith for my entire term as Palpy and while it was fun and created a lot of random events etc, it's not worth to re-add.

My reaction to this giphy.gif

Edited by Quill Khan
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Sith was a trash idea from the start and on top of that after Joah and Jackson decided to let other be dark lords the management and leadership went down the drain to the point where it was irreparable.

A select few of the Sith actually wanted to do any real RP and the rest just wanted to go out and commit glorified RDM.

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I really think we should add it back, server is slowly dying and it needs to have something new. If sith get the right people that are passionate then I think Sith can really work out well. However it needs to be the right people. It would be a bad decision adding it, if it ain't the right people.

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The sith were removed because they were given their respective chances, but at the time of its removal, the leadership was fucking bipolar to be honest. If sith are to be brought back, I feel like the leadership would still be bad. Other factions are better alternatives.


Instead of having a faction being a direct enemy to the republic, the idea of having a group in which they only do things for their self-benefit sounds much better. One of these “things” could be tampering with the republic though. I think some of you guys know where I’m heading with this

Edited by silvers
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19 minutes ago, silvers said:

The sith were removed because they were given their respective chances, but at the time of its removal, the leadership was fucking bipolar to be honest. If sith are to be brought back, I feel like the leadership would still be bad. Other factions are better alternatives.


Instead of having a faction being a direct enemy to the republic, the idea of having a group in which they only do things for their self-benefit sounds much better. One of these “things” could be tampering with the republic though. I think some of you guys know where I’m heading with this

Yeah yeah bounty hunters blah blah blah 



Eternal empire my dude.

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Going back a few replies if we are only able to have eithor a jedi or sith not both it would make intresting conversion RP because then you could actualy convert someone ( Talking about perminently here) and you wouldent bump into a scenario where they just switch to their pre existing jedi and go inactive on their sith. They could actualy be converted

Current: Just Some Guy
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2 hours ago, Darkk said:

Going back a few replies if we are only able to have eithor a jedi or sith not both it would make intresting conversion RP because then you could actualy convert someone ( Talking about perminently here) and you wouldent bump into a scenario where they just switch to their pre existing jedi and go inactive on their sith. They could actualy be converted

We had that and no one listened to the rules for it when it came to conversions

Edited by justuscloud5
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I personally enjoyed playing on my sith and didn’t use it as glorified RDM. I legitimately tried to create new things to do outside of events and encounters. Personally I think bounty hunters would be cooler than sith, but if sith got added back i would come back in a heartbeat 

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Sith were dumb, they broke their own rules, they were inactive and mingy. If they came back nothing would change. Change my mind

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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Sith had poor management and some people couldn't understand or enjoy the fact that we were there and that we wanted to enjoy the server as sith so we got hunted and shut down from most RP and the ROE made it hard for people even wanting to leave the base.

I think it would be great if sith was added back because it was only reason I still came on the server but I think no one would really change and people would just dick us over again .

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true but for those that took it seriously and actualy roleplayed with it, it would make the server more intresting


Current: Just Some Guy
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