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Korm's Marshal Commander Application [Waived]


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I was waived for this, I gave it much thought and It’s always been an end-goal of mine to run for Marshal Commander, I have the experience but didn’t meet the rank requirements so I had to get waived. Here it goes, It won’t be super fancy, not gonna put any bells and whistles on it, just give the straight facts. Thanks for reading. ❤️


Steam Name: Korm

RP Name: Null-6 Lieutenant Kom’rk Skirata

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18305751

   Brigade you are applying for: Marshal Commander of the Grand Army of the republic.


 104th: 104th is and was my battalion at heart, I don’t know most of the new guys in it and that’s on me but I can always make up to that soon, and I plan on it regardless of the outcome of this application. It was the first I joined, and it was the one that helped me shape up and because of Zyner, Black, Square, JBfox, and many others, I decided not to just see what was up and then leave, which was my original plan in 2017.

They made me want to stay. I was with them for about a few good months. I was with them from PVT to TRO WPO ARCO Captain Korm. (then I learned the server had Null, which are some of my favorite characters.) I led events with them, even followed NCO’s that I saw fit to lead the events, as that was my job as a Senior NCO and officer, I also delegated authority to those who deserved it and earned it.

Kom’rk Skirata: Sadly, I left the 104th family as a trooper, but remained with them in heart, soul, and Comms. I got Kom’rk on December 21st, 2017 I remained the 104th’s outreach and led them on Many events. After about a month and a half of being Kom’rk Apache left Ordo and Cipher picked me to be his second-hand man, leading too.

Ordo Skirata: Cipher picked me to be his second-hand man and do Tryouts to revive Null, which I feel I did, I was Ordo for about a month and a half, remained 104th’s Outreach and did events, drills with them as both Ordo and Kom’rk. Led null in combat, did tryouts, did passive RP people knew me as Ordo and loved me. Then It went to.

Kal Skirata: February 10th, 2017, I was accepted to be Kal Skirata. I didn’t pick an outreach, because I felt it was not necessary for “Papa Kal” to pick one squad of clones to hang out and do stuff with, as he was a man that cared for ALL clones, but I did help every SOBDE Along with Woeny as his time as Regimental, and Square when he was Senior, I even helped out other battalions with RP, some training, etc. Maybe some of you remember Null drills, I do, I invited lots of people and it was fun, I hope they had fun too.

 I did plenty of passive rp during. I like to take credit for saving Null from the chopping block when Joah was thinking of removing it along with Ion. (which later became Foxtrot) But I think he came to that conclusion on his own, or maybe some other people helped with influencing him, No idea, but it led to great times amongst SOBDE.

I helped every SOBDE commander and Every S&S senior when I was in SOBDE. I helped all from Bananaberry to now Marvel with various things in the regiment. I’m constantly striving to make it a better place.

Bail Organa: I was bail for a good few months as well, I have done events as Bail Organa. Like a Negotiator, as a hostage, as someone leading the forces, etc. I had fun as Bail maybe one day I’ll return and do it some more… who knows.

SOBDE Regimental: I was SOBDE reg for an entire term, served with Black as Specialized and SOBDE Senior, we had a good deal going. I continued to do exactly as I’ve always done. Helped people. During events If there was no Naval, I’d call Defcons, and so on. Debriefs, you name it.

I was there taking command as a commanding officer should, and it’s been a great experience, but we all got to move forward, even if it’s in a new and challenging position. It’s something new, exciting and fresh. It’s bound to give you a new perspective on things.

Niner Skirata: Nade, the current Cody was Niner at this time and then he went for SOBDE regimental and got it, I was Kal skirata once again at this time and I decided to run for Niner because the directors were going to start considering outsiders to run a squad in SOBDE, we in SOBDE don’t mind outsiders hanging out or trying out but them running for a squad leader is a different story. I helped Omega for an entire term until Turbine was ready and able to apply, which he became a great Niner, one of the best I’ve seen to this day.


I was in 41st for a bit on my secondary clone to help Egg(When he was Gree) and 41st. Then I went to CG to help Panzer and CG for a fair bit. I feel I have made good friends and learned some valuable experiences joining battalions outside of my standard “specialized or SOBDE” from back in the day. I feel my time in the other battalions were great for me and helped me learn more about the server’s battalions and how they work. As did my time as Kal and Rping throughout the server as various characters and just being around as Papa Korm to hang out, talk and do things with people.

 I got into 327th for a bit and helped them out for a small while when I returned from my house burning down.

MRP Army commander: Synergy released MRP, then I applied for Commander of the U.S Army. I helped run that, get everything up and running for the future which sadly didn’t last long. I wrote the manual, wrote the training document, did the promotions promoted RP, etc, you name it I was there to help with that, but sadly in MRP people only wanted to RDM, which upset me so I left that and soon after it was shut down.

Why should you become a Marshal Commander?: A vast amount of experience, my willingness to help those are willing to accept my help and my can-do attitude. I feel I’d make an excellent Marshal Commander because of these reasons and more. I’ll work tirelessly to help fix any problems that may arise during my tenure if accepted and even if I don’t. I feel the server needs to be fixed, and I believe I am a good candidate for that because I work hard to fix things.

 It goes fine for a while then falls apart. I feel I can accomplish a lot in the time I will be Marshal Commander. I feel it’s time I put my hat in the ring and offer my expertise of a vast amount of things to help fix many issues that might come up. I’m always willing to learn both sides of every story before just going out and pinning all the blame on someone just because a higher-up said so. I’ve met many corrupt higher-ups in my past, both IRL and on this server and other games too.

 I also would like to become Marshal because I know how to handle situations, I love to help people. Even when I go on LOA’s people somehow still need my help, I may fake a groan, but in reality? I love it. Gives me a sense of purpose. I have seen what it takes and know what it takes to make a good leader. My years of being on Synergy has given me the knowledge of knowing the importance of communication, clear decisions, and enforcement of the rules that can create good leaders.

 I know I can help EVERYONE out. If I see a battalion struggling, I’ll focus most of my effort there, but I will not ignore the others. I will aid them too where, and when needed. I always take my responsibility seriously and I will continue to do so regardless of the outcome of this application.

   Do you understand the lore of the Grand Army?: From A to Z, from 501st to Dooms Unit, I know them all.

   Availability: 3-5 hours a day. I used to take Sundays off so I wouldn’t get bored and want to stop playing GMOD, but it appears I can’t do that because I’m needed to help. Heh.

   Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: People say I was a great Kal Skirata. Many 104th commanders, back in the day thought I was a great Officer in this battalion during my time there, I’m a nice guy, which is from my motto. “ Treat others the way you want to be treated”. So I treated them with respect and they showed it in kind, seems to have worked.

 I’ve helped out 41st for awhile my second clone, and I’ve been with CG for a bit too, When I left about a year ago and came back and I got to know all the other battalions during my time in Synergy.

 I occasionally talk to every other Battalion outside of my Regiment. I’ve been Bail Organa for a few months, I played him regularly. When I was bail I would walk around the ship, do some passive RP with troopers here and there, did events if people ask me to.

 Worked my way up from New Admin to now Head Admin. I was TRM for awhile. Possibly TRD material from what I was told. Was a GMC for a few weeks with Zyner, We set in place some rules that are still used today. Such as NPC health. Yep, that was me.

   Do you have a microphone?: Yeep.

   Where do you want the Grand Army to be at the end of your term?: Very strong relationships between battalions. Strong relationships with the Jedi Order as well. I want the GAR to be what it was known as. A great military force amongst the universe that was sent forth to fight tyranny and be a force to be reckoned with. I want the enemies of the republic to crumble to their knees at the sheer might, the advanced training and arsenal of the Galatic Army of the Republic.

 I want all regiments to be exactly where they should be. Great friends, or in this case brothers who know how to deal with situations that will be thrown at them.

 Attack Battalions: I want them to be known as the reason they’re called attack battalions, and why we send them to do what they do best. Why they are a Minotaur in a china shop.

Recon Battalions: I want them to be recognized as the reconnaissance force of our server, and that they’re special in their own way. Why we use them for recon work, quick and effective work.

Specialized Battalions: I want the enemies of the GAR to know why we have forces like Shock Troopers, Why we have the mechanized 104th. Why Dooms unit ain't nothin’ to mess with. Why the 21st Nova Corps is a typhoon of power.

SOBDE: I want SOBDE to be known as their name. Special Operations Brigade. Did we get a tough situation? We send in the RC’s. The Null Class Arcs. Do we have an uprising on a planet? We send in Bad Batch to quell that. They’re special forces, we should use them as such.

   How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?: During my tenure on Synergy and my spots in SOBDE, I held things called Null drills. We would go to the Event server, set up a drill such as fire practice, grenade practice, etc. Shooting from behind cover, you name it, we did it. We had fun and others said they enjoyed it as well. I plan on improving the GAR relations with similar drills.

I want to set up combat scenario simulations for every battalion and their specialty and see how they do at that, offer input on how to fix any errors I may see and offer my advice on places they can improve. I have a list of things I’ve been wanting to do and this could be a way for me to get started.

One idea is having, for instance, 212th and Dooms Unit work together in a sim to seige a location, secure it and deal with various amounts of things that I will throw at them. Ranging from “Suddenly a bomb!” to “Oh no, it’s raining acid that eats through armor. What do you do?” Stuff like this is what I have planned to make sure relations are great between every regiment and every battalion.

   Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I am familiar with this rule, yes.

   Do you understand that your position has a two-month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Marshal commander rank?: Yes, I am familiar with this rule too.

  • Agree 2
  • Winner 1
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+1 Papa Kal is home! 


Honestly I remember good old days when we were both going for Null and were in the same time. I remember when they failed me and a minute later i see an advert that u got Kom'rk. Those were days i do miss and will miss. Hope u get it papa. 

U owe my support. 

  • Agree 1

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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+1 He was the man we turned to when the night was darkest. 

Korm has been an inspiration today and is fine man to be marshal. He was my first Squad lead in SOBDE when he was Kal for the whatever number of time it was. It feels kinda weird to be Kal now and have him in my squad but i solely believe he’ll do an excellent job. Good luck, Korm’buir.

Edited by Tinovious

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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He was the best and only kal when I was SOBDE REG and S&S Senior. I know he's tried for high command before in hopes of achieving his goals, but now maybe he can get it for real. Go on then big man. (and don't send pictures of your fucking toe ever again ❤️)

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  Korm is a great SOBDE memeber, he's consistently mature and around. He has some solid ideas and I'd like to see what he can do with the position. I'm also in support of helping people achieve their goals on the server that they deserve. Go for it, Korm.

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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Now neutral is not a thing anymore 

however I’d like to bring up some points and remain voteless 

- You got burned out from sobde reg quick

- you just came back

- black is going for marshal and he’s been grinding for a while

Now I’m not doubting your ability or anything of the sort, I know you’re 100% capable of rocking the job, but take some time enjoy the server old man! Good luck. 


  • Agree 3

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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-1 Yea uh, I mean your a nice and cool guy I guess, but Black is, in my opinion, a better candidate. He's probably one of the best Regimental Commanders this server has ever seen. He's been doing training's within his regiments almost everyday and one time did a training with battalions outside the recon regiment.  And yea, you'd probably be a great Marshal you have way more than enough experience for it, but you kinda just came back and Black has been putting in the current work needed for the spot. You both are great candidates, you've done a lot of work in the past, but that's in the past, whereas Black has been grinding and climbing up the ladder currently and, I'm my opinion, he's the better candidate. Please don't take this as me attacking you your a great guy I've seen you in action, but those are the reasons on why I -1 you. But still good luck though. If you do get it then congrats. 

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He's by far the better candidate. The man proved himself as a leader of leaders. Look at each member that came from his squad. They all proved to be leaders in their own right because of his oversight in their time on the server. As a marshal commander, being able to nurture people's leadership is more important then the amount of time you've "grinded" on the server.

Edited by Thexan
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+1 This man is literally a legend in synergy’s history. He has the most experience out of any body I know, and could run this position like a piece of cake. And if you really wanted the truth from me, I think you’re honestly a way better candidate for this spot in my eyes, and I believe you would be super successful as a Marshal Commander. Korm is one of the nicest guys I know, active, and Is totally fit for this by all means. You have so many goals to achieve as a marshal commander, and I would really like to see how they work out and how they benifit the server as a whole. I wish you the best of luck my pod brother.

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+1 Good Luck

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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Head Admin

+1, give me all your money tho man.

  • Agree 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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I have worked with korm for awhile in the past and when he is actually set on something and not burnt out he is one of the most reliable and realistic guys you could ask for to hold a position of power. I got to give a huge +1 here. As he stated this is a goal that he always wanted to reach so you know he will take it seriously.

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Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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Korm's one of the most the mature and respectful people i have ever met, He was legit the best example of Kal Skirata and SOBDE in general. He isn't cocky nor the Bragger type. He helped SOBDE so much that in my eyes he's the reason SOBDE went towards the direction its headed towards rn, He always helped me out whenever i asked or brought it. He has so much experience and an attitude of that a Marshal. I'd be extremely Delighted to see you as our Marshall, Old man. 




well written app btw

Edited by Mist
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  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Korm is one of the greatest and most experienced members of this community. He has seen many of its ups and downs throughout his time and formed many bonds with many people. His ability to keep a calm and cool head during difficult times and situations, and also he is able to remove himself from said situation to look at the bigger picture to best judge how to go about solving the problem that benefits everyone. Korm is a very dedicated and determined individual who completes any and all tasks that he puts his mind to and creates some incredible work out of it. I not only respect him as a leader but as a person, even though I might not know him all too well, I have NEVER had a bad experience with him and I have yet to hear of anyone else that has either. I believe that in this race, Korm is the better candidate because of his ability to keep a cool head, step in when he needs to, has large amounts of respect for everyone, and is an incredible leader.

With that, I give my full support and +1 and wish you luck.

Edited by Egg
The actual paragraph didnt load
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Korm is literally master oogway in disguise, Korm is very mature and has the expirence and attitude to be a good Marshal, He is one of the few people who i truely have respect for.

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Now this guy is an epic gamer. I like the way he thinks. +1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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You're well experienced and seem able to handle a HC postion. The things that worry me however is firstly your pressence. From me talking to US players I get the impression of you just coming back and not being around to much and I myself have not seen you at all, Granted I'm EU timezone so that would make sense but from what other US players tells me it's still a worry. My biggest concern however is how you would fit in with the current HC. In HC we work closly together and I can say for a fact that I trust the judgement and skills of my fellow memebers of HC, however when it comes to you then I know little to nothing about you. What I do know is that you're considerd a SO BDE lad as others state aswell and that you recently came back. For HC it would be alot better if we had a Marshall that we're already used to working with, and in this aspect the other candidate has you dead to rights. Another thing is that if you're gonna be the Marshall CMD you're gonna be working with us REGs closely, and a thing that conserns me is that you never reached out to atleast 2 out of the 3 REG CMDs and talked about this bid for Marshall and picking our minds about It which is in my opinion should be considerd a standard.  You sound like a great guy and you're well experienced but it would be the best for HC if we have a Marshall CMD that we're used to working with and who we can trust with his past work in this current HC and that does not fit you in my opinon, but it does fit Black.





Edited by Omalic

 Papa Kal

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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED for interview

Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 9/29/2019 or your application will be DENIED


//moved to Pending


i am literally captain tukk

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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED as our newest Marshal Commander!

Your term will end on 11/27/2019

//moved to accepted


i am literally captain tukk

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