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Dennis Resignation


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Name: Dennis 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86273369

Staff Rank: Former HA and now SA

Were you VIP: yes


Reason for leaving: I've done nothing since day one of joining this community but try to help people and improve the community. I have taken the criticism and people have given I have pushed past all of the people who have tried to hold me back and keep me in a place that didn't think I could do anything. I have spent hours pouring over event ideas and creating a great time for people when they come on the server. I have turned down real-life friends to play on the server and make sure people that I barely know have fun and have something to do. Since day one of my RP as a CT I have been a no-bullshit guy and I'm not going to take some dumb shit from anyone. If people are going to all get in a group and complain about what I am doing to try to help the server then I am clearly not needed or wanted as a staff member. For the attitude problem that has been cited before I have worked on it and well it wasn't quick enough to do it for the large group of retards that have 2 IQ in this community. This is honestly one of the dumbest things to happen and was the last straw in all reality im not going to return to staff in a very long time. Thanks to all of the people who were there with me from day one in staff. Marvel and Sanchez, it isn't you its the idiots in the community who like to bandwagon and all do the same thing cuz this guy is doing it. Agent your gonna do great things man keep up the great work. To all of the other HA’s love you boys a long time and to the other VA’s keep working hard and good luck. I'm just going to focus on my battalion to prove everyone wrong so see ya in a bit losers. 

@Agent@Marvel@Sanchez Resident@Snadvich

Farewells: Snadvich I don't think you're a bad guy at all just think the things went about wasn't the best and good luck with Jedi. 
Forgot to add this but im still Doom. Just leaving staff.

Edited by Dennis
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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Head Admin





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Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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I'm sad now, I was there when you was a SA but I know you can do great things as Doom *cough* go for 4 terms *cough* but no matter what you where one of the best people to hang out with and to talk to as well. Hope life goes well for you and your 7 foot tall self. Also became a Star in you now what from. Like your high school friend 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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11 minutes ago, Bbstine said:


Come take a seat in the kitty kennel cutie


Edited by Dennis
  • Funny 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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o7 Since Day one of me being staff you have done nothing but push me and inspire me to be the best me I can be. thank you for helping me as a GM and pushing me to make my best events. I have held no hard feelings towards you from any sit you did as my HA or my GMO, and I will make sure that Your Sith attacks lives on. you will be missed I have and will aways respect you see you around the server.

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When I was the new guy on the block Dennis was the one always there for me and helped me out anyway he can. He helped me become the great staff member I was today even encouraging me to go for Boss. He did a shit ton for the server and he should be given the credit that he deserves. Lately the staff team has been kinda *FeelsBadMan* so I know where you are coming from. With all that being said you'll be back one day. I'll be waiting for you to get you back on track. Take it easy man o7.

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You're not wrong about the community, they can be entitled, selfish, and straight up toxic. But it's something I've gotten used to and try to work around, but i know it's hard to ignore it. I have to take breaks cause of it, so I don't blame you for dropping it as a whole.

Anyways, you had your moments that made me a little sketch, and i never had a solid friendly convo with you, but in my eyes you were the only good / reasonable doom after me and I hope to see you continue to work as such, and were one of the HAs that at least  tried to achieve something better. Wish you luck in whatever you do.

Edited by Jayarr
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o7 squared, this man got VA (after 7 million years) than HA and was the most productive HA i've seen(sorry other HA's :( ). He is a true pro gamer,  always love his events, especially the abeloth ones as we actually lost for once, which someone else stated but it was tiring of always winning ya know? o7 once more.

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I mean, on one hand, I liked you. You were funny, active, and willing to help. On the other hand though, you have done, at least recently that I can point out, some sketchy shit. This sort of a resignation defeats what you claim your goal was, which was to help the community. Good luck sir, and I hope you feel better without the ability to do any sort of sketchy things, and get back to what is important, and that is enjoying yourself.

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13 hours ago, Dennis said:



Name: Dennis 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86273369

Staff Rank: Former HA and now SA

Were you VIP: yes


Reason for leaving: I've done nothing since day one of joining this community

Fixed that for you. GLHF man. Keep in touch. 



Am joking. 

Edited by Fizzik
Made it more obvious it was a joke (should've been obvious anyway)
  • Funny 1

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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On 9/9/2019 at 11:13 AM, Fizzik said:

Fixed that for you. GLHF man.

??? He has spent so long making events and making sure everyone has a good time lol. To say he has done nothing since day one of joining this community is just being toxic and is just downright wrong. Yes he did mess around at times but it was mostly in good spirit.

my dumbass thought he was serious 

To Dennis big o7 

You were such a fucking hard worker and Im sorry this happened to you. I hope to see you around man. 


Edited by Beast
clarified my thought
  • Agree 1

Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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11 minutes ago, Beast said:

??? He has spent so long making events and making sure everyone has a good time lol. To say he has done nothing since day one of joining this community is just being toxic and is just downright wrong. Yes he did mess around at times but it was mostly in good spirit.


To Dennis big o7 

You were such a fucking hard worker and Im sorry this happened to you. I hope to see you around man. 


Some people are just actual dent babies i guess

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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15 minutes ago, Beast said:

??? He has spent so long making events and making sure everyone has a good time lol. To say he has done nothing since day one of joining this community is just being toxic and is just downright wrong. Yes he did mess around at times but it was mostly in good spirit.


To Dennis big o7 

You were such a fucking hard worker and Im sorry this happened to you. I hope to see you around man. 


It's a joke lmao. I know how much he's done. 

Edited by Fizzik

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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Head Admin
1 hour ago, Fizzik said:

Fixed that for you. GLHF man. Keep in touch. 



Am joking. 


dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby 

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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for anyone else who was wondering why i left. WEll first i was demoted and the directors words were this " You have ruined the high staff name on the server and made it a joke, you have an anger issue and need to calm down". After this i decided that i was tired of being tossed around like an unwanted stepchild and im not going to waste my time, with people who don't want me there in high staff or the community. 

  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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17 minutes ago, Rohan said:


dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby 

It was a joke. Lmao. I know how much he's done. 

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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Head Admin
Just now, Fizzik said:

It was a joke. Lmao. I know how much he's done. 

I know but 


Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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1 hour ago, Dennis said:

for anyone else who was wondering why i left. WEll first i was demoted and the directors words were this " You have ruined the high staff name on the server and made it a joke, you have an anger issue and need to calm down". After this i decided that i was tired of being tossed around like an unwanted stepchild and im not going to waste my time, with people who don't want me there in high staff or the community. 

I know one high staff who has definite anger issues and hasn’t been dealt with, actually two, won’t say any names but that’s a BS reason, starting to look like icefuse Staff BS over here now too. Anyway o7, I think you were a great staff member and better than the majority of previous HA’s, since most of them when you needed them were like fuck off or were just ignoring you while in game they were moving around and free, and for that shitty reason of the high staff being a joke, it’s been a joke for quite a while no offense, I can name multiple people who have made it that way and have basically been handed a rank, I personally think it was a absolutely dumb and idiotic move to remove you for the shittiest reason on the planet, that’s the type of reason I’ll pull out of my ass because I can’t think of anything, I’m sorry for what has happened to you and to others as well who have just been shit on basically, and I expect a high staff to respond on this post and try to explain everything and fail like usual.


3 hours ago, Thexan said:

I mean, on one hand, I liked you. You were funny, active, and willing to help. On the other hand though, you have done, at least recently that I can point out, some sketchy shit. This sort of a resignation defeats what you claim your goal was, which was to help the community. Good luck sir, and I hope you feel better without the ability to do any sort of sketchy things, and get back to what is important, and that is enjoying yourself.

And he can still help out the community, doesn’t have to be staff to help out, doesn’t necessarily require to be something staff related, one can still make the community better by making others better.

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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  • Founder
On 9/9/2019 at 11:38 AM, Piff said:

I know one high staff who has definite anger issues and hasn’t been dealt with, actually two, won’t say any names but that’s a BS reason, starting to look like icefuse Staff BS over here now too. Anyway o7, I think you were a great staff member and better than the majority of previous HA’s, since most of them when you needed them were like fuck off or were just ignoring you while in game they were moving around and free, and for that shitty reason of the high staff being a joke, it’s been a joke for quite a while no offense, I can name multiple people who have made it that way and have basically been handed a rank, I personally think it was a absolutely dumb and idiotic move to remove you for the shittiest reason on the planet, that’s the type of reason I’ll pull out of my ass because I can’t think of anything, I’m sorry for what has happened to you and to others as well who have just been shit on basically, and I expect a high staff to respond on this post and try to explain everything and fail like usual.


And he can still help out the community, doesn’t have to be staff to help out, doesn’t necessarily require to be something staff related, one can still make the community better by making others better.

I find it extremely comedic that you think this is like the icefuse high staff even the slightest bit. Also you should check your facts before slandering a high staff team that puts in time to operate a server for YOUR enjoyment.

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On 9/9/2019 at 1:38 PM, Piff said:

I know one high staff who has definite anger issues and hasn’t been dealt with, actually two, won’t say any names but that’s a BS reason, starting to look like icefuse Staff BS over here now too. Anyway o7, I think you were a great staff member and better than the majority of previous HA’s, since most of them when you needed them were like fuck off or were just ignoring you while in game they were moving around and free, and for that shitty reason of the high staff being a joke, it’s been a joke for quite a while no offense, I can name multiple people who have made it that way and have basically been handed a rank, I personally think it was a absolutely dumb and idiotic move to remove you for the shittiest reason on the planet, that’s the type of reason I’ll pull out of my ass because I can’t think of anything, I’m sorry for what has happened to you and to others as well who have just been shit on basically, and I expect a high staff to respond on this post and try to explain everything and fail like usual.


And he can still help out the community, doesn’t have to be staff to help out, doesn’t necessarily require to be something staff related, one can still make the community better by making others better.

Even though high staff here are stupid high staff on icefuse is like going to school in the slums of Havana 

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13 minutes ago, Square said:

I find it extremely comedic that you think this is like the icefuse high staff even the slightest bit. Also you should check your facts before slandering a high staff team that puts in time to operate a server for YOUR enjoyment.

i said "IT'S STARTING TO LOOK LIKE ICEFUSE HIGH STAFF" You aren't there yet.

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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o7 I will always miss helping you with your events, in my opinion they were the best ones and took alot of thinking to create. but you will still be stuck with my ass around bugging you half to death about random shit.


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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