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Marvel's Kal Skirata Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] Marvel [HA]

RP Name:

Delta Three-Eight “Boss”



Battalion or Squad you are applying for:

Null-Class ARC


August 12th, 2018 - September 9th, 2018

Upon joining the server I decided that I would stick it as a CT PVT. I went through a few names before choosing Elevator when we moved to Extensive. In those three months I spent my time running around shooting stuff and roleplaying.
I also got VIP and joined Naval and Jedi mostly so that I could bypass the rank rule for TR and tryout. I ended up enjoying them both and played them every so often to RP some more. I got an NCO rank in Naval and made it to Padawan in Jedi around this time. I am now a Knight Initiate in the Order.

11/09/2018 - 01/11/2019

One day I decided to show up to some SOBDE tryouts back on Extensive. I arrived at the Hangar Bay and lined up as CT PVT 2518 Sev, participated in a few rounds and passed on my fourth try. At the time my squad consisted of JBFox as Boss, Bananaberry as Scorch, myself as Sev, and later on Pythin as Fixer. At the time in SOBDE we did TECH, EOD, and MED trainings as requirements so I did my best to assist my Squad in our weekly requirements. We also had the old Outreach Program and Delta was outreached to all SPEC Battalions. I assisted CG at the time in their Drill Team. In real life at the time I was working a job with really flexible hours and I played for an actual unhealthy amount of time and I would find myself alone for a lot of it due to me staying on after everyone got off, or being up to when everyone was going to work or school. I ended up burning myself out and didn't know what to do so I decided to take my leave as Sev and try out a regular Battalion.

01/11/2019 - 01/26/2019

After leaving Delta Squad I tried out for the 501st. I thought it would be a good Battalion to try out so I showed up with a friend of mine. We got in and I was given the option to come in at a higher rank due to me being inside SOBDE just an hour earlier. Since my reasoning for joining the 501st was to try something new, I declined any rank transfer and started from the bottom. In the two weeks inside the 501st I managed to go from a Private to Master Sergeant, become a Jet Trooper Trainer, and get Recruiter of the Month. Though in the second week I had decided that I messed up by leaving SOBDE and decided that I would like to go back so I then showed up to some more SOBDE tryouts.

01/26/2019 - 5/14/2019

I showed up to a few rounds of Null ARC Tryouts and managed to pass on my fourth try. I originally came in as Mereel but quickly switched with the A'den at the time as I thought being the different one would be fun. A few weeks passed and I realized okay, A'den might be green.... but his loadout kinda sucks. I ended up switching back to Mereel and enjoyed having a big gun and expensive candy. Back then the SOBDE Outreach Program was a bit different and I had the option of selecting who I wanted to be my Outreach. Due to my experience with the 501st and having some friends in there I decided to choose them. I say I did a fairly decent job at keeping up my Outreach work but at the time we were slowly dropping having to do the trainings. A little while later some stuff went down in SOBDE. I was moved to Kom'rk when it was all figured out so that we would have an active Squad Medic. The Outreach Program was changed so that each Squad and Null ARC was locked to one specific Battalion. As Kom'rk I was locked to 327th and was only getting set up with them when I was promoted to Ordo, the XO of Null. Being Ordo switched my Outreach to Shock and I have tried to assist in their Drill Team like I did back as Sev but since then I have gotten a new job that took a lot of my time up at first. When I got Ordo I assisted Kal with the Squad and was shown the ins and outs of how things work.

5/14/2019 - Present

Delta got into a little spot back when I was Ordo and I decided to step up and run for Boss. I got the position and believe I have done a really good job with the Squad. My original Squad that I came into ended up choosing new paths and I managed to fill Delta with new faces quickly and have kept it like that for the majority of my term. I am very proud of how Delta has turned out and I know my predecessor will continue to keep it that way or even make it better. (I have a predecessor btw. Mans got experience) I have kept the Squad full and active, and the current roster has been held to the highest of standards. They RP as a Squad and as their specific characters to the best of their abilities and I am very proud of Delta. I had much more planned for Delta but sadly I feel like Null needs someone to step in and help them out just like Delta did back then. (Deja Vu) As always, Delta can always come to me for help and if they need anything at all, I will always be available.

11/16/2019 - Present

I decided to apply for Staff shortly after getting Sev due to majority of SOBDE being staff and the trend does continue and majority if not all of the new people that join SOBDE soon apply for Staff. I have worked from New Admin to Head Admin in the time I have been in Staff and am a Game Master Manager.


CT PVT for 3 months

Naval NCO

Current Jedi Knight Initiate

Delta Squad Sev for 2 months

501st NCO/JTT for 2 weeks (Got recruiter of the month of January too)

Null ARC for 3 months  (Ordo/XO since 02/26/2019)

Current Delta Squad Lead

Current Head Admin and GMM

Why should you become Battalion Commander/Squad Lead?

Well I already am for starters. I feel like I am doing a pretty solid job and have managed to do what I said I would for Delta and believe I can do the same with Null. I have a replacement for myself and have full confidence in his ability to continue what I have laid out for Delta. Null needs help and they need someone to step in and do so. I should have the opportunity to do so.

Do you understand the lore of your Battalion or Squad?



Everyday after work. Sometimes on my lunch break!

Estimate of how long you have played on Synergy Roleplay?

| Delta Three-Eight ''Boss'' has played for 4389:07:51.

Do you have a microphone?


Where do you want your Battalion or Squad to be at the end of your term?

Hopefully I don’t have to go help another Squad in the middle of my term lmao

But yeah,

Like stated in my Boss App,

I want to ensure the professionalism, longevity and activity of Null by the end of my term.

I will treat Null the same as I have treated Delta. No fuck ups, no inactives, a zero strike system. Null are the top of the food chain when it comes to the Clone Army. I want Null to be exactly that on the server. The best they can be in all areas needed. Although they aren't the nicest of people when it comes to the Clone Army I do want to ensure that they aren't being complete dicks just because they can be. They should not be causing any unnecessary problems IC and OOC. They will need to understand that they will be held to the highest of standards as a Null-Class ARC Trooper. Those standards being equal to that of a true Mandalorian and an ARC Trooper of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from the position?


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Commander rank?




I really do not want to leave Delta Squad as I did have a lot more planned for the Squad but Null needs help and I do have someone to replace me and keep Delta going. Like I stated above, if they need anything (and this applies to everyone in SOBDE really) I am always here for them. I will continue to support Delta even while helping Null and this applies for all of SOBDE.

I am saying this again for those who do not like to read apps :/

  • Winner 1


i am literally captain tukk

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Man's my best friend. Man should join Omega Squad :( But man is the best guy in the running, He's doing this for Null and SOBDE as a whole. Was a great Boss and He'll be a great Kal too. Massive +1 from me.

Edited by Tinovious

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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+1. Knows what to do and how to do it especially at 3 ante meridiem 

  • Winner 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Outta nowhere but yes


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Freakin power players man 


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+1 pogU

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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