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Joe's Recon Regimental Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] XSilentJoe [SA]

RP Name:

TR 91st JetL Med Commander Joe

Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞


Regiment you are applying for:

Recon Regimental Commander


Time in Icefuse (before Synergy was made) 2016-2017

Galactic Marines (Pvt-Captain)

During my first time joining a Garry's mod server, I manage to pass tryouts for the Galactic Marines, A Battalion famous for its high professionalism, serious RP, as well as Elite tactics and training as well as it Battalion Commander Bacara who I seen come and go, (Forseen, Medic, Gene, Trifero, etc.) All of them I learned a good amount of knowledge and experience when it comes to commanding the troops as well as leading them in an event as they have overseen me doing so, and have been promoting me for all my hard work and dedication to the battalion all the way up to captain to which I remained, during my time in the Galactic Marines, I was made the Elite Trooper Lead and was responsible for training my troopers are more proficient tactics and skills along with demolition and clearing rooms. My rank as Captain allowed me to take part in overseeing the NCO's to make sure they were doing tryouts and not making any faulty mistakes during training, my commanders have taught me how to be a good leader as well as the skills with it which include motivating troopers and inspiring them to become better and strive for excellence and that is what they always do. My time in the Galactic Marines had taught me skills and values that I believe all battalions should live by, Professionalism, Honor, Respect, and Integrity. It was very hard for me to leave the battalion as I wanted a new experience. 

Fifth Fleet Security (Sgt-BCMD)

After transferring out of the Galactic Marines to 5th Fleet, I was a Sargent due to rank transfer terms and shown initiative as well as consideration for my battalion members due to the slight numbers of leadership roles aside from the BCMD and XO , as most of the other officers were inactive at the time, (No offence to those i am referring to, IRL stuff is more important and I don't blame them) The BCMD soon resigned due to personal reason and so did other leadership, thus a decision was made by a higher up that I was to become XO after showing a huge concern for our battalions numbers i began to start promoting people to their respective ranks, created a new tryout doc for everyone to refer to as well as to make other documents involving training my men how to deal with certain situations in a professional manner rather than auto arresting and to always issue out warning before making an arrest, this has brought other battalions to respect and appreciate us more as i have received many comments as to how i commanded the battalion. During this time now I had received the rank of Commander of 5th fleet which was a huge honor to have and one not to be taken for granted. I immediately started to worked alongside my men for new ideas on how we can better improve the battalion as well as with working closely with Naval, doing this created plenty of opportunities within 5th Fleet such as Interrogations, updating security records, etc. All of this helped increased our numbers and maintain peace and order on the Venator, To sum it all up, i helped a battalion that was in the mud and raised it into something with a lot more potential and shown to work plenty of times with documents. 


Another thing to note, as a 5th Fleet commander, I was given a role in Naval as well as Chief Quarter Master title, which means i had to make armor checks on battalions from the heads, chest, arms, and legs, their weaponry as well as any special equipment, after inspections i would have to make reports in the documents, another one of my roles as Naval was to lead during an event should no higher rank be on, thus allowing me to lead battalions from point A to B and to issue out Defcons, I believe this was an important role and experience for me to have for applying for this position as it allows me to know how to manage battalions.

Time in Synergy Roleplay 2017

501st Attack Battalion (2ndLT)

During my switch over from Icefuse to Synergy, I was given the chance to fight along side the 501st who at the time were being commanded by Kain, Jackson, and Wooeny. who were all great commanders and was happy to give them my abilities I have learned from my previous experience, overseeing tryouts, or handling any situation that would involve an officer, I will admit that I wasn't there for long as I soon gained a High command Position

Attack Regimental Commander (2 terms)

During my two terms as an Attack regimental I have lead the finest troopers from the attack battalion such as the 501st, the 212th, 101st, 104th, and my personal favorite the Galactic Marines as they were at their best during the terms I had, all battalions had stable numbers, good leaders, and were very successful, during that time, I was the most active regimental on the server who hosted sims for all battalions and interacted with the troopers regardless of where they came from, I hosted meeting and dealt with in-fighting within in a battalion as well as helped out a battalion into getting them new leadership as their current leader was inactive along with helping them create documents and giving them my own input on how they should go about running the battalion which they soon would thrive to be successful. My two terms both ended on a positive note and therefore was urged to aim for the next big thing.

Senior Attack and Defense Brigade  Commander (1 term)

I have served one term as the Senior Commander of the Attack and Defense Brigade, After showing an outstanding job in my role as high command of all the attack battalions, I was urged to go for Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander role by many including Palpatine himself at the time (was Max), after passing the application and interview process I was given the amazing position, and I immediately went to work with all the battalions, making sure everyone was doing good, it be enlisted, Non-Commission Officers, Officers, and Commanders, all ranks held a great importance to me as they are what makes the battalion. I hosted simulations for all battalions to enjoy and improve on as it was always a good way to get them to come together and have fun while learning from each other on what they can improve. I have dealt with certain affairs during my time as Senior commander, one of them being the 212th Civil War, I dealt with the situation to the best of my abilities and only the individuals who didn't get their way were the only ones upset about it, I won't go into further detail as this is in the past and hope it remains there. Aside from all that, all battalions went on to be active and with a good amount of numbers. I also took part in the Commander Meetings and gave input and received input from other BCMDs on anything that was of concern and came up with a plan on who to deal with it efficiently All was well until I slowly become burned out after doing numerous TR tryouts daily every hour, as well as having to deal with staff situations, and those (In my opinion) awful back to back meetings on the weekends that involved Game master, Staff, and Trainer meetings. I was a stubborn person when it came to resigning from things, and I loved helping the server so I never resigned from those sections, and as days went by I slowly became inactive, from standing in the hallway or debrief to not being on the server or idling in another channel in TS. It was bad, and I will admit to it that I was inactive and should have resign, instead i took the worst route possible, Soon my term ended and I was in no way in any position to try for Marshal Commander or reapply for Senior Commander, I did however try to go back and do another Regimental Term, unfortunately it was denied and I decided to take a huge long break from the server. I Would also like to state that the only reason why I was a failure was ONLY due to inactivity.

-------Coming back to Synergy 2019-------

91st Recon Regimental (2ndLt-Commander)

After a long break from Garry's Mod, (I did try to make an attempt to come back only to find out I wasn't ready) I came back in the year of 2019, I was Honorary Captain or 2ndLT of the Galactic Marines at the time, so as I was strolling about unsure if I should commit myself to Synergy once more I came upon and old friend who offered me a rank transfer to join the 91st and decided to take him up on his offer as I decided a new experience was what I needed to come back to the server, it was more of a plus when I was told Technodad was apart of the 91st, I soon later found out that the battalion was in a state of being inactive due to low numbers despite the many attempts of it's officers and little NCO's. despite the odds, I made it my goal to help out the 91st as much as possible which I was promoted as a show for my work in the 91st, I would go out of my way to do NCO jobs such as Tryouts, and training others on patrols. When things are slow on the server I sometimes use the time I have (when no CT's are on)  to create sims, not only for myself, but for other battalions as well, such as the 41st and Rancor, Battalion Jedi, and any other troopers who wished to join as these sims were not just for my battalion, but for others to get involved in and learn from each other as I always do an After action report on what happened, what can be done better, improvements, comments, questions, concerns, and all that jazz as I said I would like for the troopers to learn from the sim rather than to run and gun it. I currently also hold the Jet Trooper Leader Role as it is the most popular role in the battalion that troopers go to, there I host tryouts for them as well as to teach them on how to use the Jetpack more effectively whenever possible. I also extended my arm out to help the battalion more by becoming apart of their intel team to work on their documents and recently been promoted to Officer. My currently goal is still as it is, To make the 91st big again, as all of us are working hard to make it so.

Bonus About me:

I also bring a good, outgoing, and professional attitude at all times, and when it comes to serious matters, i tend to be very persistent person such as messaging someone for an answer or following up with someone regarding a recent request or topic. Also I tend to be very active on the Synergy forums and constantly watch the website as well as have my google drive always open and ready to use.

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I wish to become a greater help to the community to those who serve in the recon battalion and any trouble that they may come across, it be from unfair officers, inactivity of a BCMD or it's officers, as well as any drama that may arises within that battalion, or lack of numbers in a battalion, I am willing to go out of my way to help the battalion in need no matter what loops I have  to go through to see it fixed, I have always strive for the interest in the community by making sure that the troopers under my command are fair and professional, I also would like to mention that I would enforce integrity into those who are under my command as honesty goes a long way and show you are willing to do the right thing even when no one is watching. More important I want to continue my effort in helping the 91st Recon Battalion as they have stumbled into hard time and I continue to make efforts to pick it back up on it's feet, My experience as not only a regimental commander but as a senior commander  as well will allow me to perform my duties to the best of my ability as being active is no longer an issue for me. I also want to mention that as a regimental commander I want to not only seclude myself to my battalions, but to extend my hand out to other battalions who are in need of my guidance, being a regimental commander doesn't mean you should hide away in your own groups, I want to show effort to go the extra miles for other battalions and let them know I am here for them. Of course I do not intend to abuse any of my power and never had in my previous experience as i was a well loved attack regimental due to the concern I have shown for others. and hope to continue to do so once getting regimental and lead the recon Battalions to success.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

As a Starwars fan, I do understand the lore of my regiment and would be happy to show my knowledge of it during the interview process. (Please bear in mind it is not required to put lore info in here as the Interview will make sure you know the lore.)


I am currently enlisted into the military which allows me to have a consistent time schedule which has me getting off work at 1500-1700  Mountain time,  I can be on for a good 5 hours almost every day as well and of course I would like to take time to myself on the weekends, but not every weekend, I will also be available on Teamspeak and Discord when ever something urgent comes up. As I believe communication is a big part in teamwork. Should anything arise in IRL I will put in an LOA or ROA so that others are aware of my time off however  I will advise them to message me if anything comes up that is urgent.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Synergy 2017

  • I worked myself up to the Rank of Training Officer. (TRO)
  • I grinded hard to achieve the rank of Veteran Admin on the Server. (Vet-Admin)
  • I contributed to the Server by becoming a Game Master to create Events.
  • I Become the First Attack Regimental Commander on the server. (1st person in accepted application in commander section)
  • I served two terms as Attack Regimental (before Terms were even put in place)
  • I Become the Second  Attack and Defense Brigade Commander on the server. (Billiam was 1st)
  • During my terms as High Command I had maintain stable numbers in all battalions.

Synergy 20``19

  • I regained my staff rank at the exception of going down one to Senior Admin. (Senior-Admin)
  • I have become a TR and am working to get TRO soon.
  • I am currently leader of the Jet Troopers.
  • Intel Officer for the 91st
  • Currently working to make the 91st big again (with also the help of others)

Do you have a microphone?:

I do have a working functional microphone.

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I would like my term to end with all battalion within my command to be in a healthy state as well as the community, I hope to see more teamwork with the recon battalions as well as positive feedback from the troopers in the battalions. The battalions themselves I hope to implement the chain of command as to help deal with trouble among the troopers in a battalion so that they don't stir up drama and resolve the issue in a civilized and professional manner, I would also like to see them constantly working with the troopers outside of their battalions and gaining more of a reputation for themselves as being a professional hard working battalion.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I would like to host commander meetings so that we may see where all battalions are at, the problems they face if any, and ideas on how to resolve those problems, I believe it is important that everyone learns and becomes open minded to criticism that anyone gives them as this can help improve their tactic and the performance of their battalions, I would also like to see about making sure battalion meeting are happening as this would be a chance for everyone to state any issues they may have, another thing I plan to do is have the battalion work alongside other battalions outside of their regiments as to build an outside bonding experience that can allow them to gain a positive reputation from others rather than the battalion keeping to itself and being able to rely on others for support. More importantly to be there with them during events and during no events, interacting with the troopers in training and letting them know that their regimental is there and motivate them in giving their best.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

I do understand that If I go inactive, I will be removed from my position as I have learned from my past mistaken and WILL not repeat them. That is a Promise. 

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

I understand.

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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Second man I had lined up to be recon reg. You and black are my strong and preferred picks. May the best man win.

  • Winner 1
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Neutral, I’m not saying you’re a bad person or anything, but I would try to at least help out your battalion with it’s current issues and prove that you can manage 3 battalions as Recon Regimental. If your goal is to make 91st big again too, than why are you leaving it, because 91st isn’t going to be the only battalion you’ll have to deal with.

Edited by Felix

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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7 minutes ago, Felix said:

 If your goal is to make 91st big again too, than why are you leaving it, because 91st isn’t going to be the only battalion you’ll have to deal with.

That is a good statement you brought up, However being Regimental Commander would not mean I sit back and forget about the 91st and let it's leaders do all the work, I mean I could, but my kind of character would not allow that sort of action, as a Regimental I can provide whatever assistance or guidance I please as long as it is in the best interest of the battalion. Also I have dealt with situations like this before and multi-tasking isn't an issue

With how things are looking right now, the 41st and Rancor are looking good if you ask me, but I wouldn't know for sure unless we had a meeting. I will say this though I can and will allocate my resources and time in a proper manner as needed.

  • Winner 1

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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+1 You won’t get the sick Black airborne armor tho

  • Friendly 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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+1 good luck may the best candidate win 

  • Friendly 1


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20 hours ago, Felix said:

Neutral, I’m not saying you’re a bad person or anything, but I would try to at least help out your battalion with it’s current issues and prove that you can manage 3 battalions as Recon Regimental. If your goal is to make 91st big again too, than why are you leaving it, because 91st isn’t going to be the only battalion you’ll have to deal with.

^ I know you answered it but this is my opinion 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Joseph, My good friend. It has been but a long time since your era in high command was strong and created a legacy for more to follow. I wish you the best of luck, this is a position worthy of someone like you. Wear the Armour with pride good sir.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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