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Removing /comms when they are down


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Name: Hayley

Suggestion: Removing access to /comms when they are down.

Lore: Both players and staff are complaining that players  aren't roleplaying properly. When communications are down players are still using /comms. Yes it might be a mistake, but then the ooc gets cluttered with people spamming COMMS ARE DOWN, and yet people still use /comms. Why not instead make it so that gamemasters+ and certain staff have access to it, so that when comms are down, there won't be anyway for people to do it by accident. Cause spamming ooc doesn't seem to work, people still do it even when you warn them. And then if you threaten an AOS people get all pissy at you. So why not make it so it won't be a problem? And then when comms are back give back access to the command /comms. And maybe a text in the middle of your screen can pop up saying comms are now online and comms are now offline.

Workshop content if applicable: Require development?
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

Edited by Hayley
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Simple fix. Just don't be dumb. If people accidentally do it, just remind them comms are down. You don't need to REEE at them in chat. This would be dumb because:
A. You are told to /comms Enroute! to a TR training and many have binds of that already. Comms are down, they have to take more time to advert it or rebind it to advert.
B. Gamemasters may forget to turn it off, causing major issues.
C. Staff may accidentally turn it on, causing major issues.
D. If using P.A System on a base, you would use comms or advert, and advert is supposed to be OOC

Overall, this could be fixed by just enforcing rules of when comms are down and punishing rulebreakers. No need to develop an addon to fix this simple issue.

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Former Ordo Skirata

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5 minutes ago, Eclipse said:


Simple fix. Just don't be dumb. If people accidentally do it, just remind them comms are down. You don't need to REEE at them in chat. This would be dumb because:
A. You are told to /comms Enroute! to a TR training and many have binds of that already. Comms are down, they have to take more time to advert it or rebind it to advert.
B. Gamemasters may forget to turn it off, causing major issues.
C. Staff may accidentally turn it on, causing major issues.
D. If using P.A System on a base, you would use comms or advert, and advert is supposed to be OOC

Overall, this could be fixed by just enforcing rules of when comms are down and punishing rulebreakers. No need to develop an addon to fix this simple issue.

We can change the /comms enroute to advert or OOC.
Don't give certain staff the ability.

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1. Decreases clutter in ooc (ex. COMMS ARE DOWN)
2. People who are afk or haven't been told comms are down, won't accidentally type in there.
3. Will add in more roleplay, making it a real event when comms are down, and people have to work to actually get them back up.
4. If text screens/overlay is added players won't need to ask if comms are up/down.

Maybe making a button in BCC for it, and only certain people/ranks have access to it. Or a certain command that certain people/ranks have access to. I don't think it will be abused, staff have access to a lot of responsibilities such as banning, muting, teleporting, and spawning in certain things, what makes you think they will abuse it? I have not seen many or close to any reports about staff abusing.

For those negatives:
1. TRs can use /advert Enroute!
2. Any risk of that is bound to happen with any command, with a mute of a player, a staff may forget to turn it off. A staff may forget to ban, someone may even forget to host a debrief.
3. Don't give access to any staff that aren't a gamemaster, or above.
4. Then good advert is out of character no need to worry about that then.
5. Sith and Event jobs should maybe have separate communications as players seem to metagame, and then we hear about it in ooc and that also gets cluttered. People keep saying its just a mistake, yet one after the other, even after ooc is spammed with COMMS DOWN, or DONT METAGAME, people still do it. So why not just fix that problem from the stem. People want more roleplay.

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Sounds like a lot of unnecessary time and development to implement a turn off switch for comms. A good idea don't get me wrong. But as mentioned previously, people just need to pay attention to comms and not be fucking dumb when the comms are clearly down. Plus, I'm sure for all the comms on the planet to be down. All the individual comms towers must be destroyed or deactivated.

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-1, people should have the common sense to know that when they are told by the GM or GH that COMMS ARE DOWN. MEANING THAT COMMS ARE DOWN.

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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This makes so much sense what are y’all on about? Sith only use /comms for PTL and that really about it. I imagine y’all can communicate through TS for that kind of things because disabling /comms for the sake of an event in my opinion is worth one side faction not being able to ask PTL during the event.

Event Jobs can use /advert....

Yes I know we can enforce it... but what are we going to do arrest people for getting back and not knowing they’re down? This will make it look cool. People get back and they try to comms in “what’s going on?” and it doesn’t work they’ll know something is up.


Honestly we might not know if this is even a thing that can be done, but why not try to see. If it gets a lot of +1s and they take a look at it, they’ll just deny it if it can’t be done. Ez.

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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-1 there is really no solid reason to do this other than "improve RP" when, in reality, it would be absurdly difficult (if it's even possible) to implement into the server, and many times would just be forgotten about. I cant tell you how many times, the gamemaster just hasn't turned the lights back on during events, and this is the main form of communication for the server. If you dont want ooc getting cluttered, just make the chat box smaller or just ignore it. I am giving this suggestion a full -1 because of the difficulty to implement and use properly, not being necessary, and how it can very negatively affect gameplay on the server.

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-1 too impractical and would not be worth development time. People have already described why this is a bad idea when you actually think about it.

Edited by BigZach


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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3 hours ago, Arroyo said:

-1 What about Sith and event jobs...

Anyways simple solution AOS for Failrp

That is a very bad thing to do because some people will come back from being AFK or Join the server and not know comms r down and then as soon as they say something in comms they get AOS

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Taking down the comms ability doesn't make sense as there are multiple factions that use the same command to achieve their own communications, just doing a blanket disable wouldn't work. The best way to signify that comms are down would be some kind of text on-screen or something that would tell people that communications are down, and even then, that'd require development for something that's... dubiously neccesary?

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5 hours ago, Hayley said:

I already tried that and then everyone spams saying its not AOSable, and other staff start getting pissy at me.

Its is AOSable for the reason of FailRP, give them 1 warning and if they still use comms when they are down AOS them.

-1 Not needed


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