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Sarin's Base Commander/ Yularen Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Tharin [NA]


RP Name: Sarin


Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞) STEAM_0:0:58818334


Experience: Within the server I have served as a senior enlisted in the 501st, and Shock. During my time with Naval I started as the Gunnery Major while I was a PO3 and continued with the posting until I was appointed as Discipline Commodore. This continued to the posting of Discipline Commander when we transitioned to Base Ops while I served unofficially as the Executive Officer before my official posting to the duty of XO. Outside of the server I have leadership training and military experience, the specific nature of which I can disclose in private outside of the forums.


Why should you become Admiral?: I bring  my leadership and military training to the server. A new approach is needed that incorporates the men and women of Base Ops. The unit is composed of many individuals and must be approached as so. I pride myself on maintaining personal relationships with my men to encourage closer cooperation and teamwork towards the mission of Base Ops. I also feel that as the Executive Officer it is my duty to step up now when Base Ops and my personnel need me too. 


Do you understand the lore of the Republic Navy?: I have a moderate understanding of the lore supplemented by my tendency to look into lore that I do not understand when I encounter it so that I may increase my knowledge.


Availability: Frequently on Discord unless running a 911 call or asleep. I try to maintain a presence on the server at least a few hours a day unless working successive shifts.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: Roleplayer of the Week


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want the Republic Navy  to be at the end of your term?: We need to refocus on providing quality RP in all areas such as Medical RP and Engineering rp and exploring new areas for responsibility for people to grow and enjoy their time on the server. We also need to grow as a unit as our numbers are dwindling and and the unit has been strife with conflict that we need to take care of. 


How do you plan to change the Republic Navy under your command?: I plan to change the way that Base ops is structured to be more similar to the methods that have made for so many successful battalions. Removal of main branch selection upon entry into base ops before changing it to a selection of specialization similar to when a trooper chooses to be medic, or sharpshooter, or jet troopers or anything of that nature. We are also implementing a new promotion system that is based on activity and merit to combat inactivity. I also want to foster closer ties and training integration with other battalions bringing us back to the reality that Base Ops is not above any battalions but rather that we fill a crucial role, and provide an important service that helps the Republic Army operate smoothly and that we must work closely to improve our own capabilities.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I would expect nothing else.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Admiral rank?: Yes

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Nuetral, Sarin I feel like your term will just be a repeat of Boutineers, you always followed his beliefs when many other people disagreed with them. Also you have had very little input in base ops being almost unknown to many people. Only reason why this isn’t a -1 is because your the only person going for Admiral.

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+1 Hes already XO and has run baseops both behind the scenes and in the forefront, when sarin is on shit kinda gets done. He was really limited on what he could do then but he should be okay now

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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Forum Admin

+1 from my time being in base ops and as a officer and working under Sarin, i have seen that he has clear plans and good plans which ALOT of base ops agree with. He may have not been a BCMD/Admiral before but you got to start somewhere. Hes an XO already and is doing great. Why not let him step it up to Admiral and continue his good ways

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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+1 Sarin is loads of things. He is kind, Great, Active, he is a leader and I think he will give base ops a boost. I have worked higher than him now below him which means he is doing great work and I think he still will if he does get the position.

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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-1, Reasons stated by both Arroyo and IKE. 

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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who is sarin

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I do have to agree with the points made, jumping right into another Base Ops Commander is not what Base Ops need. If you can pull Base Ops through this shit show that is its current state then you are 100% worthy of that title however given that your activity has been waning in recent days I don't want a repeat of Boutineer.


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I think what BaseOps needs right now is a time of transition and reform. We should change and adapt the rules that caused issues and allow time to fix why was broken. BaseOps has a meeting on Monday and I think with the right series of voting we can fix what happened.

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You don't need this position to do what needs to be done in base ops. If you want to stay as XO and fix base ops from there then do it from there. You are the one in charge right now and this position is just another title. Change base ops so that way this title is just that, simply a title not something that holds all the power like people believe it does. Again I remain neutral because you don't need the stress of being active that this position forces you to have. I trust you will make all the right decisions needed to keep base ops alive and make it thrive to be better than those in the position above you had left it.

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GM Leadership

+1, We need an Admiral, We really don't have another Officer in Base Ops capable of the position and hate to say it but if we don't get a good admiral that doesn't get backstabbed everyday, Base Ops is going to need a wiping or overhaul. We have had the past 4 Yularens removed. That is saying something. Of once, just let a Yularen do what he sees Base Ops as and to try to fix it. Voice your opinion rather then plot behind them. Overall Sarin, you don't need a strong App to mean shit. You should know that you are fit for the position and I already talked to you about this. be more confident.

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I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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The past 4 Admirals/Base Ops Commanders have been removed. They have all been the vice admirals of their predecessors. I think the problem is they try and just do things the same way as their predecessors. For this reason I would like to see someone who isn't as high up take over so that can bring fresh new ideas. Not saying you will 100% fall into this trap, but it seems likely because of the pattern. 

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I am neutral, I heard that you have IRL Stuff going on and you are a great leader but I don’t want it to get over you and you’ll have to increase activity as well if I see any improvement than I’ll change my mind.

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to poor community feedback 

You may reapply for another position in 30 days

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