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Alfa's Removal


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RP Name: Alfa


Date: 11/5/2018


Reason for Removal: Maymays contacted me sayign someone was leaking stuff from the discord since he had no proof of it it so it seemed to be a reason to cause drama according to the directors. Directors told me to remove him I did remove him the first time then the next day I reinvited him to the discord and deleted the logs/edited roles so he would remain hidden in our discord without anyone knowing it was him. Directors and founder then pulled me and questioned me on it, I lied to them multiple times when asked about reinviting maymays to our discord and hiding it from them. Ultimately lying about the situation is what fundamentally got me removed.

Regardless, everything I put in my Yularen application that i said I was gonna do I did. SynergyRP was my first starwarsRP server, from the moment I joined I never expected to be playing for almost a year, its been fun and a fraction of my life that I will remember (literally 1800+ hours of my life). It's bitter sweet that this is how I am leaving but overall I'm glad where naval is at.


 @Nade Jones - the first real homie on the server, we started around the same time my god we needed to take a break from this shit,
@Boutineer| Killian - you know one of the last messages i posted in admiral chat? I put it there for a reason, take care buddy. We had that conversation yesterday and I hope you remember some of it. I hope you can learn a couple things on how I did things and tweak them and make it your own remember the essentials!
@Esitt - you are a real one, one of my favorite people on synergy hands down.
@Perri - so many memories - so much fucking memories 
@Sinister - that new commodore position we talked about do somethign with that
@ike One of our future admirals i hope
@axar you are a good naval keep doing you, remember to focus more on the purpose rather the accomplishments
@Striker - Thanks for planetary annihilation ima play more of that
@exalted - im coming over to the otherside ma G
@Baron- you were runnerup for Roleplayer of the week, You are a great guy wish we could of talked more
@hazard - hope you are doing well you were one of my closest friends
@Ratio - thanks for all the help you do in Naval you are a good example of what a good member of the community is
@natsu - goober
@Sanchez Resident - you're going far my man, dont drain yourself
@Stern- you will go far keep working 
@tharin - ROLEPLAYER OF THE WEEK, MY guy from the moment you were an enlisted we knew you were going to go far. Great naval glad you are with us
@Hudson - we got to talk a lot more towards the end of my term, i hope you stick to naval like you said and help the community improve on its roleplay as a whole
@Pratt - im gonna admit it now, im the one who trashed SO bunks
@Punybob - yes yes yes you can join naval, i swear i said you could so many times now, go into it with a different mindset its not the same as it was before. 
@rong and @vango - Yall are great naval, i know you guys got mic's use them for the love of god 
@naffen - You are a good kid keep your head up and make sure to think of something from different perspectives
@pythin - i will miss your soundboards, but seriously you are a homie 
@Bro- Man you got talent, i wish you nothing but success my guy make sure to add me on steam
@gerbil - Glad you took on naval by the horns you are doing great
@Chill heard probably one of the best medical trainings from you ever - glad you are a naval
@clegane - help out boutineer he is gonna have a lot more paperwork to do, you are chill 
@Sock Monkey - That time as a CT gave me a perspective for the game - thanks for building that community inside something that most people dont consider real.
@Comics- Always will be the meme god
@Snadvich- you have good intentions keep your head up
@UneJamMut- thanks for all the help you do with naval 

what else is there to say.............

Edited by Alfa
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That's a fat yikes my guy. Honestly you were doing a great job in naval so I am willing to look past the other shenanigans because everyone does things that can be a bit questionable tbh. You're a good lad who did an even better job. Thank you for what you've done for the server and naval, and I wish you luck in anything you do in your future. Sad to see you go and I hope to see you around sometime.

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Forum Admin

This hurt to read.  You will be missed

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Shit man you will be missed I’ll miss the 212 enlisted days when you used to frame me for RDMing you ❤️



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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o7 You will be missed my man. We didn't get to interact to much but you were a damn good admiral.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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even if he was good he did something wrong, breaking a founder's order of keeping a perma banned individual out of the teamspeak but alfa seems to have realized the mistake and knows what he did wrong so thats good, im not a naval and have no care for naval since its always been completely trashy since skeeti but yeah


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Its hard to see the future, especially when the present is clouded, I’m sure in your head what you did was right, unfortunate it results in this. You were the Admiral who talked to me like a person, all the way from Midshipman to Ensign you acknowledged everything I did, and everything anyone did, you are a good leader with good ideas. Love you

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I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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