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Everything posted by Whataburger

  1. idk i think this was a thing once and it was cool i guess. +1
  2. Use treats, when they do good, reward them, if they dont do good dont reward them. idk i dont own a dog i just watch a lot of dog whisperer's
  3. this will not go un-noticed by the council. +1 anyways, took you long enough
  4. +1 great attack reg last term, hopefully you have great plans ahead!
  5. 8/10 - the women empowerment was the best!
  6. please just dont end up like the rest of our british unfunny gamemasters. +1
  7. idk, he's funny, and we have too many british staff members +1
  8. 9/10 showed up late but rly good dupe
  9. i like the smile, glad to know someone in these forums follow correct dental hygene.
  10. gets my +1 good luck with your first term!
  11. Good morning chicago!


    -School was fun, i slept in all my classes 

    -I had a good ass dinner, good bev too

    -became a carti fan, king vamp!



    -woke up hella late, all my teachers bitchin that i was late 

    -felt like shit all day no capp

    -i dont know if kanye is #1 anymore :(


    - Whataburger


  12. ill be going as a Forum Mod TM, this is my most passionate subject and ill uploads photo's once my costume is finished
  13. 8/10 "TUP, Get off the bed" man, i sure do love the 501st legion.
  14. yea fine ok +1 please actually listen to the people commenting about questions and stuff bacta, i know you tend to ignore people a lot
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