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Everything posted by Jovanovic

  1. Sorry it took so long to reply, forgot about this for a while. Basically, I just see you being a stick in the mud even more than the average CG, who usually enforce the rules but don't pounce on every technicality the way I've seen you often do. I usually can't recall specifics, but once you were threatening to arrest someone because they had their name slightly changed for a joke for like 10 seconds, and i think you also said you would arrest someone for standing on a screen. Basically, just not letting people do little fun things that are technically against the rules. We need less staff like that, not more in my opinion.
  2. As a senator, I can say It absolutely doesn't work as a quota, but might work as a tool for the commander to see how active his men are. Even despite the fact that I'm well in excess of it, having an activity quota for senator not only doesnt actually encourage 70% of us to get on, but it also makes it so the few of us who do get on feel a pressure to do so — it's not as fun. But on the other side having a sign in itself makes me get on the server more, as I know my activity is being recognized by my CO. Sign ins, good. Quotas, bad.
  3. take care man, good luck with your family <3
  4. definitely brough up a lot of good points. Between that and how you did as CL, I'm confident +1ing
  5. +1, despite upcoming changes to the Reg I think willy is the best for the job, def. the natural choice
  6. hey man, you're one of the real ones. You know I'll be here fam, take it easy
  7. ngl been more than one case ive seen chelm be way too quick to arrest on CG. Sorry, but i actually agree with comics. -1
  8. as someone both in and out of an attack battalion, I think it was overall a bad thing. The performance was noticeably very much so poorer, even off base, endor was taken for the entire day, and like one event was held for the entire day which wasn't an endor event/encounter. For the sake of the regiments not deployed, I don't think it's a good idea to continue with this sort of thing.
  9. 7/10, A little long as all events tend to be recently. Was a bit confused at the beginning, but the whole villager thing was some decent roleplay, and it was definitely creative overall.
  10. preppin for that palpy term i see. Give chumbus a chance, why dont ya? +1
  11. Plo Koon and Kal Skirata bumped into each other. Both refused to move. A few minutes later the same thing happened with Jaing and Eeth Koth. Forty minutes later, there was a small army of skirata and 104th facing off. The whole thing lasted an hour and fifteen minutes. (Plo and Eeth won after a commando droid and a turbolaser decided to intervene)
  12. ive been challenging random troopers to 'dejarik' and then sending them a chess link on my senator for days now. havin an ingame chess script would be litty titty. +1
  13. i mean my ping and frames are generally pretty aight, but the server framerate can get pretty low at times. There's definitely been a lot more lag on the new box, at least from what ive heard in my friend groups. at this point its just he said she said or whatever, but personally i think it'd be better for server performance if we didnt have a script like this
  14. as far as im aware this works fine, its just really laggy (like a lot of good weather mods). Personally wouldnt be a fan of adding this rn, with the server as it is rn
  15. thanks for making senator roleplay better bb <3 10/10
  16. unfortunate narra got denied but youre a very clear second choice. big boi +1
  17. Jovanovic

    Cloaked ship

    another dono op, another few hours :(. I just wish these things were shorter. Fun before it got long. 5/10
  18. +1 Ez best CIS leadership in a long time, only thing that can save us from the faction removal
  19. worth the download +1 top quality meme
  20. +1. definitely a capable CL, will do good things
  21. either way you can roleplay it or set the health lower so theres actually a point in trying to stop ventress instead of just watching as she does whatever she wants
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