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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. All it needed was a bit of positivity! This is gonna sound bad but those were like.. Not huge events! (I'm not shitting on the people who hosted them, I was one of them), they were just publicized! I hope more people realize stuff like this happens every day but people just don't see it! The server can one hundred percent be like this every day. Hop on! Have fun! Also it was very fun to reprise my role as a forever gamemaster. Hope y'all enjoyed the intercom abuse :P
  2. This could be absolutely dope. +1. Think about possibilities for spec ops people as well. Maybe some kind of health indicator overlay thing for super cool guys? Idk. Ideas.
  3. Mavelle


    That would be some SERIOUSLY COOL shit. I know when I was GMD it was a really tough uphill battle for stuff like this to get organised, but I hope with new management and new circumstances Beetle will be able to do some of this stuff. The hardest roadblock was actually getting workshop maps onto main, or really any map stuff done to main whatsoever. I just think that part of the process was way to caked in beurocracy, but it's totally possible and I hope that it's allowed to happen more in the future.
  4. +1. Great individual when it comes to RP development. Cept don't let your commanders boss you around in-game this time around. Shit's bad for immersion sometimes
  5. Mavelle


    DOWNGRADE?????? from ANAXES????? GOOD GOD! I would +1 if we had a mapper :(((((((((((((
  6. Name: Mavelle. I know this is dramatic. But I've always been one for the dramatics :) Steam ID: Staff Rank: Director Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 10/9 Reason for leaving: I can't quite do what is needed of Directors right now, high staff wise. It's been a really rough 6 months and I've very little energy left for keeping things afloat right now. I'm not abandoning Synergy, but I am stepping back before I let it get to far in my head. There is a lot of things that all of us can do to improve Synergy, and I will continue to help. @Marvelis an absolutely amazing partner and I thank him for the time together. I've spent a lot of my effort, time, and hope here, and I know it won't go under. Farewells: I'll write the people who've impacted my journey through Staff. If It wasn't just them, it'd be every god damn member of the community. I love you people. You know that. @Beetle@Cubbywill be fuckin' great. Already are, but will be great directors. @ShockpointOne time you called me "That motherfucker." That made me cry. I don't know why, but to have a truly deep and meaningful friendship with one of the coolest people in the planet, someone who I'm a literal fan of, was an honor. A fucking Honor. @Jovanovic@Guac @Mazen @Daytona211 @Dono @jacobfyfeTruly, the peak of gamemastering began and ended with you guys. I can't think of anyone I'd have rather worked with. You know how much I love you all. @Conrad Your heart is a unique one. You mean a lot to me. You mean so much to me. @RangerDanger I've been building for 2 years straight. I'd consider myself pretty good at it. But you make me question if I can hold the crown. I see your talent. Keep growing it, and you'll be unstoppable. @Maddoxx I'm glad you kept me around. We are polar opposites in a lot of ways, but I hope you took my ramblings to heart. God knows, you had to put up with them for a LONG time. There's a million other people I love here. But I'm still here. Do not fret. At the end of the day, Stay calm, folks. Stay here. I'm still gonna be here, as this is my home. I just need to take a bit of a step back from managing the staff team. As director- I hope you guys in the Founder Team read and listen to some of the feedback on that big post. There's definitely valid stuff. I had a talk with Forseen, and you guys should definitely connect.
  7. I've always been for this. +1 It's proven after a VERY long time that staff and GM are not meant to really be together. I see it work fairly well for other communities like Sup, and I don't think it's as impossible as it seems!
  8. I talked about a lot of possible things in my post above !
  9. I actually agree with quite a bit of what's being said here. Especially the bit about Jayarr, Xaze, Woeny, and Maddoxx putting in 200% and essentially singlehandedly keeping the community afloat. Because I know for a fact, especially with the statistics corroborating, that pop has only surged when we work extremely hard to put together huge events and publicize them in every way we can (rather than GMs hosting regular events. I feel absolutely terrible for people hosting stuff that people just... don't get on for) I think there's a lot that you guys could do to improve on the stuff that Mazen's saying. Financially, it's kept a secret what's paid for, what's bought, and how much income the server makes. Now, I get that. But many, many, many times in the past (I can even go back to Zim talking about this on previous similar posts) people have brought up how nice it would be to even just have a little section on the forums that discloses or talks about the server's finances. Right now, the literal only thing players know about the server's money is - "All of the money goes back into the server", and "Dragon does the uhh money stuff". Some more things that I think could be done to address the issues in our community would be expanding. I know Jad's spoken about how he doesn't want to market if we're not in a good spot to put forth our server, but I disagree wholeheartedly, and I think a lot of other people do. Any strategies we can develop for marketing or getting our public image out there would be infinitely better than a lot of people think; because even if someone joins and disconnects, they've joined. I know you guys have been supposedly thinking about working on a new server for the 2.5 years I've been here, and I know that takes a TON of patience, resources, etc. I do think, however, that it can definitely be looked into as to why we don't have enough of those things to move out into a new server. Is it lack of founder time? Is it lack of leadership members? Something else to note; careers, jobs, etc. All of us juggle it. But you guys are... like... BUSY busy. If you are that busy, I think a good solution to the problems that come with it, is at the very least allowing Woeny and Xaze as Coordinators (a rank that was originally defined as "A founder in everything but name") to have much more autonomy. Dev having to get everything approved by people who can barely hop on once in a while due to scheduling puts so many wrenches in so many cogs. At the end of the day, Marvel and I can push for loads of RP on Clone Wars Main. Jayarr and Xaze can do their hardest to add AWESOME content for us constantly. Maddoxx and Woeny can manage all of our systems incredibly well. But server recoveries have to start from the top down at the same time as the bottom up. And believe me, we each spend 200 hours a week going bottom up. Stuff like the business/financial/marketing and actual community expansion can only be done by the Founders. It can't be done by any of us. EDIT: Don't be afraid to speak up, y'all. All of this is just words. It's better if people with unique perspectives hop on! Don't be the guy just watching this for forum drama and staying out of it just because you're afraid of "making enemies" or losing positions, or shit like that. Hell, if I'm posting on this, I'm signing up for that too. There are real problems here. They've been going on for the better part of a year. They aren't getting better. I'm not afraid to call it out- nothing changes unless it is.
  10. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  11. 4/5/5 Lots of effort went into running this! a 2.5 hour deployment is no joke! I wish music and ambience were used a bit more to set the tone, and I would have made the fog more dense BUT made it actually begin 2000 units out instead of being on 0. Nice build- I'd suggest not using the plastic ship dupes tho! There's some really cool boardable ones in the dupe channels. A gamehelper or two would have helped a lot I feel!
  12. Please continue to use the phrase "shmup" for events like that Goes hard
  13. As far as I know, Gprotect is kind of useful when it comes to preventing crashes related to very big props outside of the map's boundaries, but props seem to be the cause of crashes infinitely less than NPCs. NPCs are spawnable fine. I do not build on main server anymore. It is impossible. I wouldn't complain, if we could build in singleplayer, but whoop-dee-doo, we can't. So it's just a system that sucks ass. I doubt you'll be able to get it removed, but I've never liked how absolutely fucked the settings for it on main server are. In a lot of cases, the cause of crashes are people being stupid as fuck about where they put props and other entities, not really the ability to spawn them in. Right now, when the server is struggling as much as it is, when all people get on for is events, I think we should focus on making being a gamemaster as accessible and as easy as possible, at the very least until we get more than 1 quest that spawns in hostile NPCs. What's really fucked is that any event that a gamemaster has built any amount of dupe for where the players have to be on top of said dupe can be completely ruined within a span of 1 second by someone spawning in ammo. You don't have to be experienced in running a Gmod RP server to know that people aren't going to enjoy playing when they can't play in 50% of all events for fear of the whole damn thing falling apart in seconds. It's part of why I host on main so much less now as well- It's not like I'm just disillusioned, I've been a gamemaster for 2 years. It's literally what I do, but you can't really do what you do when what you do makes you stressed as fuck about when the next portion of the event will get deleted randomly. I know for a fact that whatever founder sees this is going to write most of what I've written here off just because of "well, they should get better"- but I'm gonna say right here and right now that if not only the first, second, and third most experienced gamemasters on the staff team at the current moment (who have been here on Synergy running events for literal years), but the entire staff team and playerbase see as glaring of issues as these, it simply cannot be written off. I beg you to at least consider changing the settings. Any amount. Even a tiny change will positively benefit us. Yeah, something needs to be figured out about Gprotect. +1 for doing anything you can to make it better.
  14. Yeah, Agreed. I hopped on Ahsoka for 2 hours and set up a dupe to start up with, living in the village like Ahsoka did in the book with the same name. But, uh. Literally the minute I put the dupe down an inquisitor walked into the house and "found" the hidden doorways, with no in character reason. Was disappointing, but I'll chalk it up to individual player mentality. I would, however, like people to be more conscious about creating cool scenes with eachother instead of "winning" roleplay.
  15. MFers giving me a 5 on care/effort when I built the event in 45 minutes ;-; b e h o n e s t p l e a a a a a a s e
  16. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Uhhh Yeah Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NO. Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): 3 battalions were sent on a rapid assault in order to open a position in the Seperatist fleet, allowing the Republic to cut in and save the three battalions pinned down in the Galidraan system! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Erm...... No Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  17. Thank you all for the excellent insight :))
  18. 4/4/5 First Rishimoon deployment I've seen that hasn't been laggy as FUCK. Good group of people. Was doing stuff the whole time! Thanks for the deployment. I liked the build! A tip for props, stuff like the imperial prefab building props and debris, it's good to "no collide everything" the props and drag them so that they're in the ground a tiny bit, just to make sure they're not floating at all!
  19. 5 / 4 / 5 Excellent gameplay. Not much story, not much RP, but the build was really cool. I saw a lot of uniqueness in this. Welcome back. No really. It means a lot to me that you're back and providing your pragmatacism to the team once more.
  20. This post is for everyone's thoughts and feedback on our day spent as the very early Empire! It was a day-long thing and I'm always open to doing more of this type thing if people enjoyed it. I saw some very cool thing, and I hope it gave people a cool, new lens to view their RP through! Huge shoutout to every single @ Veteran Admin and @ Head Admin for laying down the groundwork of rules at the beginning! And of course, cheers to everyone who participated. <3. Oh, also, leave ideas here for other day-long things we could do, if you liked it!
  21. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Day, Zeros, Katy, Haka Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): No Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Order 66, but also other event stuff :) Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Noh! Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
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