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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. I think that you've been lacking in RP from all the time I've known you, but you've been a strong member of the navy. I hope if you do get Yularen, you'll be able to do a good job with the immense RP potential. Remember to be a figurehead!!
  2. i will destroy your in real life
  3. A problem with this is that the command teams of every group are very different. No two teams would approach someone in a similar situation the same way, causing a lot of issues- if the Guild's leadership thinks that I can't hold another position, but the Jedi Order does, what do I have? A headache.
  4. God bless I'll whip these up right now bro it'll take 1 minute
  5. We got a Thesaurus Rex over here PVP just causes a load of fights and arguments and arrests and headaches. I don't think it's worth all the annoyance of that stuff. I'm against it personally
  6. 3/3/5 Super normal little event. Not a whole lot of story involved, a little odd that it was the entire bounty hunter's guild that attacked the republic- it was a little hard to follow for people who weren't running the forces. Not a lot of building done or RP opportunity provided upfront. The name at the top of the screen just reading "Alis pardonis" just took me out of it- it's really hard to continue being invested when you see a lot of little cracks in the "Polish'.
  7. I am Clone Wars (Edit: I am not Clone Wars)
  8. I uh... I can't be the only person that just didn't view ranks as progression when I played, right? It's a -1 from me just because I've never understood the "progression" thing when it comes to ranks.
  9. To add on to this, we had (I forget which one, I think it was Hansen, @Marvel @Xaze you guys were there) connect to Synergy a couple months ago and talk to a bunch of us in in-game voice chat in the lobby- he had a really, really, really weird story that didn't line up in a lot of places about that exact thing. I don't necessarily disbelieve people about the "Royan having addresses", but I do remember that the person we were talking to said the exact same thing. Even though people continued to do stuff with him. Do I think that Royan guy is some criminal mastermind collecting blackmail on people? No. I don't think he's that smart. I think he's just an annoying asshole with a group of annoying assholes that do annoying asshole stuff with him. My ears are just perked up about the address thing, because someone else had the exact same story, but in a really strange and suspicious way.
  10. Synergy Clone Wars Roleplay
  11. As happy I am that you realize what dumb shit you did, you and your group did some things and posted some SERIOUSLY fucked up stuff in a lot of discords- some stuff that people get in serious trouble in "real life" for exposing to people. I did consider you a friend and I enjoyed our time together before you went off the deep end. That was some fucked-beyond-relief kinds of things that y'all did to people and showed people- (I REALLY don't want to go into detail, but you know that wasn't shit that any ACTUAL REAL CHILD should be exposed to). If Administration unbans someone who took part in that, we are setting a seriously dangerous precedent. -1. There are other online communities to participate in. This place does not need to welcome you back.
  12. @Mazenyou dumbing @Wosymight be the craziest shit I've ever seen Not My Marshall Commander.
  13. you STINK* haha jk you were actually a pretty good bcmd o7
  14. It was alright! I would have been satisfied if it was just the RP us green folks did at the beginning and then ended- kind of dragged, but you know that. 3 / 5 / 4
  15. I didn't expect that mention.. thank you so much <33333 Goodbye! Happy homeowning! Enjoy the next chapter of your life with great auspice and fortune!!
  16. Thank you so much for the kind words <3. Made my heart warm. Was inspiring to see someone like yourself come in with so much drive when I had one foot out the door. Enjoy the world!
  17. <3. @Conrad you shaped my understanding of event running in a lot of ways. There was @Shockpointand @Daytona211 making me think like a true GM- but when it came to what a player wanted, having you in my channel while I was building for numerous events you were in taught me a LOT. And I don't think any of my legacy here would be the same without. I remember one time us saying that because of how fun it was to RP Barris/Luminara with your Anakin and Ahsoka, it wouldn't have "felt right" if I was ahsoka, but we really turned that the fuck around. Thank you for making my synergy dream of being Ahsoka with an awesome Anakin real. Everyone has their time. Play in my DnD game still or I'll kidnap your wife and burn your house down
  18. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! INTRODUCING... THE CHOCOLATE STARFISH! AND THE HOT DOG FLAVORED WATER! 3/4/5 - There didn't seem to be TOO much building, but the gameplay was pretty much.. as good as you can get for a full server deployment. Performance was great!
  19. I honestly don't think adding a new battalion or removing one would change NEARLY as much as most people seem to think. People get on when their friends are on, and people don't get on when their friends aren't on. That's about as deep as I've seen it get over the past months :(. On that note, I think we should add a battalion, but instead of clone troopers its mouse droids. Mouse droid battalion. 100th Mouse Droid Battalion. 4th Sector Mouse Droid Unit. 399th Mouse Droid Regiment.
  20. Everyone should have the chance to be a gamemaster for as long as they wish whenever they wish. You have the experience and were an absolute boon to the team for 2 years. Obvious +1 from me. I'm not gonna let anything overshadow the incredible amount that you did as a GM previously.
  21. +1 Working under you was a pleasure in the BH Guild. Would do it again in a heartbeat. Excellent leadership And very cool guy
  22. Dayum. Enjoy the free time. It truly is freeing. Come back and try your hand at gamemaster leadership again some time :P.
  23. PLEASE GOD PLEASE PLEASE GOD PLEASE +1 I'll rejoin staff if you add these! in a couple months
  24. Damn, What!? Question, do you plan to focus on the RP influence you'll have as MCMD? We've had many MCMDs in the past very much do more behind-the-scenes work. Really only Xaze in the past year has done both super well. +1 (Even though I'm certain this is gonna be a fat accept with little challenge LMAO) - Lots of good experience, a talented, charismatic leader. Could totally do it.
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