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Everything posted by Opa

  1. +1 Amazing guy and amazing personality.
  2. +1 I think you're a good leader and you would do great as BCMD in Rancor. The ARCL plan is the only thing that I disagree with in the app, but I don't think that it should be hindrance for you to try and go for this position.
  3. 8/10, very action packed and we were kept interested all the time, was very fun.
  4. I think it was meant in a metaphore way, shield is what makes DS stand out and unique, being the only other people that have shields other than DU.
  5. -1 I feel like this undermines DS and DU in a big way, it takes away uniqueness. This will make DS more useless than it is, I see how this benifits some of the server, but DS and DU will be undermined, suggestions like this will just force DS leadership in future to make suggestions for additional stuff, which will most likely not get passed. Please don't fuck over uniqueness over adding a situational item to heavy kit .In my opinion heavy is a trash branch so this might help, but at what cost.
  6. Massive +1 During my time in CG / 104th I've learned a lot from you. You are a prodigy level problem solver and a god tier listener/analyser. You are always optimistic and ready to give your best for the server. I think if you get this, it will be a bliss for your BCMD's to work with you, it will be good for siege to have somoene that represents them with heart and soul.
  7. Very engaging early encounter/event from start to finish. 4 / 4 / 3
  8. +1 Great guy, you can tackle difficult situations like a champ and I think you would be great for spec regiment.
  9. +1 One of the first people I've met when I first joined CG, did great first time around and doing good when you came back! Good luck!
  10. +1 Very good job it feels like man's been palpy for years and I wouldn't feel comfortable with anyone else for the moment. Done a lot of meaningful changes and literally feels like you're available both in TS and discord even at early time on the server :)
  11. Opa

    Senate Additions

    +1 Amazing Senator jobs.
  12. I think that Claw is a person that you can depend on to do 3 month's good as BCMD. I've seen it many times how Claw can balance scales of being a friend and a superior, I'd say he exceeds at that, I also think that he is a very reflected person with a background of being in position of ' responsible power'. I appreciate that you are going for this position, there's time to stay silent when you got nothing good to say/do, but I think that you're in the right here to take this step and do the steps necceserary to direct your batallion to better days. On side note, I personally have seen that some of the most genuine and good player's have come from Rancor, I think that you have a good group to rebuild with, I hope that y'all can find a solution. Wether I think that those thing's can affect people, like that reevaluation of officer team or changing your training's, the most important thing is that those changes don't destroy the sense of community within your batallion, I guess the biggest goal in my opinion in a batallion is to make a community that thrives on each other's company. +1
  13. 9/10 I wish events at peak times were as good as this lol.
  14. Well Hound is lead of Tracker's. Essentially the entire ARF of CG is part of Hound's unit. I understand where you're coming from. In this case it does make sense as they look almost 1 - 1. The current train of thought is that this could have a good place for those that are closest to Hound, handpicked / trained in harder manner than normal TK. I would agree with you on the topic of lore character uniqueness, but this could potentially add more diversity to tracker and this is one time where you can see how some other in CG ARF that looked that were close to Hound in clone wars were like. I think no matter what the matters will look like this would be a great addition and we would utilize all three in their own way. Just like we utilize the Red/Grey model in their own ways.
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