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Everything posted by Opa

  1. Opa

    Z6 bug ?

    Bug Type (Server:): weapon Severity level (1-3):1 Evidence (if you can): Z6 Description of the bug: It's a old thing with Z6 (Correct me if it's not a bug) Z6 dont work after you safety it and you need to switch to another weapon for it to shoot How can we recreate it: Safety z6, then unsafety and try to shoot
  2. You're part of a problem if you witness such situation and not report them further up the chain of command of CG. It's a individual batallion responsibillity so RP happens within their batallions. During off event times people talk with each other, do tryouts and trainings, CG wont go to people say go patrol the base as it's not how this server functions. During events CG has their part to play just like every other batallion, everyone got their own officer, commanders etc to make sure that they follow their trainings during events and that they behave if they end up breaking rules people witnessing that are Ensign, WO, Knight and CG, Staff have the responsibillity to AOS/RAOS those that break rules. The example given is like the easiest situation ever to handle ever and honestly a situation like that would be instant AOS if any of the people were present that I named that can call AOS and even then the lower ranks will call RAOS, it feels like you didnt put enough effort and kinda just thought of a stupid situation to belittle CG ong. To add to this, I'd like to say that CG always has and will have room to improve, but the same goes for all other batallions as the server is a ongoing project that hast lasted for several years now and many people came and went and things have changed a lot, for example before accident rdm would be instant arrest now it's not, CG also wants to stay in touch with other batallions and that's what server leadership wanted too when they changed arrest rules or added more warnings to certain offences etc, those kind of things happen for reasons like player retention and giving people a chance to change their mindset on the server, wether it works or doesn't I don't think it works on majority of minges, as most of them are deadset on their objective. but it might give opportunity to others to realise and behave.
  3. 4/5/5 , very fun and GM actually did a real good job at managing to entertain in early hours and make the server a little bit more active which is good :)
  4. The definition of 'good' BCMD can always be changed, it's just a matter wether community leadership think it's the right move.
  5. I honestly feel like that 3 month BCMD terms are way too short time for a BCMD to make a meaningful change that lasts. I think it starts there and is the root problem to unease and constant culture change in battalions, the trainings that batallions hold are constantly changing which in itself is a problem, I feel like most batallion should keep a document and tweak it instead of remaking documents etc, as it just backtracks not only their batallion, but all other people trained. Majority of people trained in something should not have their trainings in my opinion and it basically doesn't function whatsoever as even batallions themselves dont really teach their people their trainings and make them 'specialists' of those trainings . The only way I see that the current system could be seen as working is if you have a mentallity of a coin flip. I also think that clone leadership should make it a high priority to make sure that all batallions are on top game when it comes to their trainings and the performance of it in practice. I feel like BCMD or Yoda or whatever, REG's, Marshalls should be evaluated and if they good they can just continue being those roles as I think it would bring more stabillity to Batallion chain of command instead of being like a constant change, because 3 months is a real short period especially when it's basically like month 1 : Work hard / Month 2 : work a little bit / Month 3 : Think about that your term bout to end . I think the browser issue is a core issue, but the one I stated above is even bigger in my opinon. Also NPC's when they get a bit more balanced it will be nice and lag is a big issue on the server.
  6. Amazing Fox , actually my favourite Fox. You brought passion into CG, A fox that is online everyday and going through the struggle with his batallion and I understand that you had a lot of other stuff in life at that time aswell, but nevertheless you made a time investment that is stuck with many people in CG. The only thing you could improve on next time you decide to go for Fox is go for that 3rd term aswell
  7. +1 Very good addition for massiff as it would make it viable to assist TK not just in RP, but also in combat scenario, remove no target from it to balance this.
  8. +1 You're great to roleplay with. I remember when I first joined the server and you were Senator Aang, you have a real good vibe about you that makes it fun to interact with you both in RP and OOC. I think that you could achieve some legendary moments if you get Wolffe.
  9. +1 Great guy, I think it will go real well as long as you take hands on approach and really be active throughout your 3 months if you are given this position.
  10. +1 Good guy, amazing whilst he was in CG and very nice to talk to!
  11. Name of Staff member: Gamemaster team Comments/Concerns: Well lately a lot of events consisting of new droids and old droids have been total nuisance, GMs overdo them and literally spawn the droids out of nowhere, I would like to see droppods and drillpods or props representing those if we do not have pods or drillpods, it's so annoying when these sonic droids appear out of nowhere! It almost feels like a mockery in some of the events where GMs just spawn the droids willy nilly without little or no RP reasoning behind. It's like we can clear out entire MHB, yet Gms spawn more droids behind us in the hanger or we clear out BCC, but new droid wave appears again and again, same with HMC. It just would be 1000X more immersive if we get like a dropod or drillpod or a prop representing those to give us a fair warning and actually make these droids appearances believable! Evidence: - Do you want this to be reported to high staff (Negative or Positive): Positive
  12. Bug Type (Server:): Visual Severity level (1-3): 1 Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: The guy has his name as Cooker and everyone sees his name as cooker but for me it shows vice chancellor Mas Amedda How can we recreate it: Press Tab menu and see if anyone stand out, or walk around and check peoples name tags
  13. +1 This man I would literally trust with any decision. You are good CG Commander, good Regimental and a good acquaintance to me, I can fully get behind you on this ANYDAY.
  14. Well it's like house chores, do I like them ? Sometimes. Are they important? Ofcourse. Hate is a strong emotion, we focus a lot of our attention to to the whole process of arrest, I think for most part we might get heated in situations, but all in all we enjoy it, I don't think people would spend hundreds or thousands of hours in the batallion if there was no special feeling to it Most big communities have CG to do arresting. Hate is a uncommon reaction to arrest, mostly nobody give a shit, for the rare occasion where a long standing community members get arrested I fully understand that sometimes arrest are being disputed, and that's when it becomes a staff issue. It's as simple as making ticket for RDA and see if it was valid or unvalid arrest, stay or get released. Also people might get pissy that I arrest somoene that is AOS, like bro if they are AOS its on sight, it's not RAOS, it's as simple as making a staff ticket and figuring it out. At that point don't expect CG coming back there and figuring it out, there is a long standing policy that we don't deal with figuring it out wether an arrest is valid or not, unless its RAOS, it's the person's job to make a ticket and get an admin or several staff members to figure out if their arrest is valid. Staff is very helpful for the entire process, they might not have the entirety of the process, but often they have the role to help us if the situation gets out of hand with arresting people and you are the guys that do the check on us when people make RDA ticket. I think it works well overall. To Comics comment that we AOS people if they don't RP with us or forcing RP, that's something that should be brought further and investigated and worked on.
  15. +1 Amazing guy, that anyone can feel comfy talking too. You have had a great term, and siege is really doing better after your 1st term.
  16. +1 This could be the man that sets CG on a growth trend. Good Leader/Easy to talk to.
  17. Lot's of FailRP from the Jawa, cloaking rules were non-existant. It was very repetitive. While it was fun at times. 2/1/5
  18. Why are terms for BCMD/RCMD/MCMD,Yoda and guild leader positions 3 months? What was the thought process before settling with 3 months specifically?
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