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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. -1. Terrible experiences with you in TS. Many times you'd hop in during trainings and break PTS and annoy people out of the channel. It gets bad when people actively look for staff in TS just to move you out of the channel
  2. o7 frosty, thanks for helping me that one time when you were a Warrant Officer
  3. Mornin. If i had some shit with garlic or onions in it for dinner then i might brush at night
  4. Not only am i losing Conrad, but i'm losing one of my favorite late night trial hosters in jedi. I wish you the absolute best in life and whatever you move on to doing. o7
  5. Mystic

    Order 66

    4/5/2 but all great events are laggy Gameplay was a little stale for some but overall it was executed great
  6. i demand a full refund of the missing 251 credits i didn't save!
  7. This is happening with the GM Pilot as well
  8. i still see you everywhere.... GET OUT OF MY HEAD
  9. What's Havoc Squad. Can't find the lore page anywhere.
  10. i will miss antagonizing you every other week and a half that we spoke. hope you take care of anything you need to
  11. must've been exciting living under so many BCMD's congrats!
  12. +1 only active Rancor i see (except Ollie and Bleach)
  13. +1 i didn't even expect this. Big Slak fan. Best of luck
  14. Thanks for the response. On mobile so a little late. I appreciate all the effort you guys have put into these reports!
  15. Bug Type (Server:): Progression issue Severity level (1-3): 2 Evidence (if you can): (2nd Image top right shows my time in game) @Clutchalso has this issue Description of the bug: Meditating is not yielding skill points How can we recreate it: Meditate over night.
  16. 4/5/5 was pretty damn good I loved that you actually gave the droids ways of coming in instead of just dropping them on our heads. They were spaced well enough so we didn't get flatlined by 200 volleys of blaster bolts. I can appreciate a GM who evens out the doids
  17. Seems like its something that could be useful for GMs +1
  18. this severity is a 3. Now how will i get one shotted!
  19. if there can be adjustments made its one of the coolest features this server has had in awhile but if the impact on performance really is something thats noticeable then drop em and come back at a later point to see how they can be brought back if at all.
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