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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. no im not doubting you. it very well could've been something else entirely. Sorry if it came off that way. it just seemed random
  2. Must've been REALLY delayed then. One of the tanks was blown in the back line behind where we already pushed through.
  3. 2/4/5 Tanks got ship tooled. That was dumb. The story was fun and the progression was smooth and nice. No lag really.
  4. +1. Poor example of a staff member. Plus your reasoning seems insincere
  5. +1. One of the best BCMDs to grace the server lately. He has unfinished plans it would be stupid not to let him finish them.
  6. I agree with Guacamole on the Bacta nade, but these are actually some good changes and its refreshing. Don't know why i never saw this. +1. I really like the push for the DC-17S what a unique weapon that gets no use.
  7. Who's to say he's not already doing these? This is much like Knight's Fox reapps where he mentions things he's doing, done or wanting to achieve. It never hurts to express what you want from your battalion even if youre already or could already do that. While i agree its something he doesn't NEED Rex for, If nobody else is going for it why not give him the chance to get the character? There is much more to a BCMD position than work. Its got RP, Lore and alot of fun times ahead. People burn themselves out thinking about a BCMD position as a job. (Speaking from experience). People can't just say "I wan't Rex to roleplay as him" So i suppose most of these responses are the next best thing. I genuinely think Elijah has the dedication and the drive to become BCMD while also having fun as Rex. It's been a long time since we've had a Rex who would roleplay the character. +1 from me
  8. Very informative thank you captain tukk
  9. all this because your Rex app got denied smh.
  10. +1 if we had another battalion to look to besides DU. If they arent willing to do that then -1. Take what we can get. DU has never been wildly popular, and had its fair share of haters. Using it as incentive is a poor idea as people won't look forward to it. That's just my 2 cents.
  11. +1 but last i knew they knew about it not working. It's likely being worked on at some pace
  12. sounds good. Jedi be poppin off nowadays. Hopefully you pop in during a deployment sometime. Anyways thank you for the insight.
  13. 5/5/5 for Base Captain Jake Wu Tang
  14. In this sense since this temple is a copy/paste of the Venator temple would we be better off suggesting a copy of another temple? or just putting in a suggestion for a custom temple? Not asking if you would or if i should, but if its a pain in the ass/impossible to edit, it would be a long term idea to relieve that issue if more suggestions were to arise in the future We also don't necessarily want to delete it, just to add a brig like section to it for detainment. If that's doable without removing the whole room that is acceptable.
  15. For this? No idea. Like 6ish? It's just props we'd rather use elsewhere.
  16. While we aren't too worried about the 2 rocks, Our biggest issue was the statue and benches in archives. It leaves little room for the tables and clips into them. Yoda and Windu want em all gone though so i made sure to include em
  17. Name: Mystic l Luminara Unduli RP Rank: Overseer Suggestion: Remove the rock and statue props from the Jedi Temple Implementation: Requires Development Lore: N/A Remove these The statue here is already removed but will need permanently removed Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  18. Name: Mystic l Luminara Unduli RP Rank: Overseer Suggestion: Take the empty Briefing room across the Ceremony Room and replace it with a brig for TG and Jedi to use for RP and detainment Implementation: Requires Development Lore: Temple Guard detained people in the Temple. We had something very useful and similar on the Tython temple on Anaxas The room to replace What we're asking for (ish) Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  19. +1. Boost is just an Officer with a name
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