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Everything posted by Cox

  1. +1 all troops report to DB head ahhhhhhh boi
  2. Mf didn’t take them to jail he took them to the synergy high staff sex dungeon where Epstein is hiding
  3. Please keep all suggestions and applications to purely voting-🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 +1
  4. +1 I love sixta !!!1!1!1!!!! P.S. Fuck jumes!!!!1 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
  5. ✨I can’t help it Mercury is in my ass✨
  6. Bbstine the typa dude to crash his car into a crowd of people and say “woopsie daisy!”
  7. Because I keep getting this question in game, In pms, Over teamspeak, etc I have decided to lay it to rest here. I will not be applying for Bacara. I do not have the time needed to make a good/attentive BCMD. I love 21st and it will always be my home, but it is also time for me to experience more things and put myself in a position where I’m more accessible to the rest of the server. Frankly I’ve been very insulated as Keller, focusing on just my battalion. I have not been making friends in other battalions or have really acted like a community figure. I rose really high extremely fast because my work ethic and dedication to 21st was what was needed in their command structure at the time. I have left 21st and joined 212th. My plan for the next few months on synergy is very simple: Engage in more RP, Try and make friends within and outside of my new battalion, and be a good officer in 212th. Maybe one day, after I have had time to open up experience new stuff, I will return to 21st as Bacara. As of right now, I’m leaving it to those with more experience.
  8. +1 this will add a lot to the server and is worth the development time, this should be the devs TOP priority
  9. All my homies prayin for you Fr Fr 🙏🙏🙏😔😔😔😔🙏🙏🙏
  10. Nooooooo please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  11. Boutta report him to the IRS like how I reported those 15 strippers
  12. You know who else is going as muscle man from regular show??????
  13. Cox

    Buzz vs Chief

    Opinions can be wrong and this is proof
  14. Its a copy paste from another post
  15. This shit belong on a museum no cap It kinda go hard, mind if I screenshot?
  16. Keep in mind People can change! Some of the highest members of the community were minges playing SWRP! Treat people how you wanted to be treated as a CT!
  17. +1 its not like he was racist got banned and came back to be racist, give him a chance Edit: Yall realize you can just unban him and if he does some stupid shit you can just ban him again
  18. still not as bad as "Good girl"
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