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Everything posted by Cox

  1. Big +1 I trust Marshh and think he is the smartest community member
  2. 9/10 amazing dupe I loved it I think it would be cool to do separated that I disagree with but that’s me personally other then that this was quality great job to all 5 of you
  3. 0/10 first 0 ever idk what to say man sorry but this was horrible like wtf was happening we had asaja outta no where we had random b1s tags outside base ramming into everyone bro idk man this shit mad fuckin weird bro 0 absolute 0
  4. +1 Brace is the only person I can confidently support that can send CG in the right direction which it needs right now more then ever, this is an easy +1 @Shockpointblow me
  5. Can pokemon climb trees? Didnt think so Just read the lion lore page and you will change your mind https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion
  6. o7 they removed because he was winning to much had give people like bacta who can’t stop loosing a chance
  7. Typical poketards thinking that they win, how pathetic. No electro shit could beat the lion moon face it, just keep crying
  8. Holy shit two o7 imma miss you too blackberry whether it was siege or back in thunders delta it was a blast doin shit with you
  9. I love ya man no homo imma miss you you best pop in every now in then you was real chill and I always enjoyed talkin to you gl with life
  10. Solid 9/10 for something on the fly, I liked it not much to say the start was cool and the end was cool
  11. Good point good point counter argument
  12. Allow me to elaborate further on the lions epic plan
  13. I feel you bro been tryna lose my stomach fat its gettin there 😈 😈 😈
  14. Whoever is saying all the pokemon just dumb like think bout it for a sec and then get back to me
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