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Posts posted by Forseen

  1.   I'm going to tag everyone that's currently voted to ensure they see this and can re-evaluate their votes should they choose to do so.

    @Marvel @Aeon @Black @Dinaric @BigZach @Taz @Bleach @Conrad @Guac @Arizona @Tinovious @Neptune @Slak @Finn @Deathtiger @maverIck


    This is just a reminder that this has been suggested before and denied by the old Founders.

    On 7/14/2018 at 7:43 PM, Joah said:

    No, It causes performance issues. It also can cause a Cache overflow.

    This is something we can test out if everyone wants it, however it could cause a forums crash that may require us to do a massive cache clear again, causing the loss of a lot of things on the forums.

    • Informative 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Comics said:

    I wasn't complaining. I don't have a side to complain for lol, I just wanted clarification from anyone within the community

    This is why you're the best High Staff, you care about the little man

    I dunno why you all think this is me complaining. I just wanted someone in the community to get me the rule where it stated it. I don't have a side lol
    Isn't the whole point of this section for general discussion?

    That's fair, however you could have used the help center section (https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/forum/344-help-center/) if you were asking a question such as the one below;

    On 5/24/2021 at 7:35 AM, Comics said:

    :PepoThink: So is it 2 + 1 subunit or is it 2 + (amount of sub units)

    I thought there was an exact rule about how many sub channels you can have

    Or a Teamspeak Bug Report (https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/forum/235-teamspeak-bug-reports/)would have worked also to say that it doesn't make sense.

    • Agree 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Marvel said:

    You would have gotten a 8/10 but sadly you broke the rules and used Clone Advisor for an event and that is just unacceptable from a member of Management. Be better, do better.

    He earned Clone Advisor, more than I can say about you ClipartKey_1516022.thumb.png.0f1de66dbf7e2d7801f7ee0194be2f4a.png

    jk, love you

    • Winner 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Comics said:

    So is it 2 + 1 subunit or is it 2 + (amount of sub units)

    Also @Eclipse


    The way it works is that each battalion gets Main channel, Office channel, tryout channel + 1 per sub-unit (only those recognized on the F4 Menu).
    Rancor gets a special case here due to hosting the serverwide training of ARC troopers as they require a specific channel to be used for a few hours at a time.


    Next time, it'd be easier to discuss this with someone that can make the change such as Management or Founders, instead of posting and complaining on the forums for no real reason...

    • Agree 4
  5. This was DENIED due to;

    • We've decided that this will be denied for now, as the server feels as if it is currently moving away from roleplay, this would increase the current divide.
    • Try again later and we can discuss this again in a couple of months.
  6. This was DENIED due to;

    • To add this we have to add extra content that is unrelated and piles up on file size.
    • The addon is extremely buggy due to it's gravity points.
    • This concept already works without the addon.
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