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Posts posted by Forseen

  1. Another issue that also arises, if someone posts something explicit or hurtful towards someone, the person it was hurtful towards sees it but it is then deleted and no screenshot proof is provided, then no real punishment can be given as it becomes an argument of person 1 vs person 2.


    Also, with not deleting posts, it deletes records of things that have happened, for example, someone may be warned for their post & then deletes it, this will delete their warning points & will also make it so that there is nothing on the forums saying that they ever did anything wrong and repeat offenders would look like new offenders.

    • Agree 1
  2. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED.

    If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied.

    // LOCKED


    Denial reasons:
    (These are some reasons that your suggestion might get denied for.)

    • Not providing sufficient information.
      Ex: Just linking the workshop and not giving us the actual model path you want to use.
    • The addon's size is way too big compared to its content(s).
      Ex: 35MB for one model.
    • Majority negative feedback.
    • Bad optimization and/or causes bad performance on the server.
    • Having multiple suggestions within one thread.
    • Bothering leadership/development team regarding a suggestion.
    • Suggesting a previously denied suggestion within 60 days of denial.


  3. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED.

    If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied.

    // LOCKED


    Denial reasons:
    (These are some reasons that your suggestion might get denied for.)

    • Not providing sufficient information.
      Ex: Just linking the workshop and not giving us the actual model path you want to use.
    • The addon's size is way too big compared to its content(s).
      Ex: 35MB for one model.
    • Majority negative feedback.
    • Bad optimization and/or causes bad performance on the server.
    • Having multiple suggestions within one thread.
    • Bothering leadership/development team regarding a suggestion.
    • Suggesting a previously denied suggestion within 60 days of denial.


  4. The reason we have the doors that automatically shut at the moment, is when the doors are open it connects the spaces together as a larger load area, this is something that Bananakin explained to us when making the changes to the map. It's because of this reason that this suggestion will have to be a no. Sorry!

  5. ==========[ Blacklisting Rules & Guidelines ]==========

    • Blacklists may not contain uninformative/inappropriate reasons (blank reasons, ‘not fit for X battalion’, undescriptive terms such as ‘minge’, reasons that use disrespectful language, ‘suspected of X’).
    • Blacklisted individuals cannot be re-blacklisted for a prior offence they’ve already been blacklisted/banned for, or old offence (if blacklisted for MRDM, may not blacklist again for that same MRDM after time served).
    • Blacklists may not be ‘no appeal’.
    • Blacklists must have an issue date and issuer of blacklist (X High Command/ N/A not allowed).
    • Active blacklists must be on a current battalion roster to be valid.
    • Blacklists may only extend to 6 months of their initial issuance.
      • 3 blacklists equaling 6 months or more in a battalion can result in a permanent blacklist with appeal.
      • Permanent blacklists with appeal can be added to players who have caused irreparable damage to the battalion.
      • Directors can be approached if an exception needs to be made for the Permanent Blacklists rulings.
    • To transfer a blacklist to an-other battalion it requires High Command approval.
      • Directors can be approached if a permanent blacklist needs to be transferred to another battalion.


    ==========[ Approved Permanent Blacklists ]==========

    To find the list of all approved Blacklists for unlimited duration, click here.


    • Winner 1
    • Informative 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Bacta said:

    Commen Sense is vital but we cant expect the best from everyone,.from the wide variety of ages/backgrounds we must be able to adapt and fully talk to them.


    Oh my fucking god, who taught you English? Whoever it was needs to rethink their life decisions... I can teach you how to type with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation if you'd like...

    • Funny 1
  7. The main reason I would say no to deletion of own posts would be due to the fact that it would circumvent things such as suggestions/applications after processing.


    For example we will make up a community member named "John"

    1. John makes a fantastic suggestion that gets a lot of great community feedback and would be a fantastic addition.
    2. John gets annoyed that he was yelled at by another community member and deletes his suggestions that are in pending.
    3. We now have lost the suggestion as it will be perma-deleted.

    This could also happen with Applications to get around the rule of 1 application per 30 days and if you don't like the feedback you're getting, you could delete your post and repost it.


    • Agree 1
    • Informative 1
  8. Hey @Piff, I'm glad you're bringing up things like this and I actually do have a response for you.


    10 hours ago, Piff said:

    I find it ironic that when people do voice their opinons, they usually end up getting fucked over, which in this case, is another example,

    Firstly, through many instances have we (Head Admins, Directors, Management and Founders) been in contact with someone who has feedback for the community, be it positive or negative & we sit down and have a conversation with them about how to move forward from that feedback. Usually these happen privately and then we discuss how to implement different strategies to move the community forward behind the scenes to get things moving, meaning they're less commonly seen as they aren't thrown up on the forums like this post was.

    Usually these feedback submissions get as much back as they put into the submission. For example some people put roughly 15 words, and we may send a message or work on things in the back-end of things to keep it all running smooth. However, some people have put 8-10 paragraphs and those have ended up in discussions for over an hour on all topics brought up, how to move forward and have inspired further discussion of implementation from our High Staff team. To reiterate though, this usually doesn't get plastered all over the forums, and hence isn't really seen.


    10 hours ago, Piff said:

    like i said before, everytime something like this happens the people handling it are unforgiving considering the fact that the person was already pissed off usually and its dealt with in a poor manner everytime which in this case you see that he's already pissed off and then you proceed to try to reason with him without thinking he will do something irrational, you don't have to deal with everything on the instant, give him time and perhaps he will be able to be reasoned with.

    From my understanding of the situation, Heart was given time to cool off after he was being irrational in the way in which he was yelling at Bud. Bud removed himself from the conversation into a locked channel with Directors, Management & a Founder which a password and channel code of DND. Heart on his own after the situation was already de-escalated and the parties separated for some cooling off time, barged in and continued to abuse and disrespect the server and staff team.

    I understand your point from your message and agree with you, however those steps were taken and the situation was further escalated by Heart and hence required the punishment to be handed out. In this, he abused the fact that he has access to locked channels to break channel code, abused a member of the community & didn't give anyone a chance to speak before leaving again. Heart has also done this on numerous other occasions in which, he was spoken to after calming down, that he cannot just yell at, and abuse people and then run away and say "I don't wanna talk".


    10 hours ago, Piff said:

    The fact that yall dont see that he was mad and still decide to ban him for a month is beyond me, i don't know what you expected else than him to go off on bud. Banning him for longer doesn't solve the issue, that will just leave more of a grudge if he decides to come back.

    The thing about this is, the conversation with Bud happened before any of the other things that you mentioned and was the first interaction that Heart had coming from a member of the High Staff team involving this situation. In this situation, Bud was trying to talk to Heart about the situation and to help calm him down, however Bud didn't even really get a chance to speak & we all know Bud can talk people's ears off for hours on end.

    The ban length was determined off of other similar situations in which the community didn't have an issue with at the time... This wasn't a random number that was selected and had no correlation to who Heart is as a member of this community.


    Another perspective to also look at here. The original punishment was for MassRDM and was going to be a 1 Week ban as per the standards set when the situation with Brooklyn happened. Something that wasn't considered for this incident was the fact that Heart also used SLAM's which he KNEW that he wasn't allowed to use and chose to anyways. Bud wasn't even considering this as part of the punishment with the thought process of "It may have been a one-off thing" like Brooklyn's incident.


    11 hours ago, Piff said:

    i already know many people dont trust the current HAs and Directors in place right now if im being honest and if you wish for reasons ill give them if you asked, but i already know someones going to get butthurt if i state them here.

    One thing that very much disappoints me is that this hasn't been brought up anyway previous to this but you have information about "many people" and their opinions on the current High Staff team. We can't read minds, and we can't improve without knowing eachothers faults. As a Community we need to communicate to make this a better place for all, that communication comes from all levels ranging from the newest members of the community, all the way to the top with the Founders.

    In short, work with us so that we can work with you. The liaison team (@traditional & @Bbstine) are in place for situations like these to help bridge the communication gap between members to high staff, please utilize them or as stated earlier, fill out the feedback form (We respond to people that give us their names) or talk your way up the chain.

    • Agree 2
    • Informative 1
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