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Posts posted by Forseen

  1. Hey @Arizona,
    Sorry this has gone unanswered for so long.

    This is something that we (the current founder team) haven't even discussed since taking over the community as it has been a very low priority for us compared to the amount of update work, balancing & tidying up we have been doing around the community to try and make the community day-to-day smoother. Which means the following is coming as a perspective of my own and in no way reflects the entire founder team's decision on the matter.

    Personally I remember the old founders trying this a few times and we saw either no result or negative result (roughly 5-10% less players joining the server daily) from having things such as "NEW MODELS" or "RECENT UPDATE" in the server title. Personally, I feel as though this makes the server look a little less professional, where as (As you will see) most other servers that are in the higher tiered rankings of any roleplay server on Garry's Mod, don't have anything like this in their titles.

    I know this sounds completely cringey, however, most people when looking for a roleplay experience, are looking for either, 1. A place to minge and muck around because "haha you RP on a gmod server", or 2. A place in which they can indulge themselves in roleplay. Obviously the latter of the two is the targeted audience that we want to draw in, but by putting something in the title, it looks as though we are a struggling server that needs the extra help and will actually attract the opposite.


    However, this is definitely not a closed topic and is something myself and the other founders may speak about in future and who knows, maybe one day implement, but also it could be something we decide that we are completely against. As I said, it's yet to be discussed.


    Hope this clears things up for you a little bit.

    • Informative 1
  2. Hey @Conrad,

    First of all, love you. Secondly, we spoke in person already not long after you put this post up.

    However, for transparency sake for those that weren't part of the conversation we had at 3am EST on a random night about a month ago... This is definitely a possibility and will be considered when doing the WiltOs update when we get around to it. This will be quite a large project to ensure the balancing of everything Jedi related and making sure it all feels as though it's in the right place, but will also touch on other things such as potential cosmetic changes and maybe even a change to our store packages for Jedi.

    Truth is, we have been so flat out with all the update work for the last update (and catching up with our IRL social lives after being locked inside doing update work for weeks), that we haven't really touched on or spoken about anything like this, or even anything I've stated above, at this current moment in time. However no discussion is off the table.


    Hope this clears things up!

    • Friendly 1
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