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Everything posted by Luther

  1. +1 I mean this doesn't seem like something that would take that long to make and is a quality of life improvement.
  2. +1 seen you on a lot very active and we need some more staff :)
  3. 9/10 was very creative and fun
  4. +1 honestly I haven't known you for long but I already feel more comfortable talking to you about jedi things than I have with pretty much anyone else. You are super laid back and chill but you also know when work needs to get done and you do it. I truly believe you will do great work for the order.
  5. 9/10 love getting cut in half by a blade
  6. Damn bro, was only around for about 1 month of your term but from what I saw you did some good work and I think you left the order in a good state.
  7. 8/10 Great Story and the way it unfolded was good.
  8. 7/10, Nice backstory and lead up to the event.
  9. Luther

    Add Ebinos

    Name: Luther RP Rank: Elder Knight Suggestion: Add Ebinos Implementation: The ebinos would allow anyone with them to get a closer look at anyone/anything in the distance so we could confirm if a target is an enemy or a friendly Lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Electrobinoculars/Legends Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1711873558&searchtext=Binoculars (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") Other: Tested on a singleplayer server and the binoculars look/feel great, there is however a slight bug but there is an easy fix in the q menu.
  10. 8/10 Was fun with the little amount of people we had, shoutout to those awesome CTs!
  11. +1 from what I can see, he has a lot of experience and I think he will do a good job.
  12. 5/10 Was fun but had some issues with the plot and was very laggy (obviously the lag wasn't your fault)
  13. 7/10 enjoy the chrome backstory and RP
  14. 8/10 First CIS deployment, was fun. Rest In Peace that starfish.
  15. 9/10, Good Action, Got Every Battalion Involved Including Jedi and a good story behind it.
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