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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:196846752 RP Name: Regimental Commander Jayarr Battalion: Recon Who is in command until you return?: ...recon Length of Absence: Like a day or two more. Feeling a very very small amount burnt so I'll take a small break, and I haven't been on the server for like 2 days. I'm also sweaty as fuck at CSGO and it's pulling me in. Help.
  2. I was the best red guard captain
  3. Jayarr


    Everything development wise has to be community. Like the command's fix for DB thread, we all already voted to change that. But it has to go through the whole server.
  4. Jayarr


    Hm. I guess I will just void this then. Sorry @Esitt I was unaware that something that matches how clones would look, and has more then 20 bodygroups is classified as a downgrade and trash.
  5. As of now, by no means do I feel you are ready. Before you got keller, i don't know what you were or how I can describe what you were. I guess a big minge to say the least. I know, you're trying to better yourself and I've seen that progress in you ever since you got keller, but i just can't see it ATM. Neutral, leaning towards -1.
  6. Jayarr


    Eh Editing post just for marshal. Like i said, this marshal fits in a lot more and isnt anymore over the top then our current one
  7. +1 Second man I had lined up to be recon reg. You and black are my strong and preferred picks. May the best man win.
  8. +1 You've done it before, you can do it again. There are two people that I want to replace me in the end, and you are one of them.
  9. I'm not saying anything, but the first comment on that tweet kinda killed me
  10. +1 Go get waived if you haven't. I dont want to see more unfortunate shit with 501st
  11. +1 Glad to see poe going for another term. Shit, wait
  12. No... But theoretically, yes. +1
  13. -1 You were just blacklisted from rancor under the accords of lying about having ARC status. You cannot be trusted as staff with this and the fact that you are lying about age. Gotta do better man.
  14. +1 Pretty level headed in situations that had to be taken on when I was trying to help you and moros. You should do fine.
  15. Jayarr

    Ion team

    Woeny and burrito were best ion team leads
  16. +1 Seen a lot of good work from you over the years.
  17. Changing to Neutral, leaning to +1. Jania is a cool map, and looks pleasing base wise and interior wise. But it's dull, there's no place for sith without adding more onto the (taking a guess) 100-200+ props we already have perma propped. Not to mention something is completely butchering performance ever since we arrived when it was perfectly fine otherwise. It seems the minimal to no thought was given by the map creator for actual multiplayer optimization from the seems of it, and multiplayer optimization is a very hard thing to do. Maybe the base was BUILT with multiplayer in mind, but the execution is...not good. If the map does not change, then for the love of god wipe perma props. Something is fucked up. This is just staff team incompetence. A map alone can't crash a server unless the map maker severely fucked up.
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