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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. How dare you offend my precious feelings in a way that cannot be taken back! By the lord, I'll see you executed come sunrise tomorrow. Completely blasphemous!
  2. Alderaan is fitting if you've ever played SWTOR.
  3. Yeah, I'm sick of deathwatch with flamethrowers saying "get some" too I would love people to RP like they actually have a god damn life instead of knowing it's just an event and wanting to die asap. Same can be said outside of events really, for actually players. People don't care if they die. It's only an RP server after all...where you're supposed to rp...I guess. But what is RP?
  4. This isn't me getting arrested but When I was a LTC in shock (or 2ndLT hound, dunno what time this was), i saw that someone arrested one of the higher up staff members on the server i think it was. I run to brig to see him, and theres 2 fucking chancellor palpatines in the brig, and soon to come 3. The story is a little sketch cause i dont care that much, but i know simeone has a better story with a screenshot.
  5. It's almost like I dealt with this already Long ago tho You should also look at this too DU Goes through the same shit, it has ever since icefuse. Brush it off, kick back and relax. Deal with your battalion as you see fit, nail the minges when you see the minges. Don't take shit unless it's from HC. This server is full of opinionated...people...who think they know everything from an outside perspective, and think they know what's best. Show 'em who's wrong, boss.
  6. I feel the opposite. If base ops doesn't want to encourage the task of ENG then maybe just give it to someone else. Some one probably more dedicated. 38th showed they cared in the past and I'm sure, under the right leadership, they can do it again. Granted numbers were...lacking...they still served their purpose. Not even arguably, the same could be said about 187th and how they were lacking on numbers at that same time. So they both got removed. I feel 38th had more of a purpose to stay on the server though. No clue. Just sayin' that this battalion would be extra useful in the lack of the presence of a naval or whatever at the time. Overall neutral. Leaning to +1 but not yet.
  7. Don't be sweaty like feds Get good at CSGO or some other competitive game, then watch your skill magically transfer over to shitmod. Don't waste your time pvping is all im saying.
  8. +1 Really active guy, feel like he'd be the best option in those terms. When I was havoc I had a lot of chats with you, and you were pretty mature. You 100% can maintain a battalion I feel.
  9. I'm not going to strive to be someone who says I'm a marine all the time and gets his staff shit slowed down half the time because he thinks being in character all the time is funny. He was the last person to get MoH, btw.All for being in character Like a handful of people that are in character...
  10. I'm so confused as to what's going on with this niner shit but aight +1
  11. Queue more porn? Earrape perhaps for when people march next to the room it's in? Hell yeah In all seriousness, if this were to be re-added, it needs to be one of the ones were you have to press E on it or interact with it for it to be heard. I do recall walking by OOC lounge and hearing porn fucking blasting or some russian hard-bass.
  12. Eh. It happens, mostly at the start of when it just got added. But, none the less, people in my eyes have seemed to move on from it. They didn't want it and it got added, and of course a few people (more than a few sometimes) will have backlash. I personally was one of those people who backlashed at it, but as of now I really just don't care, it's here and if I don't like it I'll just ignore it or smth. No drama needed. But as of now, seems very very on the down low or just not at all. Y'all are fine...for now
  13. +1 No harm in this, if anyone doesn't have fun or complain about it then goddamn they need to loosen up. Just make the RDM part of rules, such as no RDM near bunks area or CC area and then you'll be chillin'.
  14. The only thing I wish for. Is for the skybox to be appropriate. With the floating asteroids n shit. I know skyboxes suck ass to make, but I'm sure this one will be fine. Hammer has it's ways of moving shit
  15. Neutral, until Omalic states his opinion. Those fuckers look hella ugly (and I don't mean the models, I mean the fucking way they look in the show), and we'll just have another battalion to give a fucking retarded name to. I've already heard "period blood battalion". I don't want that shit going around on the server, I personally don't know who finds that funny. As eclipse mentioned, it's just another sub unit that probably no one wants or will be active in. Even TC doesn't have that much people I personally see actively playing, so why bother add another unit on top of that to make the battalion have more to deal with? It has potential, I give you that, but potential that will be wasted here and now. We can ride on that hype train some other time.
  16. Scuba. I'd work with Commander Monnk any day!
  17. +1 I can get it, and I know this isnt a power move. I know you applied for hunter with intentions to help over power, but you soon came to realize that you belong in null and korm needed your help. Now you can step up and make that difference. I believe in you 100%.
  18. Another one Hope you can chillax a little, and not have to worry about the server as much now. You were a good kal from when you started, and I had fun with ya when I was REG.
  19. He should just start his own darkRP then if he gives so much of a shit tho tbh
  20. I was hoping you'd try bacara before this, but here we are! I like you, and all the interactions I've had have been okay. But, as marvel mentioned, what would make you push spec to need a reg when it's in its fine state? I feel like you could still take it up in the best of scenarios, but it's not really a thing that needs to be taken up. Edit: I have seen what you said, but I feel maybe a little more would need to be pushed or not pushed at all if you're going with overseer ordeal. Aside from that, the application does look a little...lacking...compared to others. I could maybe get it for a BCMD app but for a REG, it's too little to work on, and not the greatest I've seen. Experience is okay but not enough to really push what you need for REG. All and all, my personal opinion is stay in GM and follow up after gadget has done his last run as BCMD, then go for it yourself. Your the GM guy to me. Hopefully you take this well. ^^ That's just what I got, so Neutral!
  21. +1 Really the only option. No one else in the battalion wishes to apply so there it is.
  22. Jayarr


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