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Everything posted by Harsh

  1. Dude that’s awesome! I’d also like to contribute; if you could pm me on discord at harsh#3338 that would be amazing. I think it’s so cool that we can use this platform to help someone out even in a small way!
  2. Hey Craig, thank you for doing this! I don’t know if this would be in bad taste or not, but I read early today that a member of the community is currently homeless. Do you think you would be able to maybe lower the reward amount an donate some of the prize money to that particular individual? Totally cool if you think that’s overstepping or that person doesn’t want it for any reason, but I think this could be a really good way to do some good through this community proactively!
  3. +1. You did good work the last time when you were staff.
  4. 7/10, really good shootouts. Event went waaaaay too long. Ridiculously long.
  5. +1. I feel like it has to be said that no one (and I mean absolutely no one) has the right to say what Dennis did about Tomm, locked channel or no. It doesn't matter if he really meant to say that about someone else, it's just an inhumane and downright disgusting thing to say. Racism and comments about wishing other people would die/commit suicide should not be allowed in this community under any circumstance. I am honestly disappointed and angry that anyone could behave like this and get away with it for even an instant.
  6. I’ve recently joined DU as a PVT in an attempt to casually come back to the server. I haven’t seen you around yet bc I get on pretty late, but from what I’ve heard you seem to be a good fit. +1, good luck!
  7. +1 to one of the coolest doods around (you still sound identical to scribbles)
  8. Oh man. I spent around 25 days afking on the Jaing job to get that damn weapon. Flying around with that shotgun was OP as all hell; I still remember some events where I could outgun groups of Sith Event jobs with 1000s of health. That said, the gun is still balanced imo given that you need to have a brain to use it. You’re basically a glass cannon and need to think tour way through situations rather than just holding down left click.
  9. Harsh

    Star Citizen?

    Thank you for the clarification. I actually bought a starter package a little bit ago but the game wouldn’t run without an SSD (which I also recently purchased). I think I’m going to give it a shot at the very least to see what it’s all about, so if any of you are interested in playing together, hmu!
  10. Harsh

    Star Citizen?

    Anyone here play Star Citizen? I recently got the game after following it for a while and I know some of you like-minded scifi nerds are probably into it lol.
  11. Yeah these are some great points and you can definitely put an interesting spin on your experiences managing staff and such through Synergy - I understand that it's a lot of work and those leadership skills are certainly valid and valuable. I'd like to put some caution on using the "non-profit" angle, though. I started my own nonprofit in March, and the process is pretty hard to fake/bs about (you have to file articles of incorporation with the state, create a board of directors, most nonprofits go for 501(c)(3) status). I wouldn't use the non-profit angle and instead just say you were working for some small business. While you are technically volunteering your time, you would be more akin to an unpaid intern as Synergy is a business that takes the money it makes and doesn't "give back" so to speak to underprivileged groups or anything like that. Plus, if someone asks you about it in an interview or something it could get weird. That's just me though; I like to be super cautious.
  12. Oh wow this is actually super smart! I don’t know how comfortable I would be doing that because I don’t like stretching the truth too far, but this is a good example of how valuable framing can be.
  13. Hey man, I don't know if this 100% serious or not, but as someone who is currently in college and went through the application process for over 15 colleges, I would be incredibly hesitant to include anything about Synergy/video games in general on my application. Most if not all of the people who will be reading your application will be older and likely have a skewed/stigmatized view of video games and this will do a lot to injure your case. As for some general tips, I would focus your common app essay on some event or activity you did in high school that you think defines the "you" that you want to show the colleges you're applying to. This last part is key: you want to show the school your best face - not the face of you sitting on the couch and eating pizza and playing video games, but the face of you going out in your community and doing good, or founding a new club, or participating/excelling in a sport that you enjoy. By far the most important thing for you to do is to write about something that makes you stand out. I cannot tell you how many times I heard from my high school advisor that an admissions committee/application reader only spares your application at the most 5 minutes (in fact, this number is likely a lot lower). These people reads THOUSANDS of applications, and if yours doesn't stand out or make a compelling case, your chances of getting in to the school you love are shortened. To give you some hope though, you don't have to do some world-changing thing to get into a school. Pick something you love about yourself or your life and write about it well in an interesting manner. Read tons of examples of successful common apps that got people into different colleges. Think hard about what kind of image you want to present and what things in your life could help you present that image. Above all, put in the time and effort and have as many people read your application as is possible. Another piece of advice I can give that you've probably already heard is the ranking system for your schools. Apply to a certain number of dream, middle, and safety schools (fewer dream, mostly middle and safety) depending on your time constraints and how much money you're willing to spend (it's expensive). Finally, do your research, budget your time well, and do everything you can to increase your odds of getting in (visit the campus, follow them on social media, etc.). Again, I have to stress that you need to make your story unique - it has to be YOUR story. I hope this helps. You can also reach out to me on discord at harsh#3338 if you'd like!
  14. Let me preface this short message with this: I don't want to start any argument or drama, I just want to say my piece as someone who has interacted with Comics in the past. Comics, I haven't interacted with you at all since this past summer when a certain event occurred, but I truly think from your responses here and the the very fact that you are trying to reach out to the community for their benefit shows that you have grown. I can't speak to all sides of your character, and I do see some of the personality traits that led to our conflict in some of your responses, but overall I feel from this short glimpse that you've matured. I honestly couldn't tell you why I'm writing this out but I just wanted to say that I'm glad you seem to have matured and moved on. I would have contacted you over discord to say this but I am unsure if you had blocked me or if I had done the same, so here this is. Best of luck to you.
  15. +1 Haven't touched the server in a hot minute, but Gears has been and always will be a real one. Should go without saying that he did great stuff and has the experience to keep improving the player experience. Hope you continue to have fun in the role and make sure to look out for your mental health and stay safe!
  16. Ah yes, the ol' secret weapon. I still remember when @Duck tried to do this to me the day I got Jaing lol
  17. +1 His ban appeal seems to be genuine, and if he continues to behave poorly the worst case scenario is he gets banned again.
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