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Everything posted by justuscloud5

  1. +1 this guy is gonna get burnt out in a month but hes a cool dude
  2. He was a good dude that treated everyone well may he rest in peace
  3. Wow carvis you really stooped to a new level im so appalled... In all honesty I dont even play anymore but carvis is my boy and you easily could have talked to him as he's pretty easy to talk to about this stuff. Also shit like this makes the community worse, by that I mean new players that brown nose higher ups and report anyone for any little thing to show their good boys but will actually do much worse in closed doors. -1
  4. i hadn't talked to phoenix/indomitus for a while but he was a good dude and that's all i can truly say about him. fly high bro.
  5. Remember kids contrary to popular belief xhamster does not infact contain hamsters
  6. wasnt being toxic just pokin fun
  7. Hi im resigning guys. *one week later* yeah im resigning again
  8. shut up retard make a decision with your life here already
  9. any homeboys wanna play some arma hit me up my discord is Justuscloud5#1517
  10. +1 you dirty Finnish fuck you goddamn beta swede
  11. Listen if you said something fucked up in the past your life is gone and we are gonna hunt you down and make sure you can never comeback and try to be better because I am a chosen knight of the roundtable of keyboard warriors and I will type 160 words per minute to make sure you never ever can comeback or do anything again... +1
  12. Do you remember september... of 2018 when cyclops made a suggestion for K-Company to be added and it got accepted in May 2019 then the models got added in October 2019
  13. You know i made you a lord at least put some respect on my name
  14. -1 your a smart kid but not the best for a position like this
  15. Bruise your cool dude and a good friend but I've said this to you many times but you were pulled out of the oven to fast all though I dont play anymore I still get whispers and such about the state of the 41st. And from what I hear it needs someone to take control and actually be able to fix it. Whether it be by squeaky clean techniques or corrupt ones the battalion is dying and the blood of the battalion is on your hands and others under you no matter what in the public eye and seeing that issues are still unresolved in your term I am going to -1 you
  16. hmm sounds eriely familiar to something that was on the server about a year a go I just can't put my finger on it...
  17. I'm here to talk shit Ur gay +1 Doc is a good dude bring em back
  18. +1 im only doing this because I really wanna see what happens when you promote to XO
  19. finally another boyo comes to join us in the graveyard
  20. You were pretty cool but those titties are too big my man
  21. I just realized something... Synergy is basically game of thrones but far more autistic literally everyone when a BCMD position opens up or getting promoted past CPT
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