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Everything posted by silvers

  1. User is not in their position anymore. // locked // moved to "Completed"
  2. Resignation logged. Thanks for your help with the staff team! o7
  3. +1 it’s kinda weird that you can’t say it in OOC at least
  4. +1 you’re gonna keep the Sugga train rolling
  5. Your LOA has been logged. Please contact a Head Admin when your LOA is complete!
  6. Your LOA has been logged. Please contact a Head Admin when your LOA is complete!
  7. This Report shows the total amount of deployments each battalion/Regiment have done this week. A number next to the battalion shows the amount of times they were deployed as an individual battalion, while a number next to the regiments name shows when the entire regiment was deployed. Below is the List as well as the number of full army deployments: Attack Regiment - 1 501st Legion - 2 212th Attack Battalion - 4 327th Star Corps - 1 187th legion - 1 Recon Regiment 41st Elite Corps - 4 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps - 1 Rancor Battalion - 3 Specialised Regiment 104th Mechanised Assault Battalion - 4 Doom's Unit - 1 21st Nova Corps - 2 Shock Troopers - 2 SOBDE - 3 Clan Skirata Delta Squad Omega Squad Foxtrot Group Bad Batch Jedi Order - 2 Sith Order - 1 Full Deployments - 1
  8. Today, on June 25, 2019 Desmond Amofah AKA Etika’s body has been found and confirmed dead. This actually ruined my day and this is fucking horrible. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. If you’re struggling in life, and thinking of doing something harmful to yourself, try calling these hotlines to help you out. United Kingdom 🇬🇧 116 123 United States 🇺🇸 1-800-273-8255 Canada 🇨🇦 1 800 456 4566 Ireland 🇮🇪 116 123 Philippines 🇵🇭 2919 Australia 🇦🇺 131 114 France 🇫🇷 01 45 39 40 00
  9. silvers


    +1 The first part of the whole plan of making all of rancor HC > : )
  10. @Zim @Ccmonty Fixing your balance is hard
  11. +1 Pythin has been a big help to the Alpha ARCs and he can be a big help to the recon regiment as a whole. Gl gamer
  12. LOA voided // moved to “Completed”
  13. o7, you were a good face to the 187th. Sucks to see you leave.
  14. +1 papa Poe going for the bigger leagues owo
  15. +1 You have a lot of experience in the position you are applying for. A LOT. I support the two of you. Good luck in the interview you guys!
  16. +1 Black has been extremely helpful within Rancor, leading our intel team to be very efficient. Him and Joe are great contenders for the position.
  17. Accepted for interview! Contact a Head Admin By 6/28/2019 for your interview, Or else your application will be DENIED.  // locked  // moved to pending
  18. I love and hate PK events. They turn out really well but I also don’t want to PK myself lol
  19. o7 destiny 2 is a good post resignation game to play. Play it hard
  20. Congratulations, you have been Accepted into the Staff Team. You have passed the interview and you are now a New Admin. Welcome to the Team! // moved to "Accepted"
  21. Congratulations, you have been Accepted into the Staff Team. You have passed the interview and you are now a New Admin. Welcome to the Team! // moved to "Accepted"
  22. Name: Silvers Staff Rank: HA Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): It’s gonna be an ROA from 6/12-6/14, then an LOA until the 22nd. Reason: I am going to LA and shit for a week, and I really need a break rn,henceforth the ROA for the next couple of days. I will probably still be as active on the forums and discord. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position:Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yea
  23. I went FUCKING crazy after botw’s sequel was announced
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