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Everything posted by silvers

  1. Congratulations, you have been Accepted into the Staff Team. You have passed the interview and you are now a New Admin. Welcome to the Team! // moved to "Accepted"
  2. I had to set up and work on 3 2-hour deployments Today and I was planning on doing 5... I am on sum shit bro 😤😤. BUT THIS POST WAS TO SEE WHAT YOU GUYS HAVE THOUGHT OF THE THREE DEPLOYMENTS WE HAVE DONE TODAY! I feel like it was a success, and that many of you guys have enjoyed it! Prepare for the grand finale (hopefully) event coming tomorrow! It will be happening two times for each event having half of the battalions in them!
  3. Same bro, what if we all got on a boat and collected trash with the sun over the horizon and shit
  4. Staff Meeting Notes - 5/18/2019 Lighig: Will speak in the GM meeting Dragon: Pretty Good... Yeah.. Nice job. That's all I gotta say Bananaberry: Valdor: Silvers: Finals and shit, events were low. DONT DO SUPER FAST EVENTS! THEY ARE USUALLY REALLY BAD!! Marvel: Trad: When you’re back from an LOA please respond to your post so that High Staff are aware that you’re back. The only people suffering will be yourselves if you don't notify us. Everyone right now go ahead and fill out the admin choice form. General Staff PTS: Redacted - Staff needs to help lower staff members. Specifically SAs and VAs, help out your underclassmen! Redacted - Tickets have been slow, also respond to N word sayers quickly. GET THE STEAM ID BEFORE BANNING PEOPLE! Loopy: Are we going to restrict Job spawns? I was an admin and it borked shit up Answer: We will fix that Staff of the Week/Month Week - Patricia Month - Cloves Private Hours/Steam Format: Rohan Speedbird OxiCLightning Pinkdonut Trijim Staff Promotions NA to A- Poe Rohan Bunny Pinkdonut Admin to SA - Poe Cloves Patricia SA to VA - Silvers Dennis VA to HA - Dragon Thunder
  5. Name: Silvers (Mcfisher is the GM getting the credit however) Who helped (If applicable): Nade, Techno, Loopy (shadow), Maverick Event Name: Battle of Kamino Simulation Summary of the story: BATTLE OF KAMINO BUT WITH SOME OTHER THINGS OH GOD OH FUCK! The batts were deployed to do their normal routine in kamino but then the CIS came with grievous and Ventress. The Legion, which is a new group, showed up as well. Oh god oh fuck. What was the result of the event?: went well, i was in the high staff meeting so i got no say Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: BOTH BUT MORE RP WOAH RP SURPRISING OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOD
  6. Name: Silvers (Lead), but GM: Unusual Who helped (If applicable): Techno, McFisher, maverick, piff Event Name: Battle of Naboo Summary of the story: Simulation Flashback of the Battle of Naboo. Yepppers. What was the result of the event?: It actually went fairly well in my opinion Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: more shoot em up but with rp HAPPY JUNE 1ST!
  7. Poe’s ha channel being scuffed which was todsy
  8. Update - That REDACTED has been revealed, and it’s @Poe!
  9. He told me that he was shadowed, but idk by who
  10. Congratulations, you have been Accepted into the Staff Team. You have passed the interview and you are now a New Admin. Welcome to the Team! // moved to "Accepted"
  11. I myself am going for the raptors, but the warriors have a better chance of winning
  12. Before beginning, we would like to apologise for changing our original suggestion quite a bit, so much so that it felt like it was a new suggestion. That was kinda boofy on our end. But here we are, and hopefully, this is the best compromise after the lengthy discussions we have had before on the forum post back then. Name: Silvers Suggestion: Make some changes to the Alpha-Class ARC group in the server. Implementation: Alphas require many prerequisites to become one, such as MED, EOD, TECH, INT, ARC, and other training. In lore, we are trained by Jango Fett himself, a Mandalorian. Null was also trained by a Mandalorian, Kal Skirata. They are all genetically modified to be the best of the best. Changing the job pay: For the normal Alpha-ARC trooper job, they are paid 350 credits. For other subunits of a battalion, they are paid from 400 credits (TC), to 450 credits (21stSO, w/o the normal trooper). We feel that Alpha-ARCs should be paid 475. For Alpha-17 and Fordo, they can be changed to have 50 higher pay than the normal trooper, which would be 450 or 500 credits. We would prefer 550, however. Valiant would still have the 600 pay. Changing the loadout: Minor changes: For the Alpha Trooper job, they should get the DC-15a and DC-15s. I think this was accidentally removed, soo yeah. Now for the big boy changes: We would want to give one of the Alpha-ARC jobs a bacta bomb. Originally, the thought of a medkit came to our minds, but we have decided that this would be more tactical for an Alpha-ARC to use. We would prefer Aven, because he would be the closest person in lore of all of the Alphas to use the bomb. However, since all of the base Alpha troopers have the same job, it may not work. The next big thing would be Fordo, so most likely fordo would get the bacta bomb, even though if it is a stretch. Adding DC15a - tfa_swch_dc15a Adding DC15s - tfa_dc15s_ashura Adding Bacta Bomb - weapon_bactanade Job Health Changes For all Alpha Jobs, we should get 50 more health than the Rancor job. Their total health would be 650 HP and 250 Armor. (Normal Rancor have 600 HP and 250 Armor) To compare with null, they have 600 Health and 350 armor. Alphas are known to withstand many harsh things. For example, when Alpha-17 was interrogated by Asajj Ventress, he withstood her and escaped to fight another battle. Model Changes K THIS SOUNDS KINDA SUS IK, we like all of the models don't worry. We just found out that Kyle might've made a phase 1 helmet for Valiant. If Joah has the file/models for that, maybe he can try implementing that in. This is just speculation, however. He might not even have it at all, but it isn't the end of the world. Update: Found the picture! So that confirms it, there IS a phase 1 helmet for Valiant. I'm not gonna post it because it may be confidential, but if I get permission I will edit it in. Some of Rancor are happy with pitching some of their BvB prize money into this helmet. It may not be much, but it can help hopefully. Valiant's model string as well - models/kylejwest/synergyroleplay/alpha/sr3dalphaarcvaliant/sr3dalphaarcvaliant.mdl Alpha Trooper - models/kylejwest/synergyroleplay/alpha/sr3dalphaarctrooper/sr3dalphaarctrooper.mdl APPROVED BY MILLER (BLITZ) AND MYSELF (VALIANT) Workshop content if applicable: Well I guess the phase one helmet for valiant, but I don't think that is on the workshop.
  13. Accepted for interview! Contact a Head Admin By 6/1/2019 for your interview, Or else your application will be DENIED. // locked  // moved to pending
  14. LOA Logged, please contact Me or another HA once your LOA is complete!
  15. LOA Logged, please contact Me or another HA once your LOA is complete!
  16. Trijm already spoke to me about the issue of the lack of deployments, we are trying to fix that and hopefully you guys are seeing that
  17. LOA Logged, please contact Me or another HA once your LOA is complete!
  18. LOA is Complete! Welcome Back! //locked // moved to "Completed"
  19. LOA Logged, please contact Me or another HA once your LOA is complete!
  20. Resignation logged. Thanks for your help with the staff team! o7
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