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Everything posted by silvers

  1. Name: Silvers Staff Rank: Director Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): Until Thursday I’m sorry my WiFi is about to cut off to check the right date Reason: I’m deadass on a plane RNto San Diego catch meriding the tsunamis from all the earthquakes LOL Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: UHHHYEA Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: YEA
  2. o7 gamer, sucks to see you go
  3. yea uhhh fuck you and i'll answer that call so we can have a Piff PTS in the staff meeting
  4. Lol spending your last day playing Minecraft lul o7
  5. Application has been Accepted for interview. You must contact either Me or Dragon by 7/9/2019 Failure to do so will result in a Denial for your application. // locked // moved to "Pending"
  6. Application has been Accepted for interview. You must contact either Me or Dragon by 7/9/2019 Failure to do so will result in a Denial for your application. // locked // moved to "Pending"
  7. Application has been Accepted for interview. You must contact either Me or Dragon by 7/9/2019 Failure to do so will result in a Denial for your application. // locked // moved to "Pending"
  8. So a week and a half ago, I went to Socal, and in Anaheim, there is Disneyland. I didn't go to Disneyland. But next to Disneyland is Downtown Disney, which is like a mini-city dedicated to Disney shit. One of the stores they had is a VR Experience sorta thing. Disney partnered with Oculus to make a Star wars VR game called Star Wars - Secrets of The Empire. In this VR experience, you would be a rebel spy, disguised as a stormtrooper with 3 other people. Your job was to infiltrate an Imperial base in Mustafar and get some sorta package or something. So, the friend I went with was having motion sickness when he put it on, which meant I had to go with 3 random other people. I am like 6'4, and I went with these 3 short 5'3 latinas. We had all of the body trackers and shit on with a VR backpack too. So I was walking around with 3 short ass stormtroopers fighting bad guys and shit. Also, in the game, whenever you got shot, it heated up the place you got shot, and did a rumble. It lightweight hurt >:(. This was my first *real* VR experience and holy shit it was fun, like I thought I was gonna fall into lava and shit like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  9. Fycking trash, just because we body shamed your bald Shaak Ti bodygrouper, you decide to resign? Pathetic o7 bigjohn >:)
  10. Name: Silvers Who helped (If applicable): Techno, Salt, BBStine, Eren, Event Name: Legion vs Rancor Summary of the story: Rancor fought against the Legion in Hoth, they gathered information and stuff! (Typing this up during db >:) What was the result of the event?: SUCCESS! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both, but a shit ton of shooting
  11. Unfortunately, this has been denied, we have discussed it and felt that if we were to allow it, people would minge the fuck out of it. Banning people for saying Order 66 out of a whim is not what is supposed to happen as well, so if you see it, report it to an HA+ ASAP. It should start off with a simple warning before it gets even close to escalating to something like that. We have also decided on lowering the ban from 7 days to 3 days since we felt like 7 days was too much for this rule. A good reason why someone should be banned for this reason is ONLY if it were to be obviously malicious. If a staff bans someone referring to that with an unmalicious standpoint, that is a big no-no. // moved to "Denied"
  12. Kim Il Sung, his dad, used to say that he invented the burger lol
  13. Application has been Accepted for interview. You must contact either Me or Dragon by 7/6/2019 Failure to do so will result in a Denial for your application. // locked // moved to "Pending"
  14. Application has been Accepted for interview. You must contact either Me or Dragon by 7/6/2019 Failure to do so will result in a Denial for your application. // locked // moved to "Pending"
  15. Unfortunately your application has been denied. You may reapply in 30 days. (7/29/2019)
  16. Application has been Accepted for interview. You must contact either Me or Dragon by 7/6/2019 Failure to do so will result in a Denial for your application. // locked // moved to "Pending"
  17. Application has been Accepted for interview. You must contact either Me or Dragon by 7/6/2019 Failure to do so will result in a Denial for your application. // locked // moved to "Pending"
  18. 10/10, that was super fun. It was really cool because we had to run away from our past selves so we couldn't be caught in some time paradox shit. Especially when Past sev came through, me, most of the alphas, and present sev Had to hide on the ceiling.
  19. Name: Silvers Who helped (If applicable): Goofy, Carvis, Fallout, Poe Event Name: Battle of The Umbara Legion Summary of the story: 501st and 212th are sent to destroy a group of the army of the Legion!  What was the result of the event?: THE WHOLE OUTPOST WENT BOOM BOOM Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both but with more shoot em up
  20. @Metro Is your LOA complete? If so contact me or Dragon please!
  21. User is not in their position anymore. // locked // moved to "Completed"
  22. @Chrome Just to confirm, your LOA is over, right?
  23. User is not in their position anymore. // locked // moved to "Completed"
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