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Everything posted by silvers

  1. This Report shows the total amount of deployments each battalion/Regiment have done this week. A number next to the battalion shows the amount of times they were deployed as an individual battalion, while a number next to the regiments name shows when the entire regiment was deployed. Below is the List as well as the number of full army deployments: Attack Regiment 501st Legion - 1 212th Attack Battalion - 2 327th Star Corps - 2 187th legion - 1 Recon Regiment 41st Elite Corps - 3 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps Rancor Battalion Specialised Regiment 104th Mechanised Assault Battalion - 3 Doom's Unit - 1 21st Nova Corps - 2 Shock Troopers SOBDE - 1 Clan Skirata Delta Squad Omega Squad Foxtrot Group Bad Batch Jedi Order - 1 Sith Order - 1 Full Deployments
  2. Fuck I wanted another term but you do what you wanna do, +1
  3. Nah I think I just have the voice of someone who doesn’t know what’s going on but doesn’t give a fuck and will just keep on doing his own thing
  4. I think I show emotion I guess not
  5. Name: Silvers Helpers: Rewind, Piff what was the event: The Legion comes and causes havoc once again! (Gettin some stuff to do for the boys) result: VICTORYY How did it go? Eh Shoot em up w/ RP
  6. Staff Meeting Notes - 6/8/2019 Jackson: Square: Chamber/Carter: Dragon: Bananaberry: Not filling out admin choice form or unprivating hours won't get promoted Valdor: Silvers: Forget about spawning combine soldiers, they crash the server and shit. Also, the TR and GM program are collaborating on the “Battalion of the Week” program, in which the battalion with the highest amount of quality CC Trainings will be given their own special event, and they have the choice to do anything they want in that event! Marvel: Trad: Poe: Do not move a game masters props if you are not involved in the event as a Game Helper. Ask permission from the game master prior to removing or altering props. Thunder: T A K E T I C K E T S!!!!!! Staff of the Week/Month Maverick Private Hours/Steam Format: PinkDonut Speedbird Rose Skylur Trijim Staff Promotions NA to A- Thunder Agent Admin to SA - SA to VA - Silvers Maverick Rocksteady VA to HA -
  7. Accepted for interview! Contact a GMO+ By 4/28/2019 for your interview, Or else your application will be DENIED. // locked // moved to pending
  8. Accepted for interview! Contact a GMO+ By 6/15/2019 for your interview, Or else your application will be DENIED. // locked // moved to pending
  9. Name: Silvers Who helped (If applicable): Xain Event Name: The Legion Summary of the story: The Legion, a new mysterious group, sought out to destroy the base and the outposts as a case for revenge after them messing things up for them in Endor. They are high in numbers and gunpower. What was the result of the event?: You guys tricked them, thinking into the base was actually destroyed! It actually went fairly well in my opinion Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em the fucc up
  10. K holy fuck, bacta bombs are op as fuck I guess. I don't really notice it. Voiding I guess lmao @Esitt
  11. That's why I made a different suggestion. Why do you think I only made this one suggestion? If they abused by an Alpha, they are most likely going to get kicked and blacklisted. Please read this vvvvvvvvvvvv Fordo is a one person job.
  12. Name: Silvers Suggestion: Giving one (or all) of the Alpha-ARCs a bacta bomb Implementation: We feel like Alphas should get at least one way to heal ourselves, like a medic. The closest lore character to being a medic is Aven, but there is no designated job for Aven. I'm pretty certain if we would give all alphas a bacta bomb, people wouldn't be happy with that. So instead, Fordo would be the one that is the closest to getting a bacta bomb. The reason why we chose a bacta bomb is that we feel like that the Alphas would have a higher chance of having this rather than having a whole bacta kit in their loadout. Lore: Rule #34
  13. silvers

    I like Climbing

    FUck you with those videos man. My legs feel like shit rn. +1 tho, we can see how it's like. And THIS IS AN IDEA, SO DON'T GET TRIGGERED LADIES, HAKUNA YOUR TATAS, PREPARE; why not use them for idk... maybe jet/rocket troopers?
  14. Let us all take a moment of silence for all of the patient players who had to deal with the giant crash-maggedon of November 2018 that we like to call synergybase_v1. If you were outside of the base, gmod would crash on you if you were out for like 5 minutes. It got so bad, that helibombs had to be banned and nobody could leave the base. These were the dark ages, gamers
  15. Still waiting for rancor commanders to get a health nerf so they can die easily like in the shows -1
  16. Accepted for interview! Contact a Head Admin By 6/11/2019 for your interview, Or else your application will be DENIED. // locked  // moved to pending
  17. Accepted for interview! Contact a Head Admin By 6/11/2019 for your interview, Or else your application will be DENIED. // locked  // moved to pending
  18. Accepted for interview! Contact a Head Admin By 6/11/2019 for your interview, Or else your application will be DENIED. // locked  // moved to pending
  19. Accepted for interview! Contact a Head Admin By 6/11/2019 for your interview, Or else your application will be DENIED. // locked  // moved to pending
  20. silvers

    Lets Stop

    I made a post like this, it made a dent. So we gotta keep the chain going! +1!!!!!!!!!!
  21. +1 this can honestly revive Engineering in the server
  22. Sorry for this bad news but, I'm going to delay this grand finale event for a couple of reasons. 1. The event server is occupied today, and the other Gamemasters' quota is more important, and I wouldn't have enough time to set up, 2. I feel like I need more time to make some polishments to the whole general idea and gameplay/goals for you guys, and 3. I am burnt out from yesterday, spending like 7 hours working on non stop events, so the break will give me some time to recooperate. Hopefully you all understand! <--- idk why this shit is hella big ETA is probably this weekend Putting it in this forum post cuz I'm no director I can';t put it everywhereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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