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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Name: Marvel Who helped (If applicable): Trad, Greek, Jags, Tinovious Event Name: Clumsy Gotals Summary of the story: A new inspector came to the base with a group of Gotal workers to do his bidding. The Gotals were clumsy as hell and kept getting troopers either knocked out or killed. One Gotal finally got his hands on an AT-RT and the troopers thought that they were hostile when the Gotal was just in a predicament. What was the result of the event?: The troopers Order 37'd the Republic Citizens. Total war crime omegalul. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Idek. RP but y'all turned it into a shoot em up lmao.
  2. Don’t worry. Null and Clone Force 99 are off being badasses elsewhere.
  3. Marvel

    Prototype Z6

    It uses prototype ammunition.
  4. +1 This makes so much sense what are y’all on about? Sith only use /comms for PTL and that really about it. I imagine y’all can communicate through TS for that kind of things because disabling /comms for the sake of an event in my opinion is worth one side faction not being able to ask PTL during the event. Event Jobs can use /advert.... Yes I know we can enforce it... but what are we going to do arrest people for getting back and not knowing they’re down? This will make it look cool. People get back and they try to comms in “what’s going on?” and it doesn’t work they’ll know something is up. Honestly we might not know if this is even a thing that can be done, but why not try to see. If it gets a lot of +1s and they take a look at it, they’ll just deny it if it can’t be done. Ez.
  5. +1 I think there’s a need for it. Obi-Wan deserves to look good in that armor.
  6. o7 Rogue. You were good boy. (if ur getting this message. Chambers has my family hostage. He is forcing me to be an HA for the server and if I don’t do it he’s gonna kill em! Plz send help asap)
  7. Marvel

    SO ARF Sniper

    All ARF get the Republic Sniper besides I think the RANCOR ARF. +1 why not
  8. They were all just fixed when I said that.
  9. SOBDE Senator Outreach??? (issa meme)
  10. Marvel

    RSB Suggestion

    Didn’t Base Ops literally ask for a DC-15s so that they could defend themselves?
  11. I gotta say Neutral How are we gonna keep check of who has been revived and so on so forth. It’s seems like a pain imo.
  12. Marvel

    RSB Suggestion

    -1 Wasn't this the same thing that was torn apart bc it was trying to have REDACTED ranks, be able to negotiate and interrogate, and was just like completely dumb.
  13. Name: Marvel Who helped (If applicable): Tinovious and Greek as Game Helpers | Baxter and Tyzen as Event Jobs Event Name: Inspectors Summary of the story: A Republic Inspector and some of his workers arrive to inspect the Republic's new mining Outpost. What was the result of the event?: The workers fucking sucked. They screwed up doing their jobs and injured themselves and some Clones in the process. Finally enough was enough and the Fox and ST decided that the rule states that if anyone messes with the outpost they are KOS. The workers were to be executed but they fought back. They died. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP based. It was just some late night fun tbh, not much shooting at first.
  14. Because we've tried to detain several times. It's never worked so why keep trying? You are enemies of the Republic that have killed several of our brothers. You are KOS in my books.
  15. Cmonbruh. Everytime we try to detain Sith they go apeshit and start trying to kill us all. Don't even start with that argument. Remove the rep bullshit then try again. Sticking with my -1.
  16. You were given the Civilian bodygroupr for a reason. Use it. We were told if you are in the Sith bodygroupr you are considered Sith and are KOS. Clones are bred to fight the enemies of the Republic which you are. -1 Yeah no.
  17. Bro Hunter dual wielding DC-17Ms. Don't tell Zim monkaW.
  18. Commander Cody is probably one of the only regs that Bad Batch respected up until their encounter with Rex and Jesse. If Foxtrot wasn't on the server Bad Batch would definitely be 212th Outreach.
  19. I'm sorry but this "Attack Battalion Pact" with the Sith is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Whoever was apart of this should be court marshaled ASAP. This not only goes against how the Republic Military works but it goes against the Clones in general. In my honest opinion this pact bullshit should be considered FailRP and all Clones associated with this type of stuff should be court marshaled. High Command is there for a reason and this should fall into their hands and if not their hands it should be Palpatine alone.
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