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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Welcome back to the Staff Team! //moved to accepted
  2. Katarn Armor is the strongest armor the Republic has to offer. I wasn’t stating that RC were better than Alpha ARCs. I’m stating that lore wise RC have better equipment than Alpha.
  3. I gotta -1 the health buff. That is putting Alpha over RC and RC have an actual lore reason to be buff as fuck and when we asked for that people flipped. Also 50 health makes a bigger difference than 50 armor BTW. I do +1 the rest. Phase I helmet for Valiant will look sick and honestly it wouldn’t hurt for Alpha to get a Medic amongst their ranks. (Technically Kom’rk isn’t a Medic in lore so doesn’t hurt to make someone like Nate a Medic either even tho all of Null and Alpha are medically trained)
  4. Name: mArVeL Suggestion: Removing Foxtrot Group and replacing it with D-Squad for lore purposes. Implementation: Bean Foxtrot. Make them go to Sarrish or something OMEGALUL. Replace them with the elite squad known as D-Squad led by legendary Colonel Meebur Gascon. Lore: uhhhh https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/D-Squad Workshop content if applicable: lul (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Add AND Change >:) (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: Colonel Gascon, CC-5576-39, M5-BZ, QT-KT, R2-D2, U9-C4, WAC-47 Slots: 7 Pay: 1000c cause they are super duper elite. Description: D-Squad were a bunch of dirty motherfucking droids who kicked ass with a frog dude and a brain dead dish washing clone commando. Model: lul (Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu) Weapons: Everything the Republic has to offer them. (If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu) Other: This needs to happen tbh. Someone make it happen cuz I'm tryna be a frog dude. (Meebur Gascon for SOBDE REG??)
  5. Maybe he’ll try that one day
  6. -1 Sorry, but in my honest opinion, just because there are several characters already on the server that are dead, doesn't mean we should just add more and more. We should be working on fixing these specific problems of dead characters on the server rather than adding onto it. If we go off this logic then let's just add Qui-Gon? How about making Anakin Episode 1 Anakin? Adding Keeli's Unit since Ima-Gun Di would be on the server?
  7. Nah us clones need some Palpy in our lives.
  8. Name: Marvel Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Captain Ordo's SIM Summary of the story: Captain Ordo decided to test the might of the Endor Base by setting up training droids in the base to fight the troopers. What was the result of the event?: The troopers held off the training droids and passed the SIM. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  9. Welcome to the Staff Team! //moved to accepted
  10. Accepted for Interview! Contact a GMO+ by 4/12/2019 for an Interview, or else your application will be denied // locked // moved to pending
  11. +1 You clearly want to try to achieve more in a second term and you have done a good job so far. Just don't burn yourself out man.
  12. Updated to a -1. Best of luck nevertheless. Sorry but Base Ops in it's current state reminds me a lot of it before it's wipe. No trainings hosted and no one even wants to touch BCC. You had a problem with your Base Ops Commander tag giving you bypass and you would join our channels without permission and drunk all the time screaming your head off about stupid shit making it to where the tag had it's bypass taken away. I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable with you getting a bypass tag back tbh. You also have hardly any server experience, especially for a Marshal Commander app. This is a big jump you're making here and I think it would be better for you to get some actual Clone experience before making a jump like this.
  13. Chambers = Jackson alt? 8/10 twas fun
  14. Updating to a -1. This app looks like it was written up very quickly. I'm not sure you have any plans if you were to get the position and it worries me because of what I state below. Base Ops in it's current state is yikes to me. Y'all don't do any of the RP trainings you claim to have responsibility of running. You don't even run the base majority of the time. All I see Base Ops do is bunk inspections which is the most useless and unimportant thing y'all could be spending your time doing. Also are you serious with this janitor bullshit? It sounds like that's been focused on more than MED and ENG and BCC. Kinda yikes imo. How do you plan to improve these branches and Base Ops in your term? Also what is wrong with y'all running BCC? Back when we were on venators Naval never had a problem with running the command bridge but y'all don't even want to touch BCC.
  15. Y'all really need to figure out who the fuck you want and who you want to keep. Kinda getting sick of removing then readding then removing etc. +1 as it does not impact me in anyway whatsoever.
  16. Yeah they are. Doesn't mean we can't get them removed.
  17. Bruh moments right here. I mean the last one of these they said they wanted to give Fours a try at Dark Lord, but I dunno now. So +1
  18. Steam Name: [SR] Marvel [HA] RP Name: Null-11 Ordo Skirata SteamID: STEAM_0:0:445805193 Battalion or Squad you are applying for: Delta Squad Experience: August 12th, 2018 - September 9th, 2018 Upon joining the server I decided that I would stick it as a CT PVT. I went through a few names before choosing Elevator when we moved to Extensive. In those three months I spent my time running around shooting stuff and roleplaying. I also got VIP and joined Naval and Jedi mostly so that I could bypass the rank rule for TR and tryout. I ended up enjoying them both and played them every so often to RP some more. I got an NCO rank in Naval and made it to Padawan in Jedi around this time. I am now a Knight Initiate in the Order. September 9th, 2018 - January 1st, 2019 One day I decided to tryout for SOBDE as there were Delta Squad tryouts going on at the time. I showed up for Sev tryouts and passed on my fourth try. During my two months in Delta I just did what I needed to do as I was trying to get used to being in Delta/SOBDE. At the time Delta was outreached to all Specialized Battalions and we had weekly trainings to host. I assisted in Shock the most as Outreach in their Drill Team and I assisted my Squad in their weekly trainings and even done our requirements myself a few times. Delta Squad for majority of my time consisted of JBFox as Boss, Bananaberry as Scorch, myself as Sev, and Pythin as Fixer. I eventually resigned from Sev due to me getting really burnt out and wanting to try a regular Battalion out with a friend who had recently joined the server. January 11th, 2019 - January 26th, 2019 After leaving SOBDE I joined the 501st Legion. I thought that the 501st would be a good Battalion to try out. I can’t say that the 501st wasn’t a good Battalion but it never clicked with me compared to my time in SOBDE. I decided pretty soon that I wanted to go back to SOBDE but I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time so I stayed in the 501st for a two weeks. In those two weeks I reached Master Sergeant, got Jet Trooper Trainer, and received recruiter of the month even though I was only in for back half the month. Eventually a Null spot opened and I decided to go for it. January 26th, 2019 - Present After four rounds of Mereel tryouts I managed to pass and get back into SOBDE but as a Null ARC. Upon joining Null I switched with the A’den at the time as I thought I would enjoy being the different one. "I preferred to be an NCO. If it's good enough for Kal'buir, it's good enough for me." A little while later I decided that I didn’t really enjoy A’den as much as I would have enjoyed Mereel so I switched back when the Mereel at that time was promoted to Ordo. A couple of weeks went by as Mereel and I chose 501st to be my Outreach. I like to say that I did a pretty good job at the time as Outreach constantly trying to help out with anything I could and even hosting tryouts for the 501st as well. During my time as Mereel SOBDE had a little oopsie happen and stuff happened. The Outreach program was changed and people were removed opening up several positions in Null. I was switched to Kom’rk so that Null would have an active Squad Medic and was the outreached to the 327th Star Corps. (Shotgun Gang) I was only Kom’rk for a week before getting promoted to Ordo, who is the XO of Null, server wise. As Ordo I assisted Kal with running Null by running tryouts, getting new people set up inside the squad, and making sure they were kept in check. Things got a little busy with me after getting Ordo as I was going up in the Staff ranks and got a new job, with many more hours. I would also like to include that I have been in Staff since joining SOBDE as there are a lot of SOBDE that are staff, and it continues to this day that majority of the people that join SOBDE soon become Staff. Since joining the Staff team I have managed to reach the rank of Head Admin. Why should you become Battalion Commander/Squad Lead? I believe that I should become Squad Lead becuase currently I have over 5 months of experince inside SOBDE alone, and am very willing to help Delta Squad out as there is currently no one going for Boss, or possibly able to at this point. Since joining SOBDE I have seen many Squad Leads come and go and I think I’ve seen a lot of stuff happen in said time. I’m prepared to put my full attention towards making Delta Squad an active, full, and serious squad inside of SOBDE. Do you understand the lore of your Battalion or Squad? Yep. Availability: Literally everyday once I get off work. If I don’t happen to get on you’ll be able to get ahold of me via Discord. Estimate of how long you have played on Synergy Roleplay? | Null-11 Ordo Skirata has played for 3757:45:52. A little over 8 months or so now. Do you have a microphone? Yep. Where do you want your Battalion or Squad to be at the end of your term? I want to ensure the professionalism, longevity and activity of the Squad by the end of my term. I would like Delta to be one of the role model Squads inside of SOBDE. Delta should be actively roleplaying as their character and as a squad, they should not be minging in public, and they should be one of, if not the most active squad inside of SOBDE. Lore wise Delta Squad is the one of the best squads in the clone army and I want Delta to reflect the statement on the server by the end of my term. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from the position? Yep. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Commander rank? Yep.
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