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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Using the excuse that their armor is different is a shitty excuse. How bout you RP and not be like “oh new CT why your armor so dirty? You’re new so you should be shiny. Show me your ID!” But yes Commandos in CT armor are overused
  2. No. Just no. +1 He's been turning his act around so he's good boy now
  3. -1 Not needed. It's not like anyone has anything better to do
  4. +1 already got some ideas yeet
  5. This is of top priority. By far the most important thing of all time. Our base cannot function until this is done. Somebody isn’t doing their job clearly. +1 if ppl actually want this?
  6. Hey gamers, So it seems like y'all are having fun with my recent late night deployments that are basically Simulations of lore battles and my own made up battles at a different location on certain planets which we know battles have been. Ex: Battle of Mimban & Battle of Umbara. (More to come!) So I plan to continue these type of Events and would like to know if anyone has any suggestions for future simulations. How they are executed, what battle you'd like to see, etc. (I try to keep them as immersive and lore friendly as possible btw) Yours truly, Clone Advisor CC-01/125 (mArVeL)
  7. LOL yeah that is my bad. I forgot about the AAR so I had to stall. Thanks for the feedback!
  8. Name: Marvel Who helped (If applicable): Cronis (GH), Bro, Lavender, Tinovious (as moral support) Event Name: Battle of Umbara |SECTOR ZETA| Simulation Summary of the story: Clone Advisor 01/125 grabbed some troopers from Endor Outpost 0601 and had them run a SIM of one of the Battles on Umbara. SECTOR ZETA was a Sector on Umbara that was flat and open and was rich in Doonium which was one of the reasons the battle ensued. The troopers were made into 501st or 212th SIM Troopers and ran the SIM in record time. Destroying the Techno Union Ship and winning the Battle of Umbara. What was the result of the event?: The SIM was ran and ended. The boys ran it in record time. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  9. I don’t see anything plausible that could be added that wouldn’t take away from the Battalion’s sub-regiments. The trooper is just a starter job until you figure out where you would like to go in the Battalion.
  10. Resignation denied. Get demoted. o7 you were a good Fox
  11. +1 This is a total neckable offense. Demoted
  12. Name: Marvel Who helped (If applicable): Cronis (GH), Tinovious, Killjoy/Appo, Silvers Event Name: Battle of Mimban Simulation Summary of the story: The troopers of Outpost 0601 do a Simulation of the Battle of Mimban as the 224th "Mudjumpers" Division. They recreate the Battle of Mimban and then the rescue of the Mimban Represenative held captive on the nearby planet of Abawar. What was the result of the event?: The troopers beat the record time of the Simulation and successfully finished the SIM. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up 224th Mud Heavy Mereel SLAPS MUD ON HIS FACE
  13. That would be a fat yikes. Probably make this a Deployment thing? Like all the troops get set up and stuff then we have actual immersion before ppl start to deploy. (I'm pretty sure it was like this before)
  14. Now I support this and any other suggestions that want to add more RP or Immersion but I got some questions. Is this a one time thing or when you die do you have to go to armory and do all the RP again? ^ If so what about during events. I don’t think some dude is gonna be dedicated to watching armory and giving people guns because people are barely dedicated to running BCC. Also. Maybe make it to where perk weapons are weapons you would need to get from armory. Your standard loadout weapons would probably be in your bunks. ^ I personally don’t like perma weapons and maybe making it to where the Quartermaster is inside armory and you no longer spawn with perma weapons and must go in and spawn them from the Quartermaster would be neat. Either way I say +1
  15. People were freaking out over the whole get ammo from armory suggestion now we gotta rp get our weapons from armory omegalul.
  16. Time to mass dumb Joah?
  17. No more perma weapons plz This one of all weapons should never even be spawned in (SE-14c>Lightsaber Rifle) This gun is so broken back on extensive I managed to go on a 100+ player killstreak as a Commando Droid with it. -1 srry but it's nerf or nothing
  18. -1 and here is why As of right now the players already shred through the current NPCs which causes Game Masters/Helpers to spawn more to try to push the players back as they always rush forward because they simply do not care if they die. If anything we should lower the health and/or armor of the players rather than the NPCs. Also people already complain about the lag how it is, and what you are proposing would cause even more lag which will result in even more complaints. Overall this would not work out because of lag and how people play the game.
  19. +1 but I’m sick of ppl going to me tryna goto you lmao. Good luck.
  20. +1 Makes BCC seem a little more important
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