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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. ^^^ I'm positive that Joah said that no one would be able to apply until they have worked their way up in 187th and get permission from High Command I think. (Marshall or Attack Reg not sure bout this one tho) Idk why you didn't join when it came back either, kinda weird imo. Neutral.
  2. I'm sorry but I strongly disagree with you first statement. Are you saying that if you are a complete minge on your Jedi it shouldn't be linked to you as a Clone? You're still the same person at the end of the day and that is a completely valid reason to -1 as you won't even give context as to why you were removed. What you do on the server should be linked to every character you play as. Period. -1
  3. Marvel

    Remove Defibs

    The idea is cool but the system is shit. Sorry medics but I +1 this. RP Revives were fine the way they were before the update.
  4. I'm not gonna rate this as I believe that SOBDE wasn't in the loop of the story. Shock seemed to have fun with the story so as long as they got something to do that's a win in my book. Null stole furniture while Shock was out solving a mystery LOL.
  5. Marvel


  6. Marvel


    I am so confused...
  7. This rule was put into place around when TFA came out due to all the kids spoiling. It is an automatic 1 month ban for spoiling any new movie or game within a month of it’s release.
  8. I literally got done talking in OOC about how people can receive a ban for spoiling and meming about spoiling. Literally 30 seconds after me warning another player for meming it, you proceeded to drop a spoil. I won't make any hints as to whether said spoiler was true or not, and if it was a big spoiler because some people did see what you said and I don't want to confirm or deny what you said as I have seen the movie.
  9. LOL wut? You're saying that the Sith use our comms towers? Wouldn't that mean they use our comms as well? tbh idc how the Sith RP about how they use their comms as long as it ain't dumb. I'm worried about the Republic and the Republic only.
  10. Base Ops when we were on it for that little while called it Tame Water. Tell that to Kanja Club... I mean Base Ops. Extensive was the Resolute but all the ship ATC binds said Tame Water when BO/Naval set them up.
  11. Welcome to the gamemaster team //moved to accepted
  12. Welcome to the gamemaster team //moved to accepted
  13. Marvel

    Deathwatch Attack

    I hope ppl liked my ninja act
  14. I dunno if thatwould work that way. Coruscant is lightyears from Endor so I imagine we would have a comms tower on Endor to use. That's why I volunteered Charlie as the comms outpost (:<
  15. Name: mArVeL Suggestion: Remove the random "comms towers" around the map. Make one universal way that keeps comms up and running and vice verse. Implementation: Deletus mcyeetus the "comms towers" around the map (the white slim towers that serve no purpose.) Also make a universal way comms are used. Currently I see people coming up with several different ways to "cut comms" to a certain area and people ignore it bc there is no set radius into which your comms would be borked. People also try to find loopholes in comms being down giving their own reasons as to why it does not affect them. I say that the universal comms area should be at Charlie (big satellite thingy) or in the main Base (comms tower thingy). If it were to be tampered with then comms would be down in the surrounding areas (Base <-> Alpha / Base <-> Bravo / Base <-> Charlie) The base still has the PA system so people in BCC can just advert like "*Base PA* Yeah comms are fucked. Troopers go check I out!" Stuff like that. That's my idea at least but someone might have something better ya know. Lore: Comms work one way, not several different dumb ways. Workshop content if applicable: N/A (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") Other: There are currently 7 comms towers around the map, the comms tower in base, the comms stations in Alpha and Bravo, and the satellite dish in Charlie. Uhhhhhhhh yeah. Why?
  16. They should only have these vehicles out for events or RP purposes.
  17. +1 I haven’t talked to him a whole lot but I have spoken with him enough to know that this man has plans and goals for his Battalion. Even if you have never been able to speak with him his application shows enough. Good luck man
  18. I can’t count... or read for that matter
  19. Name: Marvel Who helped (If applicable): Greek, Trad, Tinovious Event Name: Reactivated Training Droids Summary of the story: A box fell off a shelf causing an explosion that reactivated four B1 Training Droids. The droids woke up with no memory of what happened but they knew one thing. They did not like the Citadel. Eventually Clones went to investigate and they tried to hide but they're pretty loud and sucked at hiding. The Clones then checked the droids out and took them to Brig. There they took the droid's datachips and analysed them. They found out that the droids were pretty damaged and decided to repair them and set them up for a nice Simulation. What was the result of the event?: The Training Droids turned on the Clones and attempted to escape the Base. The Clones hunted them down and dismantled them or returned a few to the storage room and wiped their memory. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay at first. Last bit was a little shoot em up.
  20. Welcome to the Staff Team! //Moved to Accepted
  21. 5/10 The beginning of the event was really smooth. The drop pods were really really cool. I loved it. My only issues were with the whole "taming the massiffs." I'm sorry but once the massiffs came in and were being "tame" I think that started to make things go downhill. I feel they wouldn't do that, they were just killing the Clones just 5 minutes prior. I also believe the Clones would not have tried to befriend wild animals that recently killed several of their brothers. The idea was good but imo the massiffs being friendly and causing tension between the Republic forces was a bit off for at least me and Null. Keep it up though. Idea was hella good!
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