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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2021 in all areas

  1. 6’ but when I stand on my money I’m 5’5 like Marsh (I have crippling financial debt)
    3 points
  2. This is because Rancor is self sustaining. The only thing I need them to do is run the ARC program and maintain activity. I gave Stix a lot of breathing room as long as his HC kept me updated on certain thing within the battalion. Mostly concerning numbers. The only thing I had to step in on recently WAS some GM issues which turned out to be a non factor. However, I did have to reach out to them towards the beginning of my term due to them having conflicts with CG. In which I told them that they need to stop. Other than that, I haven't needed to step in as Stix did his job pretty well. As for 41st, my main observations was to oversee Cloud and make sure Shpack was ready to take over. Along with trying to improve their PR by keeping their rolemodels in check within the battalion. They handled things internally without me having to get involved 99% of the time. My input in every HC decision / discussion has been from a holistic perspective. Because I have been up the ranks in staff, Jedi, and clone. I have a lot of stuff I get my views and ideas from. I don't give input from the perspective of GMD or HA unless the topic is related to that issue. I give input from MY perspective. I don't need to speak with you to run for the position, mostly because I never found a good opportunity to go over things with you plus it slipped my mind as I already talked with the majority of BCMDs. Its a courtesy call not a requirement. As well, I'm not gonna be going into depth with my plans on this post as ultimately they could easily cause issues. And I don't need to go over my plans with anyone outside of Bro and the directors in my interviews.
    3 points
  3. -1 Ah yes, full server 80% AFK, no one to talk to, 12 people in events. Welcome to the largest virtual sleepover ever except there are no sharpies to drawn penises on peoples foreheads and everyone is asleep all the time b r u h
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. in all srsness i b thinking abot this for awhile nd like i would do absolutely ANYTHING to get a nice meal of that 1700s arbys roast beef sandwich
    2 points
  6. Well, this is interesting. Tomorrow, I ship off for Oklahoma. As some of you know, I joined the Army, with Artillery. I'll be at BCT for 9 weeks, get about 10 days free for Christmas/New Years, then be back to AIT for another 9 weeks. After all is over, given I don't get a duty station where I am unable to use my computer, I'll be back. But for now, its radio silence from me. This really isn't like a full leave from the server, so I'm not gonna get all sappy and emotional for all my buds here. Yall know who you are, and I will be seeing you all again in six months, with some hopefully good stories to tell and some extra knowledge under my belt. Seriously, thanks to everybody who kept this server fun. See you all soon. This is Good Night and not Good Bye.
    1 point
  7. So, few things. You "resigned" less than a month ago because you couldn't handle the server. Then you came back less than an hour later and took a 2 week LOA instead. You were removed from GMD for not doing enough (and honestly if it weren't for Day, Shockpoint, and Bacta the GM team would be dead). You had a lackluster RCMD term, being AFK for the majority of it. Deku had a good term, and is running again. Why are you running? What could you possibly bring to the table at this point? (This is a -1 if you couldn't tell).
    1 point
  8. If your first digit isn't a 6 your opinion doesn't matter
    1 point
  9. +1 I see no reason why Deku shouldn't continue being MCMD. He kinda pogw if you ask me. but like, where Padme at tho
    1 point
  10. Just saying this for everyone giving their input/opinion following this message. Let’s keep these to feedback/votes only please. Arguments, disagreements, or anything else can be discussed in private DMs. Obviously giving your reasoning behind your vote is important, but you can do so and leave everything else for private DMs unless it pertains to the application Forum Mod Moment +1
    1 point
  11. +1, from my perspective I really wish you had more presence in-game, but I understand there's only so much that you can do. I think you'd be a good candidate
    1 point
  12. +1 Your term as Marshal has been smooth sailing. I have faith that another term will be just as buttery.
    1 point
  13. Name: Stormzy Steam ID: On da roster Staff Rank: HA Are you VIP?: Ye Date: 8/28/2021 Reason for leaving: imma be honest, been thinking of this for a good min but I aint got much time on my hands. College is here and I am going to start working two jobs. I'm hoping to buy myself a car soon and I can't/don't want to distract myself with GMOD/HA. Been fun though. Farewells: Thanks for giving me the chance? Not gon ping since that's work
    1 point
  14. -1 Mitchell, I’ve been working with you in high command now for the entirety of your term as recon regimental, and as a fellow clone reg for more than a month. What I’ve seen is a lack of presence, mainly directed at those under you in the recon regiment. Neither have any significant interactions with you to speak of when it comes to your role as their direct superior, with the exception of very recently for the HO changes. Before the last few weeks the one time I’ve actually seen you have a conversation with a battalion under you was to talk to Rancor about something to do with the GM program. I won’t say specifics, but speaking to some individuals of each battalion confirmed that they too felt no presence from you, or anything you’ve done with recon. The situations you do give your input on within high command seem to be from the perspective of the GMD and a head admin rather than a regimental commander. I’ve heard zero of your plans, aspirations, goals, or anything of the sort for MCMD as you’ve yet to speak to me, and am left only to guess as to why you are going for marshal commander other than to have the position. The application doesn’t help me much on that front either as where you want the GAR to end up essentially is just “Active” On top of this, many of your promises that you made when you went for recon reg that made me +1 you have been not only unfulfilled, but completely left in the dust without an attempt to actually implement them. As an example one of the main things that you said you would do and that both battalions were okay with was to share teamspeak channel passwords so that they could interact with each other more. That could’ve happened on day one, but it’s the end of your term and it still hasn’t. You’ve made some large improvements since the end of your LOA. You’re active, engaging in discussion, interacting with your battalions, and being a much less confrontational person in general (which can be seen as a good or bad thing depending on who you ask.) The sad thing is that you didn’t act this way your entire term, or I would have left a different message here. You clearly have the ability to be a proactive and capable member of high command, it’s a shame you weren’t at that capacity for most of your three months, as I have absolutely no guarantee you will be at that level for the next three months. I’m sorry Mitchell, but with your previous term as a recon reg I would be very very inclined to -1 a reapp, much less taking the next step to help run the server. A very hard -1 from me.
    1 point
  15. 8/10. And I would have successfully negotiated if it weren't for that Meddling Umbaran
    1 point
  16. +1 i think Mitchell is the right amount of change needed for something to actually get done in server high command
    1 point
  17. +1 Regardless of Mitchell being removed from staff positions, he is still an extremely competent person. Who hasn't been removed from any in-game position upon obtaining one. (Staff side I could give less of a fuck about because we all know the standards that people hold others too) I trust his judgement and especially love the clarity portion of the app. Good luck
    1 point
    1 point
  19. Y’all talking shit about his chair are clearly not “real ones” nice chair bro
    1 point
  20. Name: Shpack Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Troopers were sent out to Endor to protect a republic village from a CIS invasion for land.
    1 point
  21. 5'6. I went from being below average in the U.S. when I was a man to above average as a woman
    1 point
  22. that shit flatter than omega
    0 points
  23. Since we're on the subject of removal can you explain the reason for your removal from Director. I took a break from the server when it happened.
    -1 points
  24. +1 Deku is doing more than a well enough job as marshal. Within high command he’s been very active and reasonable when dealing with situations, and from speaking with Bro on numerous occasions, it’s clear he can’t stop singing Deku’s praises. The only thing I can possibly think of is that he hasn’t done much proactively, but as I’ve said before to him and others, you can’t actually expect the marshal to be proactive constantly. He is in a position where his main role is to regulate all three regimental commanders below him, and in that he’s been doing as good enough job as anyone could expect. I’m sure the point that he hasn’t proactively done much himself will be brought up, but I’d like to remind those people that we, up until a couple days ago, had a full high command. That’s a unicorn in and of itself, however that also means that anything that Deku would do would either only be seen by high command, or be enacted through one of us. I can’t pretend to know how other members of high command (and specifically clone high command) will vote on this application if they care to leave a vote at all, but please consider their opinions heavily, as much of what the marshal can do is out of the public eye, and a good amount of it is out of even my view. Only the directors and Bro can truly see everything he’s doing, and my personal experiences aside they also seem to be very satisfied with his performance, to put it lightly. On top of that he went through the trouble of actually speaking to every commander for his reapplication to get feedback. I can also say that asking for or giving feedback is well received with Deku. Genuinely one of the only people I’ve ever met, much less in a position above me, that was given negative feedback and actually worked on it without a word of complaint. He goes “Okay” and then goes about improving himself. That alone makes him stand out in my eyes, much less the very solid performance that he’s given in other areas. There is not currently someone in the community that I’d like better for the position of marshal, or that I think would do a better job than Deku would in a second term.
    -1 points
  25. someone I trust as much as Jova and hearing his opinions as another high command member, I am going to -1 unless I hear from some other High Command members that say otherwise
    -7 points
  26. Name: Bacta RP Rank: BCMD Suggestion: Encourage people that AFK on the server by having a multiplier increase by how long your on the server This will benefit the server population by encouraging AFKIng on the server overnight resulting into our spot on the server increasing so more people would join. EX: A CT Afks on the serer, every couple hours your multiplier on the server would increase by your paycheck multiplier. Implementation: Add a multiplier by afking on the server more Other: I am doing my best to suggest more stuff to the server to increase population, we are currently on a good ride but i think this will help it.
    -10 points
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