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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2024 in all areas

  1. +1 finally someone with fucking balls of steels can finally get this guy. Here is some of the lessons i learned that i hope kaiser can learn. @KaiserNeiner No fucking warnings on this server, this is a hardcore fucking GMOD server for people like us, dont try to ruin it with your mingy behavior dude. No fucking getting into LAAT, your barely trained and frankly just a bad driver let real fucking pilots get it, not only do you take over CG you wanan take Pilot job next? No fucking spawning in lightsabers at all, we get it bro you were rahm kota! but no one fucking cares geek, how about you use your ARREST BATON and stop being biased/favortism I have had personal issues with kaiser before so im glad someone can finanly speak out against him, during high staff meeting kaiser would constantly talk about "Making Synergy Great Again" he made it such a hostile work enviorment one meeting i screamed and cried @JamesBrentthe silent minority stands with you brother
    2 points
  2. +1 Thank you for answering. But get those hours even
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. 5/5/5 No Glaze Probably the coolest event I've been to in terms of creative application of all the potential tools GM's have. Teleport Portal/ The announcement bar popping up/ Boss Fight were all tools that would be awesome to see in more events. Would rate this higher if I could.
    1 point
  5. 4/5/5 excellent event, really good work and i appreciate the continuation on the storyline!
    1 point
  6. He has my vote already because he has been a blessing to SOBDE, but I have one question and that's gonna be like some BCMDs, they get burnt out after a while, will you, as this battalion's BCMD be burnt out or will you stick it out to the full term, taking breaks is fine, I mean will you be demotivated by the end of it?
    1 point
    1 point
  8. 5/5/5 Nice event wooooo
    1 point
  9. Got some off the App questions for ya: 1. Outreach AKA Taskforce is used solely when a battalion needs it. Should this stay the same? 2. How do you feel our standards are in the battalion? I know recently we have been slacking due to some unfortunate setbacks. 3. What do you think about Ranks? A big reason why people don't see a point is because there is no reason to move up besides a change in quota. What can be done to fix this? 4. Do you think SOBDE needs to change how it works fundamentally? 5. Are you gonna resign if you end up like Clutch? Or no? What is your plan for selecting the next Niner when Clutch leaves? Do you think the quota for time / trainings needs to be changed at all? Thoughts on the character swapping limitations? Do they need to change? What, in your mind, should the Cuy'val Dar's role in the battalion be, and what should they be able to do?
    1 point
  10. America ya! :D (+1)
    1 point
  11. +1 We already discussed most of my questions, while I disagree on the tryouts being the issue with Cuy'Val Dar, they could definitely be improved. I think something to consider is the Cuy'Val Dar's place within the Battalion, currently it offers nothing other than a spot in the battalion. Otherwise, your answers were good and I know after talking with you that you're open to working with everyone in the battalion to make it the best it can be.
    1 point
  12. How and do you plan on bettering the very low amount of interactions SOBDE has outside of themselves? I personally would love to see more Joint Trainings being pushed from the SOBDE side, I believe in the whole time I've been on the server I've been approached by SOBDE to do a JT 3-4 times. Of course when we go to SOBDE for JT's you never say no but would you make a push on this?
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Mans is quite active and is always friendly to everyone he meets. That being said I do have a question. We've recently had a culling of members of SOBDE less then a week ago and @Joyboyits 5912 hrs, Do you thin the way we removed them was the right way and if not, how would it be corrected or addressed in the future?
    1 point
  15. 1. You mention bringing back Squad of the Month. How do you plan on picking this each month? 2. Do you feel like there's more you can do to improve activity rather than strikes and removals? While definitely necessary do you feel like there's more you can do? 3. What else do you see as an issue within the Cuy'Val Dar? I think switching Walon to Squad Lead will help, but I think there's more that can be done. Lastly my most important question. How many hours do you have on VR Chat?
    1 point
  16. +1 LilJ Has gone above and beyond with his leadership role within SOBDE. Extremely deserving of this position and will do well. Based
    1 point
  17. lilj really expects to get BCMD after calling me all of those rude words respect +1
    1 point
  18. +1 LilJ has been a consistent and fun leader within SOBDE since I've joined. He definitely deserves this chances. Good luck furry!
    1 point
  19. Ever since joining the battalion on Cuy'val Dar I didnt ever feel that I was part of the battalion, it was soul crushing to pass a SOBDE tryout just to be treated worse. Lil J changed that, he gave the squad a chance and took my concerns seriously. I trust Lil J. He's is the only person I'll +1 for this position.
    1 point
  20. +1 Lil J has set a Great example of what a Extraordinary Leader should be in Synergy, he has my trust.
    1 point
  21. +1 Biased opinon, but LilJ made sure to discuss his stuff and ideas with each squad lead, including myself even before i got Hunter. I do believe he will do a good job as BCMD.
    1 point
  22. Name: Misfit Staff Rank: HA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 03.04.24 Reason for leaving: struggled to come back after holiday and now got some personal shit going on that I gotta process Farewells: I have so many people to thank and if I miss you dw these are just a few key people! @KaiserNeiner I wanna thank you for keeping me on the server and investing in me in 212th, honestly you have been a lifeline and I’m happy to call you a friend! @Gohn and @Rohan you just where the best HA duo and did so much for me and invested in me to move up the staff team, I really appreciate you both and the work you guys put into the server! @Gurk EU on top baby! Nah you did so much for me when I became a VA and helped me understand my role and where always helpful when I didn’t know what to do! @Finn Thank you for telling me when I was dumb and came up with dumb shit all the time you where what I needed to bounce ideas off! @Shabeel I’ll miss you @Woeny *insert Racoon Dancing* one day I’ll be back but unfortunately that can’t be today :)
    1 point
  23. If @Edgar+1 I guess I gotta +1
    1 point
  24. Couldn't get Anakin so he applied for staff. Huge +1!
    1 point
  25. These are better than the jajon naval models +1
    1 point
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