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SquirtleKitty's Niner Application

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Steam Name:
Squirtle Kitty

RP Name:
RC 15 Omega MDMK Fi Skirata | Jedi Knight IV Serra Keto | Senate Commando PVT Kitty

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):

Battalion or squad you are applying for:
Omega Squad Niner

Once upon a time, over on IFN, I played as a clone for a short period of time. At first, I didn’t enjoy being a clone because I felt like I would get bored being in one battalion, and not being able to go anywhere. I was a part of 4 battalions in my entire time there, with my highest ranking being in the Shock Troopers and 327th. While being in those battalions, I enjoyed training the new members who wanted join. It was interesting to me while watching people do tryouts, and generally after if other players asked me to help them with something, I generally would. Other than my extremely scarce clone experience on there, I had a large amount of Jedi experience. Starting with my first leadership position on Ashoka, working together with Anakin (Forseen, at the time) and the 501st. I was able to form a great connection with the people in that battalion, and we all did activities together throughout that time to help them become the best they can be. Then moving on to my Jedi Master experience, I first started as Aayla Secura working together with the 327th, especially helping them gain members and become the great battalion that they could be. It worked well with being a part of the 327th seeing as most of my friends at that time where a part of them and we had a wonderful time together. After Aayla Secura, I went through Shaak Ti trials and passed, becoming Mama Ti. During this time, I worked to help lead and command the clones during times of events on the ship and off the ship. This wasn’t something that did last long because I was applying for college at that time and was busier than ever. That is about it for my IceFuse experience.

Now for my experience on this server. I also never enjoyed being a part of any battalion (except for RM because I was a medic and could do medical RP). In RM, I slowly worked my way up to my NCO ranking that I had (dont remember what exactly). From being in RM, I decided to tryout for Omega Fi Skirata, because Fi also had a medkit but also had a sniper attached with him. From learning about Fi’s lore, I fell in love with who he is and the entire Omega Squad lore. Starting as Fi Skirata on January 15, I worked together with the rest of RC and Null, forming my tiny family that I know have. Helping in tryouts and leading when needing to, I have worked in the leadership position before and believe I can live up to the standards of being Niner Skirata.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I wish to become Niner because since being a part of RC and having the experience to play directly alongside Null, I found myself loving the tiny family that we have going on in SOBDE. We worked together extremely well, and it makes me want to have a bigger impact on what happens specifically within one squad. From the beginning, I was in love with becoming Fi, one of the main reasons for this is because Fi is a medic and a marksman. Then along with that, once knowing the lore behind him, I found myself enjoying being the playful duo and having that interaction between the past and current Atin. Now, with me applying for the Squad Lead, I’m finding myself moving up (if I’m accepted) to Niner. With this new role, I’ll hope to be able to fill the shoes that the past Niner has left behind, and try to bring Omega back onto its fit with a filled squad. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

My schedule is a bit weird at this moment because of my new job, my manager enjoys putting me at random times throughout the week. I do usually have about 2-3 days off each week and on those days, I will be playing from when I wake up to when I get tired (usually a good 4-6 hours). For the days that I work on, I will more than likely play for 2-4 hours after or before heading to work. 

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
About from the beginning

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
I want my squad to be in the best shape that it can be. Starting with it being full once again, and having all of our members to be actively roaming the ship. I also wish for our squad to be doing trainings when needed and teaching other troopers on the ship what is means to be the best that they can be. With this, I want my squad to act professional when on the server as to give it a good name, and want to have anyone who joins in to be a part of the SOBDE family.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Edited by SquirtleKitty
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1 hour ago, Joah said:

By the order of the favoritism gods + I can't say no to you or I won't be loved. +1.

I demand love for this later.


[Kill me for saying that]

Fucking favoritism bullshit. You just +1 her cause you two are friends.

+1 For my favorite Fi-tard and being a good friend.

Tyzen is stil more active than you, but I like that you are stepping up to the position and wanting to get more involved with the squad. I really hope that you will do well as Nooner and breathe life back into it. Just...uh... I will beat the tard out of you.

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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11 hours ago, Joah said:

By the order of the favoritism gods + I can't say no to you or I won't be loved. +1.

I demand love for this later.


[Kill me for saying that]

/me Kills.




+1 best Serra and Fi i have ever seen. Comes when i need help with anything. Lov u kitty <3 and you pineapples

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First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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14 hours ago, Prince said:

Fucking favoritism bullshit. You just +1 her cause you two are friends.

+1 For my favorite Fi-tard and being a good friend.

Tyzen is stil more active than you, but I like that you are stepping up to the position and wanting to get more involved with the squad. I really hope that you will do well as Nooner and breathe life back into it. Just...uh... I will beat the tard out of you.

That would be domestic abuse

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+1 even though i havent been on for like 9 years at this point. You've been around for about 2 years now. I remember when me and Silent had to chase you around the ship as a youngling on Icefuse. You obviously have proved yourself there and now here. GL

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+1, For the time you and Genji had been in Shadow Company, SPECOPS' former designation, I actually enjoyed both of you for the times you both were there and was slightly sad to have saw you left for the places you had left. We might not have spoken a lot and perhaps I should change that, either way, I think you're more than capable to run this position.

You've been in Omega for a while and I feel this promotion might be the step up to the position you deserve. 

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