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Dargon's Recon Regimental Commander Application (waived by Jackson)


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I understand that I have resigned from quite a few positions. In reality I have only resigned from like 4 positions over the course of a year or so, but nonetheless it’s a few. To show my commitment to this position I agreed that if I did not serve my full term as Recon Regimental then I would be blacklisted from ALL BCMD+ positions for 6 months. Still if you don’t think I should get the position, I completely understand. - Thank you for reading and positions your opinion.


Steam Name: [SR] Dargon [A]


RP Name: Dargon | Kneesocks | Luminara Unduli


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:121488730


Regiment you are applying for: Recon



On Icefuse


Previous - Jedi Master Obi Wan under Yoda/Llama


Previous - 501st Executive Officer (XO) under Fog/Tup/Rex

Previous - ST Lieutenant Colonel Thorn (LTC) under Fox/Trumpski

Previous - Security Regimental Commander Fox (RCMD - basically Battalion Commander of ST)

Previous - RC Foxtrot Squad Executive Officer (XO) under Gregor/Fao


Previous - Senator Sweitt Concorkill under Chancellor Palpatine/Max

Previous - Red Guard under Captain of the Red Guard Jayarr


On Synergy Roleplay


Previous - Master of the Order Mace Windu under Yoda/Llama

Previous - Grand Master of the Order Yoda


Previous - CG Battalion Commander Fox (BCMD)

Previous - DU Battalion Commander Doom (BCMD)

Previous - Null Jaing Skirata under Kal/Cipher

Current/Previous - 41st EC Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) under Gree/Egg


Previous - Senate Commando Captain (CPT) under Chancellor Palpatine/Core

Current - Senate Commando First Lieutenant (1stLT) under Captain Taggart/Arcann


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I believe I should be Regimental Commander because I’m exceptionally active, I’m very well educated on how to run battalions/squads/factions, and I look at big picture.

To start things off, as someone who’s going to be managing a whole regiment you have to be active, especially as a Regimental Commander of a battalion that’s getting added back in after being removed. I’m on everyday for long periods of times & if I’m ever not on it’s usually because of a real life situation. If I happen to not be able to get on I will always have access to the forums & different phone applications such as Kik or Discord so I could always have communication with each battalion within the regiment.

Secondly, having experience on how to run battalions/factions is very important when applying for a major leadership position like this. I have experience running & leading within both attack, defense, security, specialized, and recon battalions. (Stated in the experience question) This experience I have gained gave me many abilities, attributes, characteristics, & traits that I believe anyone Battalion Commander and above should have:

Decisive - In a lot of situations, especially ones where you don’t have anytime to think, leaders need to make quick, effective, & efficient decisions. I can adapt to situations exceedingly fast & make choices swiftly that in a majority standpoint have positive effects.

Neutral - In a lot of situations I try to be as neutral as I can, as many others in leadership positions should be. If there is ever a conflict I try to help the situation instead of taking sides & causing arguments.

Level Headed - I’ve noticed many people in leadership roles show a lot of angry emotion & that's something I dislike to do. I try to be calm in all situations to think of a sensible outcome instead of rash choices that could cause many problems

Innovative - This is one of my strongest assets. I try to come up with things that could possibly make anything I’m apart of better in every way.

Accountability - I see a lot of so called leaders blame others for their accidents or mess ups. I know I’m capable of being a leader, however I am humble enough to know I can fuck up. I take responsibility for my own actions, especially if it’s a mess up.

Honesty and Integrity - In any leadership position you set the example for those below you. If you aren’t honest or have integrity how do you expect those below you to have these traits? I try to tell the truth as much as I can and practice these values.

Delegation and Empowerment - As a leader you can’t do everything and a battalion/squad cannot be run by one person. If a leader tries to do everything than it brings a bad work ethic, especially when the leader decides to take a break or possibly even leave their position. As well it can bring many other problems such as lack of trust between the leader and their subordinates.

Lastly, in every position I am in I always look at the big picture. Everyone, except for Egg, will eventually leave their positions. As a leader, in charge of a group of men, you have to be there for them and mentor them. In all the leadership positions I’ve been in I try to be sorta like a teacher and pass on my knowledge to them. Although I agree that you should worry about the present I believe you should equally think about what happens after you’re gone. Many people don’t do this, which is why I want to be or should be Recon Regimental.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes.



All times are Eastern Standard Time

Monday (4:00pm - 12:00am)

Tuesday (4:00pm - 12:00am)

Wednesday (4:00pm - 12:00am)

Thursday (4:00pm - 12:00am)

Friday (4:00pm - 3:00am)

Saturday (1:00pm - 3:00am)

Sunday (12:00pm - 12:00am)

Depending on the days those times are as accurate as possible


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

  • Grand Master of the Order Yoda
    • Managed the Order
    • Ran council meetings
    • Implemented many suggestions and changes
  • Master of the Order Mace Windu
    • Helped Llama with anything he needed
    • Reorganized and made 90% of Jedi Documents look more pretty
    • Ran the Order when Llama was not there
  • Chief Librarian Madame Jocasta Nu
  • Senior Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Jedi General Luminara Unduli
  • Coruscant Guard Battalion Commander Fox
    • I became Fox when I was Mace. I would have stayed for longer, but Llama, who was Yoda at the time, resigned. There was no one else fit for Yoda, so I went for it. I would have liked to stay, but the Directors told me I couldn’t be Yoda and Fox at the same time, which is understandable. Even though I was only there for a short amount of time I went into the battalion and fixed a shit ton of problems, unfortunately the people that I set up for Battalion Commander afterwards had left as well.
  • Doom’s Unit Battalion Commander Doom
    • First Doom of the server
    • Set up a organization system (intel team)
    • Created documents and discord
    • Created shield training document (I believe they still use it - could be wrong)
  • 41st Elite Corps Lieutenant Colonel
  • Senate Commando Captain Taggart
    • Second Taggart of the server
    • Created documents and discord after old ones were deleted by the first generation


Do you have a microphone?: Yes.


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want to start off and say that I don’t think the Recon Regiment is in a bad state, in fact I think it’s in the best state it’s been in along time, however there is always room for improvement. At the end of my term I would like each battalion to have structure and a strong foundation. Like I stated above most of the time I think big picture, meaning I think of the future and not just the present. I want each battalion to be set up for the long run and not just the current Battalion Commander’s term.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

Not going to lie these plans are going to be pretty plain and cliche:

  • Implement weekly integrated battalion meetings where we discuss how the state of each battalion is. In this meeting the other battalions will be able to give feedback on how they believe the other battalions within the regiment is doing.
  • Implement integrated battalion simulations and events where they are forced to work together.
  • I will not tolerate any battalion, player, etc disrespect whatsoever. If i catch this then correct punishments will be given.
  • Fun hangouts that anyone from any battalion can come to. Maybe we would watch a movie or play a game together.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes.

Edited by Dargon
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 Even though you left from a lot of commanding positions you keep wanting to help. Every battalion you joined and left -  you either fixed the battalion or put them on a right path. I believe that you will keep your word 100% and stay the full term and one day go up +1 :)

Edited by Max
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I resigned a grand total of 6 times (3 from actual positions, three from staff) and I'm still a 'resigning cunt' according to Llama :(

=1 tho ur a good boi even if you're a crusty motherfucker

Edited by Faoeoa
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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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  • Founder

+1 Great guy and very well liked/well known on the server. Knows how to get the job done and has great work ethic. 

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13 minutes ago, Forge said:

-1 you have been in many commanding positions and have resigned a few days or weeks after being given the rank.

Well I don't know about a few days of being a commanding rank and resigning, but thanks for your opinion. Encase you missed it I am under a contract, stated in red text. I assume you read it, but I don't want to assume.

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-1 I don't think that you should be in the Recon Regimental Commander position Dargon. I like some

other candidates for what they are bringing to the table, but yeah

also I think that 4 positions to resign from is a little tooo much to resign from

Edited by aust

Former: Shadow Company BCMD, Grey Jedi Master, and Wrath of the Sith


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just gonna give a friendly reminder that everything he resigned from he did a pretty baller job in a short period of time and has always had a decent choice for setting up.

issa video game if people resign from positions and do a shit job then sure you've got a point but what he did in his short ass time as Fox genuinely is probably the best that anyone did as Fox in IFN but I'd probably put one or two people as Fox over Dargon

tl;dr he's a good boy and does good shit


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Ok. You resigned a shit ton. But as stated. You never left on bad terms. With that being said. +1. You are a great leader and I think you have what It takes. Best of luck bb ❤

  • Disagree 1

Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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-1 I Believe Dargon is fit for the Regimental position. he is constantly leaving the positions he get not too long after he gets them... Here is 4 resignations of his . :)


No thank you i want a reg who wants to stay in his position and resign a few weeks from now. BTW I do not care about your Contract.

Edited by Notadroid
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21 hours ago, Notadroid said:

-1 I Believe Dargon is fit for the Regimental position. he is constantly leaving the positions he get not too long after he gets them... Here is 4 resignations of his . :)


No thank you i want a reg who wants to stay in his position and resign a few weeks from now. BTW I do not care about your Contract.

I agree Notadroid with the -1

  • Disagree 2

Former: Shadow Company BCMD, Grey Jedi Master, and Wrath of the Sith


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7 minutes ago, aust said:

I agree Notadroid with the -1

How many times do you want to -1 my app? You put the same reason the first time lmfao

EDIT: Never said you can't agree with him, however you stating it a second time is kinda irrelevant considering your already put that same reason in your -1. In fact I actually understand the -1's, like I stated in my application within the red text.


Edited by Dargon
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6 minutes ago, aust said:

I can't agree with someone Dargon? I just said that I agree with him

You can agree, however there is no point in you stating "-1" again. You already stated it in another point. Dargon doesnt care that you agree with someone else, its more the fact you have stated in multiple posts "-1" when just one is sufficient. You can still continue to post on the application and rebuttal however there is no point in -1ing again.

Also might as well use this as my entry post to say, from all the time I worked with Dargon. He was among the few(Llama,Dargon,Tomas,Joah,Forseen,Myself,ECT) that Called out the bullshit in council when very few ever spoke out. Ive also seen that although he might not be dedicated in some opinions, in that short span of time he has held positions hes still done quite a bit in them, which warrants a +1 from me. Sure He leaves them too fast, but as long as he can leave a positive effect on it that can last for Months on end, than I do not care if he leaves said position the next week or so.

Edited by Duck
  • Disagree 1
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