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Chop's Wolffe Application


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Steam Name: choP


RP Name: WolfpackL XO Chop


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:90900592


Battalion or squad you are applying for: 104th Mechanised Assault Battalion 



I joined 104th back on the 2nd of September 2017 and have learnt many things during my 8 months within this battalion. Throughout my 3 battalion commanders I’ve learnt multiple lesson on how to deal with battalion related matters and people within the battalion. I’ve always found experience is a key element which is needed in a leader and luckily, I have been given multiple chances to show how I would perform and hopefully improve after. ARFL was my first leadership position within 104th. I would like to say I improved it by adding a structure within the ranks while also increasing the numbers of ARF as at this point we had been recently been moved into Recon and so ARF seemed like a necessary thing to have at this moment in time.

During my time as ARF I was also given the opportunity to apply for Wolfpack. At this point Wolfpack tryouts consisted of an application and tryout basis. I can admit my first time round going for Wolfpack I performed at least sub par due to my lacking Med RP. Due to this failure I worked hard on improving my Med RP and myself as a player in general (maturity and leadership). I then passed second time round as was extremely happy to have become a Wolfpack member.  The whole Wolfpack experience improved me as a player on the server and I’m happy I took the steps to becoming a Wolfpack member

After I had done my thing with ARF and had passed down leadership I was essentially at this point the guy to ask if anything was needed to be done as I had no leadership role within a sub-section of the battalion. At this point Black had recently resigned from Wolfpack Leader as he was getting ready to apply for Wolffe. I then took up the position of Wolfpack Leader in where I made some well-known mistakes and have thoroughly acknowledge them and learned a lot. I also hope I improved Wolfpack in terms of quality as I reintroduced the application process in where troopers would have to write an application for then to be accepted into the Wolfpack tryouts. I think this added another level of maturity and role play to the Wolfpack members and hope it improved them as much as it helped me in learning how to run a well-maintained unit.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

 I wish to become battalion commander because most people would apply for battalion commander with. The purpose of creating a well maintained, well numbered and well-structured battalion. I feel I can put the hours and work in to achieve this goal by working simultaneously with my officers and hoping we can come to a resolve on how to make the battalion even better by thinking of new things which could be added to the battalion which could enforce a more a serious point but also to have fun on the server as that is of course the main point of joining a battalion.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes


Availability: (GMT – European essentially)

Weekdays – 4 PM – 9 PM

Weekends – Essentially all day unless I’m preoccupied via school work or sports


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I started playing Synergy Roleplay at around 600 hours and have now progressed to just over 2300 hours. So around 1,700 hours in total


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want 104th to be in a position of both being good in numbers but also serious. I’ve always felt seriousness could have been enforced further during my time in the 104th. Numbers are relatively good on week days but still could obviously be improved but my main issue with 104th activity is weekends and later hours of the night. I would like to improve this significantly as due to the low numbers less people are recruited during these times and people who play during these times are not able to receive the recognition they deserve. Structure has been good in the 104th for a while now due to previous battalion commanders setting in well structured system. I would also like to remove the stereotype which has been put upon Wolffe in terms of the name “Wolffy”. As stated previously I would like to instate a more serious view on things but of course having fun at the same time, but I feel as the name does not show this.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Edited by Chop
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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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+1 I've known you for quite a while (since my GM days) and I haven't had or heard a single bad encounter from you. You and Square were probably the only 104th I knew and liked until I figured out that banjans is in 104th... lul 


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