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Flowers app for Battalion commander

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Steam Name: flowers


RP Name: TR SO JTO MAJ Flowers


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:176032811


Battalion or squad you are applying for:Special Operations


Experience: i was an officer back in the 187th and created strong bonds with them I worked to create some documents that were used up until RM were a thing( the document being referenced here is a medical document created by one vanhorn, murdock, potato, and washington; though my name is not on the document I reviewed the document before it came out and voiced what was wrong in it. I have worked with 91st, CG, DU, and 501st for all of the I helped with recruitment and voiced myself on what could improve inside of each battalion. Back in the 91st I created a temporary discord(now deleted) so everyone there could keep up to date on what was happening inside of the battalion. Inside of CG I helped recruit new guards and I even voiced myself with the rest of the officers when we didn't have an active commander. Now currently I am in SO as a major and I help to keep our documents up to date(for example the main so roster i keep up to date every chance i get, and there is a new document im working on on how to tell who a minge might just be) and lead in most events along with recruiting new players keep current players in line and help create new documents to teach new tactics or teach what we should do in certain situations. 


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: There is a gap in leadership inside of SO with only one commander and some active officers. Alongside the  leadership problem there are issues in our SS and JT sections of our battalion that can only be fixed by commanders as we need new SSL's and SSO's but we can't get any. while being one of the most active officers on SO i'm not very talkative and that's something I will change by communicating with my fellow SO and also talk in communication with other battalions to orchestrate trains and sims to improve the effectiveness of our troopers not just in SO but in every battalion willing to help train and help work alongside Special Operations. Inside of different battalions I have friends in which are always willing to help out in trainings, sims and for a few for doc creating and if other battalions are willing  I and others inside SO can cooperate with other battalions to create co-battalion train documents that would allow battalions to train with each other for better combat effectiveness. I will bring in active troopers to fill in empty spots in leadership and I will better my troopers with trainings on accuracy and teamwork with cooperation in sims with other commanders.  


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: yes I do. Spec Ops is a battalion based around stealth and infiltration using specially made armour meant to hide our beings from radar and other devices


Availability:monday-Sunday(all week) from 4-10pm est on weekdays and 11am-12am(morning to next day morning) est on weekends 


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: nearly a year and 2 months


Do you have a microphone?: yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: at the end of my term i would like for SO to be more active and with a more dedicated higher up system


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:yes I do and I will my best to not to let it come to that


Edited by froyo
Title was incomplete
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Hmm didn't see this happening. This will be interesting.... NEUTRAL 


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+1, from my time in SO you were almost always there to help either lead, adress concerns in the battalion, or just to be someone to talk to at the end of the day.

I'm incredibly interested to see where it goes, good luck.

Ex-SO Commander Hood

Edited by Hood
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Try adding more info. This is very minimal to run off.

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2 hours ago, 104th Alec said:

You would maybe be a great BCMD but this lacks info


I will be changing this to a +1 Because after reconsidering this. Even tho the application is short it doesn't mean that you couldn't be an amazing BCMD. And also SO needs to get revived

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3 hours ago, Rays said:

While I agree you are a amazing officer in SO I will have to -1 this as you are mostly fit for the role of Senior Officer over BCMD and you dont have the best of experience to work off of when it comes to BCMD o7

You can't comment if/you have open application

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I see you better fit than the other candidate(s).

You have exceptional leadership skills and a very solid work ethic towards the battalion. This'll be interesting. 

Ex - Spec Ops Commander Ching

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-1 don't think you're ready for the position. And this application is way to short 



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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In my experience, you don't need a great application to revive and make a battalion great. When you are put in the position, it depends on how you use it and make use of your resources and time. I think that you can do good for Spec Ops in its time of need. You are active and have decent leadership skills. These reasons are why I'm going to give my +1


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