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Jackson's ATK Regimental Commander Reapplication


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Steam Name: [SR] Jackson [Director]


RP Name: ATK Regimental Commander Jackson


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:85475704


Regiment you are applying for: Attack Regimental Commander


Experience: I have been a 501st since the very beginning of this server, dating back to icefuse. On synergy I started off as a Captain and made my way to Commander in the battalion. For a very long time myself and the other commanders were the main contributors to running the battalion, especially woeny, we were running things for a while by hosting the meetings and leading events, promotions and keeping order as best we could for quite some time. This was until the rex position opened up and myself and woeny applied for it. I ended up getting rex and from there I, alongside my commanders and officers, changed many things up in the battalion at this time like making new simulations and trainings. We made sure that promotions were decided as a group within the officers rather than just randomly promoting people (only for high ranking spots not for all promotions). We changed things like the battalion meetings, how promotions were done, and a lot more. This work that I put in was not all my own effort, I had a lot of help from my battalion in all these great changed, but this time showed that I have the capabilities to work with others and listen to their ideas and even implement them. All this working together I did with them over months has given me a great insight in how to help a battalion survive through great changes and help it grow. So in short I have a few months experience as a CMD/BCMD and several months experience as a member of the 501st. I have spent 2 months so far working as an attack regimental commander where I spoke to and worked with many high ranking officers in my regiment. I got a lot of experience in running simulations/trainings for my regiments to not only keep them occupied but also help them better work on things like battle comms, breach and clear formations or otherwise. I also helped with problems that happened for the battalion commanders under me, some of them just had an issue with how they needed to handle certain commanders, other issues were how to help get more recruitment going, and sometimes I helped with just training the BCMDs troopers.


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: I have gone through the whole of the 2 months of being an ATK regimental commander and I feel there is more I can do for the attack regiment. I want to continue the trainings I have been doing as well as offering whatever advice I can give to the BCMDs currently in place. I want to also make sure the transition for the 212th with their newest BCMD goes as smoothly as it can and am at the ready to help CBlake with whatever he needs as a new comer to BCMD. 

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes, the 501st 212th and GM are all attack regiments in the grand army of the republic. The 501st was a very frontline assault kind of battalion led by Captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano that has participated in countless battles during the Clone Wars,  the 501st Legion was a very large battalion that consisted of many elite troopers, there was also an elite branch in the 501st known as Torrent Company who were in famous battles such as Umbara. The 501st was very unique in that it did not treat clones nearly as expendable as so many others did. The 212th battalion was also a frontline assault battalion led by Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi, they also participated in many battles throughout the Clone wars, the 212th also has a couple of division within their own battalion containing some of their more elite troopers, the 2nd Airborne company which consisted of clone paratroopers that could fly into battle more easily then the main force, and there is Ghost Company which has many well known clones and is meant for some of the tougher missions. Finally there is the Galactic Marines who were one of the more well trained of the other attack battalions the GMs were led by Commander Bacara, Commander Keller and Ki-Adi-Mundi, Galactic marines were recorded in less battles then others, however, they were very well led by Bacara and were very disciplined. Kellers Unit is an elite division from the Galatic Marines and are essentially and even more well disciplined and elite break off of the main GM force.


Availability: I will be available from about 6 pm EST to 2 am EST on the weekdays and on weekends I will be available almost all day.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: I started off as a Captain on synergy and progressed up to BCMD Rex and stayed there for a few months.

I made it to ATK regimental Commander and have been in the position for 2 months.

I started off as a New admin on this server (Was never staff before) and made it to Director after being TRD and Chief of Game masters previously

I made it to Jedi Knight on this server from Padawan (not too much of an achievement but its something I did)


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: Now that the regiments have shifted again and GM are under me I will try and help maintain the current numbers of all my battalions if not slightly improve them. The biggest thing I want to change with my regiment is make them as organized and disciplined in RP situations as they can be, this can be achieved through some basic drills to be run daily (Not fully PT just organizing the troopers and having them doing some light marching) I would also like them to show themselves and what they can do off more often, like using GM for their tech/EOD training when possible, as well as using the elite divisions of all my battalions when possible (Torrent Company, Ghost Company, 2nd AC, Keller’s Unit) during events for more risky or RP intensive missions.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: Like I did in my previous term I would like to keep team working sims on the high so that my battalions have to work with one another to complete a very difficult mission. This will allow my battalions to not only be in constant communication with one another but it will also have them understand the strengths and weaknesses of one another during certain combat situations.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes I understand


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes I understand

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  • Founder

-1 Literally the worst ATK REG I have ever seen....




Nah jk Dawg +1

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+1, was very concerned for a second - Acorn/Rex













































































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2 hours ago, Mr.Acorn said:

+1, was very concerned for a second - Acorn/Rex













































































Fucking delete yourself from life

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Not cool enough.... 


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Here is my reasoning, 
He is super helpful and regardless of being a Director, he still finds times to come help his regiment out. That is something that I think is amazing and also he had faith that i could be Cody OH and set through my bitching at 212th today.. great guy 

~212th BCMD Cody Approves this messege ;) 

Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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