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Dragon's Senate Commando App


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Steam Name: DrZombatar


RP Name: Dragon


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:0:31617729



Battalion or squad you are applying for: Senate Commandos






Within the Galactic Marines the first time around I worked my way all the way up to Colonel under the leadership of Commander Enkilla, during this time period I was learning the ropes of the server and I can definitely say I learnt a lot on how to not only present myself as a good trooper but to be a good leader within a battalion. I learned a lot of strategies that people around me had put in place to better improve myself as a trooper. This helped me immensely and I can definitely say was one of the best experiences I had when joining the server. However, I felt my presence was needed to help better another battalion that I felt would be more suited to my tastes which were the Republic Pilots.


I joined the Republic Pilots at quite a high position and worked my way all the way up to the XO position. As this was a very unique and special battalion I had to conduct training for a lot of new members of the battalion as well as furthering the knowledge and abilities of the lower ranking pilot members. I had to improve my patience within this role as flying a fighter doesn't always come easily to everyone. Whilst in the position I had to work with regular training schedules, as well as constant physical training (PT) to ensure that my men were always geared up and ready to fight anything that came our way in the skies.


I moved on to a different experience on the server and found myself within the Blaze battalion trying my hardest to keep it running in the first dying days of the blaze battalion, upon finding out that it was being removed I stayed for as long as possible as I was an XO for the battalion under Mister Fister who was a great commander and I definitely learnt a lot of off him, however I was not able to stay as long as some people such as Max (The one that was permanently banned). I saw that there was no longer anything I could do to help the Blaze battalion so I moved my sights to a new experience.


Of course being a Blaze XO was fun and all but I found my interests shifting to a new kind of experience on the server, one that I had not taken up before and that was the Republic Fleet (Naval). As a member of the fleet, I was able to lead multiple battalions at once from a stationary location as well as conduct the air traffic control center (ATC) allowing the pilots to take off to defend the ship. My duties as a naval started to consume me more as I became an officer in the fleet to the point where I had dropped my clone character altogether. Roughly around the time, I was a Commodore, I started to look back into my clone character and found myself joining the Galactic Marines on the side, however, my focus was still on the fleet. I ended up becoming the Rear Admiral of the ship but unfortunately, that didn't quite work out all too well, so I decided to rejoin the Galactic Marines under their new leader, Dill.


When I was in the Galactic Marines, I worked my way up the ranks from Captain to Colonel under Dill, within this role I inspired many troopers to be active and encouraged serious role-play within a battalion with little to no members at the time. Whilst in the position of executive officer of the Galactic Marines I upheld the position of Magma Trooper Leader for over a month of time and showed my dedication to the role by bringing about new systems for which the Magma Troopers used. I even went as far as to leading my own "elite squad" within the battalion for a few missions during this time, it was called "Dragon's Elite" and was made up of roughly 4-5 members and we were seen by others in the battalion as the best of the best within the Galactic Marines and by the end of my time as a Galactic Marines I was serving under Forseen as an XO for the battalion as his second in command.


I then had a little bit of a hiccup here, I became Ahsoka Tano within the Jedi Order, focusing more on a new way to enjoy and play the server, which was extremely fun. At the same time, however, I tried out and made the position of Scorch in the Republic Commandos. Note this is where it goes downhill. I was removed from my position of Scorch for - Full transparency - cheating during the tryout by having extra armor, this was most upsetting but I took it as it was only fair. I continued to play on my Jedi as Ahsoka Tano until my computer, unfortunately, died on me. It took me roughly a month to get a new computer which in that time I had been removed from the staff team and the position of Ahsoka Tano. I used the month off that I had to reflect on the mistakes that I had made an intern I found I became a better person out of it all and with this, I looked for a new battalion.


I took my experience leading the Galactic Marines Magma division, back into the Blaze Trooper battalion when it was reinstated onto the server. I served as a 1st Lieutenant for this battalion under Commander Appep and proved myself to be worthy enough of being promoted through up to the rank of Major. With this position I helped Appep lead the Blaze battalion through its already fleeting members and kept it somewhat alive during its dying days, bringing in new and exciting training regimes to help improve not only battalion standards but communication as well, but alas I felt my ultimate goal was moving into the ARC battalion so I too could better myself as a trooper and player on the server.


Upon joining the ARC battalion I was restarted at the rank of private, whilst here I was trained in the new system of that was created by Fizzik and many other great commanders after him. I tried to perfect their ideas and ways of being an exceptional trooper by working my hardest in all aspects of the server. Upon seeing this the commander of the battalion at the time, Dope granted me the named character Fives and eventually worked my way up to lead the ARF division of the battalion. Although this was an amazing experience for me I felt like I could move forward from this point and be in a more exclusive and more experienced battalion in which I thought it was ultimately time to return to. The Republic Commandos.


I tried out for a few positions before the recent Republic Commando wipe, however after the wipe when certain people were pushed out to remove the bias and favoritism that unfortunately plagued the most elite section of the Galactic Republic, I got into the Commandos first try as Atin. As Atin, I have held the position for almost my full two-month term now and have tried as hard as possible to be the best I could be for not only my own squad but also my fellow Commandos. I offer my wisdom of the server to all Commandos and assist each and every one of them as the need arises. I have lead Omega Squad in the absence of our previous Niner, Alistair, many times in the past as well as after he was promoted to Ponds.


I served as interim Niner for 3 weeks training my replacement and running the squad. We managed to have on of the most successful squad's activity wise under my leadership. I then returned to Omega Squad as Atin. My first RC member. I have found great success and I know that I can not only make RC active and respected, but I can bring them to new heights.


Lastly, I have served as Gamma Squad Lead, Jatine, for the last weeks of Icefuse before the “Joah Incident”.  I have to lead my full squad to many fun missions and have really honed my leadership style.  I have built my squad with great members who have trust and reliability within one another.  They can react to many situations and back each other up based on instinct and trust.




When the server first came out, I was given the privilege of becoming the first Ordo Skirata under Duck as Kal’buir.  I had a great time and was really able to tune my leadership abilities to find the balance between being too tough and too soft.  This was one of the best times I had on Star Wars RP.  I really felt like having a small squad that came together and did Mando’a learning sessions in the Jedi Library(yes this really happened, the original Null learned to speak some Mando’a), and I truly believe I can recreate that same fun and bond that the original Null shared.   I led Null for a few months until my resignation in August.


I left my position of Ordo, because of my move overseas.  I was supposed to be there for a year, but it was cut short due to some medical reasons.  I then came back to the server and regained my position as Ordo, under Cipher.  I was Ordo again for a short while until I moved on(we all got wiped).


At this point, I took a break from RP and focused on staff and Training.  I was a TRM before I left for my trip,  and I came back as a TRM again(fun fact I was Naavi’s first pick for TRM, along with Bazoo).


After some time, I took a break from the server.


About a month later I came back and went into Doom’s Unit under Jayarr.  I started as a private and quickly moved my way up to Warrant Officer.  At this point, I asked Jayarr to stay as WO, in order to help the Battalion’s numbers.  If you remember the DU RP, that was partially my doing(the record was 22 on at one time.  I then went to the captain and stayed there helping the battalion continue to grow.  After some time I felt like DU was in a really good place and I left for another battalion.


I left for Republic Medics, and have been there since.  I have helped hone the RP for RM.  I have been a captain since my transfer and have done my best to help the Battalion.  There is not a lot to tell about my experience as an RM, as it has not been very long.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

Leadership - Becoming a leader in this community has been one of my goals from the very beginning.  While I have been an RC squad leader in the past this will be my first time being the leader of a larger squad.  I have been the only XO(CMD on IFN) with no BCMD before, however, I feel it is not the same.  I have no doubt that I not only have the ability to lead Senate Commandos but train them to be leaders, so if they ever leave or when the time comes for me to step down, I will have created better leaders for the server.


Experience - I feel as I have stated in my previous answer, that I have had a lot of leadership positions on the server within multiple different battalions each with their individual outlook on how things should be run. I feel as though I can bring these all together and take out the positive qualities of each of these to create a great and immersive experience for all members of the Senate Commandos, and those we affect.


Loyalty - While looking at my experience both here and on Icefuse, it seems as if I jump ship at the last second, and while I sometimes feel that way as well, it just never felt like I deserved going for the BCMD spot.  I always felt like someone else deserved it more.  With this in mind, I know I have what it takes to lead this battalion to great success.


I know that I am the right choice for this position.  I have a lot of leadership experience, as well as a passion for greatness(I’m a little arrogant sometimes).  These traits will not only help me lead the Senate Commandos,  it will help me train my commandos to become better leaders themselves.


*Please note that I have a tryout, training, and Roster documents, as well as a Discord Server setup in preparation.



Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes


Availability: I have work about 4 days a week totaling about 25-30 hours.  I go shooting with my Dad every Sunday afternoon.  Other than that I am completely free.  I have no life.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I’ve been on synergy since the beginning in the summer of 2017


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:  I want to be able to step away from Senate Commandos at one point.  I know that I will not hold the position forever and that there will be a time for me to leave.  When that time comes, I want to be able to look at the Senate Commandos and have every one of them be a leader both in RP and as people.  I don’t just want to be in the position to have it, I want to be able to help the people that join.  Both to help others in RP and hopefully have them able to take away from their experience in a positive light.  Also, I would sure hope that they are alice and prospering.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


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A long time member who deserves the chance at a commander position for once. 

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2 hours ago, Firat said:

+1 EDIT: I found out but would they be very hard to join or would it be like a normal battalion where you just go to a tryout hosted by a SGT? :D 

Since they have limited slots. 10 trooper and 5 officer I wanted to make the tryouts a little more difficult. That is my plan. If I find that no one is passing I will time them down. However my plan is to an RC level tryout due to their limited nature. 

Expect basic stuff like faces formations lore as well as PvP.   There is one other aspect but I don't want to reveal it, in case I do receive the position. 

Edited by Dragon
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23 minutes ago, Dragon said:

Since they have limited slots. 10 trooper and 5 officer I wanted to make the tryouts a little more difficult. That is my plan. If I find that no one is passing I will time them down. However my plan is to an RC level tryout due to their limited nature. 

Expect basic stuff like faces formations lore as well as PvP.   There is one other aspect but I don't want to reveal it, in case I do receive the position. 

Well I dont think you should make it RC level because you can have like 15-20 troopers

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I wonder what your training will be like and how you run things.

Just a general rule, Power players, threatening to demote players, and inactivity have no place within the Senate Commandos.

Now Dragon, more hours on GMOD as you do not have many, and your inactivity.

Apart from that, I wish you good luck and I hope it works out for you lad.

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29 minutes ago, Stahl said:

I wonder what your training will be like and how you run things.

Just a general rule, Power players, threatening to demote players, and inactivity have no place within the Senate Commandos.

Now Dragon, more hours on GMOD as you do not have many, and your inactivity.

Apart from that, I wish you good luck and I hope it works out for you lad.

I have a training doc set up and ready to go.

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+1, holy shit people. He's obviously worn out of not getting anywhere as all BCMD positions are either A) Taken, or B) Not interesting to him. I've spoke with Dragon NUMEROUS TIMES. He is a great leader, he is very active when he has a job to do, he's amazing with documentation work and intel setups. I would know, as when he was in DU, he done most of the documents work. 

I have full faith in Dragon, he spent hours upon hours on training doc's alone and is very dedicated to his position. Give the man a chance to prove himself before judging off the last two weeks of their total playtime.

I get that sometimes he get's a little heated or hot-headed. But fuck it, everybody does at some point. Also it's a fucking game.... don't twist your pants over it.

People say he "threatens" to powerplay.... everybody jokes about it cause it's a fucking meme. At least he isn't someone who has power played someone before. He'll do great and if it fails the consequences will be his punishment. Deal with it.

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  • Retired Founder

I'm just going to drop a truth bomb real quick.

50 hours in two weeks is NOT and should NOT be considered inactive.

Lemme break this down real quick right.

50 hours in two weeks = 25 hours a week. Meaning the person has spent an entire day's worth of time on the server. 

You also have to consider that people have to work to get money to pay for their internet, and to pay for all types of living. A full-time employee's hours range from 35-45 hours per week with 40 hours being a standout as the most common. (This is according to sources found on the internet as I do not live in the USA.) This means we are saying that someone needs to spend almost enough time on the server to equal that of Full-Time Employment?

This to me makes zero sense as there still needs to be time for someone to eat, sleep, travel to and from work, play the server, have a social life & possibly enjoy other games/things in life if the person so chooses.


Total hours in a week = 168 hours.
Time spent as a full-time employee = 45 hours.
Time people want to see someone on the server for them to be considered "active" = 50 hours.
Recommended daily sleep total per 1 week minimum = 8x7 = 56 hours.

This would total up at leaving a Full-Time Employee 17 hours in a week to eat, travel to and from work and have a social life. This is ridiculous. Divide this by 7 days and it gets worse. You only have 2.43 hours PER DAY for free time, food and travel.

Let's run another scenario where we say that the person wants to get 10 hours of sleep every night so that they can NOT be a zombie during the day. Which is 10 hours per day. This would leave the person a mere 3 hours PER WEEK free time to eat, travel and have a social life. Dividing this again would give you 43 minutes PER DAY to eat, travel and socialize.

Doesn't make sense does it?


This is were we acknowledge that some people have more free time than others, and some are happy spending all of it on a video game. However can you really say that 25 hours a week isn't good enough?! That's Part-Time Employment. Whilst you sit here using up all the money on your internet provider rather than working and earning money?

Makes no sense.

Edited by Forseen
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22 minutes ago, Forseen said:

I'm just going to drop a truth bomb real quick.

50 hours in two weeks is NOT and should NOT be considered inactive.

Lemme break this down real quick right.

50 hours in two weeks = 25 hours a week. Meaning the person has spent an entire day's worth of time on the server. 

You also have to consider that people have to work to get money to pay for their internet, and to pay for all types of living. A full-time employee's hours range from 35-45 hours per week with 40 hours being a standout as the most common. (This is according to sources found on the internet as I do not live in the USA.) This means we are saying that someone needs to spend almost enough time on the server to equal that of Full-Time Employment?

This to me makes zero sense as there still needs to be time for someone to eat, sleep, travel to and from work, play the server, have a social life & possibly enjoy other games/things in life if the person so chooses.


Total hours in a week = 168 hours.
Time spent as a full-time employee = 45 hours.
Time people want to see someone on the server for them to be considered "active" = 50 hours.
Recommended daily sleep total per 1 week minimum = 8x7 = 56 hours.

This would total up at leaving a Full-Time Employee 17 hours in a week to eat, travel to and from work and have a social life. This is ridiculous. Divide this by 7 days and it gets worse. You only have 2.43 hours PER DAY for free time, food and travel.

Let's run another scenario where we say that the person wants to get 10 hours of sleep every night so that they can NOT be a zombie during the day. Which is 10 hours per day. This would leave the person a mere 3 hours PER WEEK free time to eat, travel and have a social life. Dividing this again would give you 43 minutes PER DAY to eat, travel and socialize.

Doesn't make sense does it?


This is were we acknowledge that some people have more free time than others, and some are happy spending all of it on a video game. However can you really say that 25 hours a week isn't good enough?! That's Part-Time Employment. Whilst you sit here using up all the money on your internet provider rather than working and earning money?

Makes no sense.

ey hes back also +1

Edited by ccmonty
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2 hours ago, Forseen said:

I'm just going to drop a truth bomb real quick.

50 hours in two weeks is NOT and should NOT be considered inactive.

Lemme break this down real quick right.

50 hours in two weeks = 25 hours a week. Meaning the person has spent an entire day's worth of time on the server. 

You also have to consider that people have to work to get money to pay for their internet, and to pay for all types of living. A full-time employee's hours range from 35-45 hours per week with 40 hours being a standout as the most common. (This is according to sources found on the internet as I do not live in the USA.) This means we are saying that someone needs to spend almost enough time on the server to equal that of Full-Time Employment?

This to me makes zero sense as there still needs to be time for someone to eat, sleep, travel to and from work, play the server, have a social life & possibly enjoy other games/things in life if the person so chooses.


Total hours in a week = 168 hours.
Time spent as a full-time employee = 45 hours.
Time people want to see someone on the server for them to be considered "active" = 50 hours.
Recommended daily sleep total per 1 week minimum = 8x7 = 56 hours.

This would total up at leaving a Full-Time Employee 17 hours in a week to eat, travel to and from work and have a social life. This is ridiculous. Divide this by 7 days and it gets worse. You only have 2.43 hours PER DAY for free time, food and travel.

Let's run another scenario where we say that the person wants to get 10 hours of sleep every night so that they can NOT be a zombie during the day. Which is 10 hours per day. This would leave the person a mere 3 hours PER WEEK free time to eat, travel and have a social life. Dividing this again would give you 43 minutes PER DAY to eat, travel and socialize.

Doesn't make sense does it?


This is were we acknowledge that some people have more free time than others, and some are happy spending all of it on a video game. However can you really say that 25 hours a week isn't good enough?! That's Part-Time Employment. Whilst you sit here using up all the money on your internet provider rather than working and earning money?

Makes no sense.

Well put; and to cap on that:

While 50 hours is ridicules as a standard of active for playtime per week, or even 2 weeks, I submit a more common sense as to what we should be looking at:

1: 3 hours per night x 7 nights = 21 hours/week which is a lot for those of us with full time jobs and families to deal with.

2: On weekends and off nights from work or other busy schedules, those days can acquire more than three hours on average for the day/week.

3: Visibility on the ship, active with Admin, TR, Game Making, Battalion (BCMD), Jedi Council, is paramount when in positions that require more "hands on" and effective hours in game.

4: The majority of the player base are junior high and high school. They are more likely able to get more play time (after doing homework -  dad's eye here); and after dinner, so a die hard player could go from 7pm to midnight every night MON-THUR, putting up 5 hours per day (20hours), 7pm to 3am Friday (8 hours) and 12+ hours on weekends, putting them in the neighborhood of 52+ hours a week. 

       We have seen hours like this and it is very possible ( I do it as a geographical bachelor from home, when I do not go home to see my wife and kids).

So while the majority of the players are younger and have more available time than the "adults" who have jobs, family and requirements, making a blanket statement of inactivity under 50 hours a week just doesn't make any rational sense.

Just my two cents worth.

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+1, (Oh god no, 50 hours? Lynch that man. He should spend more than 4 hours a day on the server. Like what? 2 Hours a day is already enough to do anything as BCMD-MCMD if you wanted to. 3.5 Hours a day is more than enough a day for him to be BCMD and still get shit done)

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