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Rizzo's Resignation[COMPLETE]

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Name: Rizzo

Staff Rank: SA

Are you VIP?: Yes

Date: 3/15/24

Reason for leaving: I just don't have the time for gmod anymore. I hit every goal I set for myself and I'm satisfied. This run was the first time I went for staff or went for BCMD. Going into it I had 0 expectations other than wanting to get Echo since he is my favorite Star Wars character. Along the road I kept setting goals for myself and I kept hitting them and going further. My life has just gotten too busy to continue this. I will still be around, just not like this.


@Clutch - You have been a great BCMD. Keep up the great work in and out of SOBDE.

@Kaiser - So glad we became friends after all that dumb shit. You're a great guy and a good buddy to have. Congrats on HA and Fox! So well deserved.

@Marvel - Best Omega

@Iceman - Good luck with the 41st. You'll do great man. I will never forget being your Echo. So much fun.

@Brooklyn - You're a good buddy. Glad I got to see you be palpy.

@Ollie - BCMD did change me, but for the better. 

@Blazin - Go get Yoda buddy.

@Joyboy -  So glad you got Zey. You'll do great there. You've become such a good friend, glad I met you.

@Super - It's been so  cool watching you go from Zey to Yoda and all of the things you accomplished. 

@Zeros -  Been great getting to know you. There aren't many GM's as talented as you. 

@Mystic - You were a great Darman. Windu in my heart.

If I didn't mention you, know that our time together was appreciated. 

Thanks for everything! I had so much fun.




  • Pay Respect 7


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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GM Leadership


I'm gonna miss you man, but I know you won't be too far.

I guess we really can't go back to Kamino @Rizzo

Edited by Joyboy
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My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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It's been a damn pleasure working with you, whether it was in 501st or as Bad Batch together. BCMD didn't change you, despite popular belief, and you've been a great friend. o7 boss!

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i carried onderon events


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5 minutes ago, Rizzo said:


@Mystic - You were a great Darman. Windu in my heart.


we can pray


Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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Head Admin

Damn. This sucks. 

I never would have guessed the friendship that we created after all the shit revolving around Foxtrot. We have been through the ringer together and I'm really sad to see you go. You really keep it real and you have a really good grasp of Synergy high command and high staff politics and it's really refreshing to keep it 100. In a world where I joined SOBDE and we're in the same squad, we would've been stellar. 

Rest easy knowing you've had an overall positive impact on the server and the staff team, and you'll always be missed. It seems Bad Batch is in a really healthy spot right now, and that's primarily thanks to you. No one will be able to replace you as Hunter in my eyes, and no one will be able to replace you as my friend. 


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                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Veteran Admin


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Current: Yoda | Walon Vau

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze

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  • Director

o7 my guy, was fun. BUT BCMD DID CHANGE YOU. It was a hell of a ride my guy, come hang out from time to time!

  • Agree 1
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  • Management

o7 Always a pleasure. Don't be a stranger!



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i am literally captain tukk

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no @ gonna cry

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Current: Dumbass, Omega 15 CPL Fi (Again...)

Former: 501st ARFL LTC Boomer, 104th WP HVYL COL Sinker, Doom's Unit MEDL 1stLT Kortnul, 212th Ghost Company ARCL CPT Reed, Omega 15 CPT Fi, Omega 22 SGM Atin , Omega 09 CPT Niner , Veteran Admin x2

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