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Vorix - BCMD Fox Application (Waived)


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Steam Name: Vorix | Syns.gg:

RP Name: Thire

RP Rank: Major

Steam ID: 76561198066193343 | STEAM_0:1:52963807

Battalion you are applying for: Coruscant Guard

Experience: PVT-1SG x2 | PVT-Major | ARCO | ARCL

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: There are many reasons why I should become Battalion Commander of the Coruscant Guard. First off I started my time in the Coruscant Guard 5 years ago as a Private when I joined Synergy. I immediately took a strong liking to the battalion and its fellow members along with the rest of the community. It was a welcoming environment and felt like home. From day one it was instilled in me how serious this battalion is apart from the others, and I have kept that with me ever since. My first time in Coruscant Guard lasted a month and I made it to the rank of First Sergeant. My second time in the Coruscant Guard also lasted one month and I also made it to the rank of First Sergeant during that time as well. I am extremely dedicated to this battalion and the server itself. Upon first joining Coruscant Guard I always wanted to be an Officer but just barley made it do to life events. I returned with one goal in mind and that goal was that I was going to become Commander Fox! I've done my best to be the most active, professional, and fair Coruscant Guard trooper there is. Ever since my return as a Private I have communicated my goals to fellow troopers within the battalion. I have never missed an Officer or NCO meeting, and I always give feedback to my fellow troopers in the battalion. I have plans for the battalion that I believe can only be achieved as Battalion Commander Fox. All of my time spent on Synergy Roleplay has been in the Coruscant Guard never another battalion. I have seen a lot of situations and feel I am ready for this position. I am a communicative individual and I am always seeking feedback so that I can improve. I am of fair and professional character and I go by the book. It is of my opinion that I am the best qualified applicant and that I posses the leadership qualities of a Battalion Commander. I plan to use everything I have learned during my time in Coruscant Guard and be the best possible Battalion Commander possible.

Monday - 6:00AM-2:00PM | 5:00PM - 9:00PM EST
Tuesday - 6:00AM-2:00PM | 5:00PM - 9:00PM EST
Wednesday - 6:00AM-2:00PM | 5:00PM - 9:00PM EST
Thursday - 6:00AM-2:00PM | 5:00PM - 9:00PM EST
Friday - 6:00AM-2:00PM | 5:00PM - 1:00AM EST
Saturday -  Full availability
Sunday - Full availability

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I made my first arrest for the Coruscant Guard on 03/14/2019. I have spent a total of 6 months active and in a battalion on the server. I have a total of 864 hours playtime on Synergy Roleplay.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do.

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:
Officer Core: Coruscant Guard has recently had many Officers resign. Rebuilding the Officer core with active, dedicated, competent, and professional people is extremely important to me, and is a day one goal. The Officer core is the backbone of the battalion and right now we need more people. My Officers will be of high character and never bias. I want more trainings from the Officer Core to the NCO's on situational issues that may arise, this is something I have yet to see during my time in the battalion. Keeping Officer activity up is a priority of mine. The biggest goal of the Officer core would be to have every Officer lead by example, while promoting activity and good healthy behavior.

NCO Core: The NCO's are vital to the battalion, they are those who will eventually rise to Officer. During my time in Coruscant Guard as an NCO I noticed many things. The NCO core is doing well right now in my opinion but they could definitely use more responsibility and discipline. The SNCO's definitely need more coaching to ensure they are ready to become the next Officers in the battalion. During my time as an Officer the merit system has been reworked to slow the influx of SNCOs, I feel this can be expanded upon for the better. I want the NCOs to feel more valued as team members and feel like they are doing more than grinding merits, this goes hand in hand with reworked merit system. Rather than grinding merits and being promoted on that, NCOs are pushed to be more professional and respectful when interacting with the community, all while preforming there Coruscant Guard duties.

Specializations:  Currently Coruscant Guard's specializations definitely need more troopers. My end goal for is to have an active Lead in each specialization that deeply cares about the one they lead. Ideally every specialization spot on the roster would be filled. I do not see much distinction of specializations specifically on deployments and during events. Diplomatic Services needs to be utilized more on base, they are one of the specialization with the most slots but I do not see them being very distinct from regular troopers currently. On deployments I would very much like to see each specialization split apart from a mass group, and each group complete the mission objective with respects to their specialization. With strong dedicated Leads, specializations would function flawlessly, I know this from first hand experience.

Public Relations: This is the biggest one in my opinion, and I have been working to change the opinion of Coruscant Guard ever since I joined the battalion as a Private. It is to my belief that this is also the hardest goal of all. I would absolutely love to see the Coruscant Guard more well-liked within the server, and have great interactions with every battalion. I have plans to fix the relation between Coruscant Guard and the rest of the battalions, I feel this issue can be resolved in numerous ways. Ideally at the end of my term would love to see the overall public opinion of Coruscant Guard to be extremely high. This is huge and will require effort from every trooper Private to Battalion Commander.

Overall: In summary the end of my term would have a professional, respected, and fair Coruscant Guard that everyone enjoys and interacts with. All specialization slots filled and ran by dedicated leads. SNCO's that are ready to fill the next Officer positions, and NCOs that are ready to be SNCOs. Professional, respectable, fair, and active members Officers and NCO's alike. More roleplay factor when it comes to events/encounters/deployments and even just around the base. I want to see Coruscant Guard shouted out at debrief a lot more, it feels like a rare thing currently. Amazing public relations and weekly joint deployments with every battalion. Ideally Coruscant Guard would be a well oiled functioning machine that I can just hand the keys to the next Battalion Commander and they would not have anything to improve on.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes I do.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes I do.

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+1, this guy is the sole definiton of a awesome leader, a excellent communicating person and a helpful asset to the server. Ever since I have been here in Synergy; he always helped me with any of my problems, questions. He definently deserves this. Good luck Vorix, I hope you become my BCMD!

Former Coruscant Guard Regimental Officer Sergeant Major Pax | Naval Crewman Apprentice Pax | Hunter Doom | Former Admin

"Sir, it's illegal to drop kick that child!"



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Before I vote for this Where is your experience coming from? Were you always in CG? Have you been in other battalions as a higher ranking trooper? how was your time in these Battalions? Have you made any changes to those battalions while you were there?

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Head Admin

Right now CG has the absolute worst relations w other battalions I have ever seen. In your section talking about public relations, you talk about how you want them to get better, but have absolutely no details on any way this can be accomplished. Can you give information about any actual ideas you have to improve battalion relations? 

  • Agree 3

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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GM Leadership

I hate to be that guy and ask more questions however I have noticed a large concern and want to see if you are aware have are/will be working towards a solution. I've noticed a decent amount of CG jumping ship to other battalions, especially officers and NCOs, and was curious on what is the turn around to the issue and a solution? I can go more details in dms or teamspeak however Im just probing for thoughts right now.



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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You are a very dedicated, active member of CG. I see you on all the time, and you are a shining example of how CG should be.

That being said, I notice some problems I see in a lot of apps. You're fairly vague. You diagnose several problems, but you're fairly vague on the actual solutions. I have some questions:
 - How do you plan on fixing public relations specifically?
 - Are you willing to hurt the activity of your battalion to instill the seriousness that you claim you will instill? Rather, are you willing to remove those CG who do not follow your high standard at the expense of NCO/Officer activity?
 - How do you plan on getting Diplomatic Services to be more utilized?
 - Did you inform your battalion/officer corps of this application, and do you have their support?

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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1 hour ago, KaiserNeiner said:

Right now CG has the absolute worst relations w other battalions I have ever seen. In your section talking about public relations, you talk about how you want them to get better, but have absolutely no details on any way this can be accomplished. Can you give information about any actual ideas you have to improve battalion relations? 

Hey Kaiser! I agree with the worst relations between battalions. I have been discussing it among other Officers and we think it would be a good idea to hold a meeting in game or team speak between all battalions, whoever wants to join and put input in would be greatly appreciated. Organization of this meeting under a new Coruscant Guard BCMD would be a good fresh start in my opinion. Another idea of mine is leading by example as I have done since joining the battalion, I believe in promoting professionalism, fairness, and courtesy when interacting with all members of the community. I think over time good interactions will change peoples opinion on the Coruscant Guard in time. I am of strong belief that a meeting could solve many issues and a lot of the issues we are having is lack of communication. If we all discussed exact issues fellow community members have with Coruscant Guard, we would have a concrete list of things to fix. After we work through our issues discussed at the meeting, then I believe we can move on to joint trainings and joint deployments to better battalion relations, working together and getting to better know each other more personally. Upon fixing our issues and every one getting to know one another better, I see no reason why battalion relations wouldn't be extraordinary.

  • Informative 2
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1 hour ago, Wheezy said:

Before I vote for this Where is your experience coming from? Were you always in CG? Have you been in other battalions as a higher ranking trooper? how was your time in these Battalions? Have you made any changes to those battalions while you were there?

Hey there Wheezy! Yes I have always been in Coruscant Guard, never another battalion on Synergy. My experience comes from 6 months total spent within the Coruscant Guard, learning and enforcing the rules and dealing with staff sits. I also have extensive experience when it comes disciplinary action and talks between battalions. I have not been in other battalions as a high ranking trooper, only Coruscant Guard. When I first joined the Coruscant Guard I had noticed a very bad attitude from Officers, I voiced my concerns of this in meetings and promoted healthy interaction between one another, a change was soon enacted. One thing I noticed is how jokingly fellow troopers took the job and how uneducated they were on the rules, I change my troopers for the better everyday through my actions and I am always educating fellow troopers on the rules and how we should preform our duties with professionalism on base as Coruscant Guard. I see these as very positive changes, but there is much more work to be done.

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Theres no chance that you werent aware of the threats to cut ties with Senate, and the fact that you werent “aware” of them definetley wouldnt make you be a good candidate for BCMD if you dont know whats going on within your batallion

Edited by Drip
Changing Vote

                               Current: Havoc ARC Overseer / Rancor MAJ  

                Ex: Alpha-22 Aven Sage Manager



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Veteran Admin

before I vote, just wondering what your thoughts are on CG threatening to cut ties with Senate completely and ignore them in game if senate guard comes back. 

  • Agree 1
  • Confused 2

Current: Yoda 

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau

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Veteran Admin

Beaver ;) +1

Currently: 332nd CPT Vaughn  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose 


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39 minutes ago, Vorix said:

Hey there Wheezy! Yes I have always been in Coruscant Guard, never another battalion on Synergy. My experience comes from 6 months total spent within the Coruscant Guard, learning and enforcing the rules and dealing with staff sits. I also have extensive experience when it comes disciplinary action and talks between battalions. I have not been in other battalions as a high ranking trooper, only Coruscant Guard. When I first joined the Coruscant Guard I had noticed a very bad attitude from Officers, I voiced my concerns of this in meetings and promoted healthy interaction between one another, a change was soon enacted. One thing I noticed is how jokingly fellow troopers took the job and how uneducated they were on the rules, I change my troopers for the better everyday through my actions and I am always educating fellow troopers on the rules and how we should preform our duties with professionalism on base as Coruscant Guard. I see these as very positive changes, but there is much more work to be done.

Thankyou for your response! Ive decided to  +1 your application good luck!

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11 minutes ago, blazin said:

before I vote, just wondering what your thoughts are on CG threatening to cut ties with Senate completely and ignore them in game if senate guard comes back. 

I was unaware of Coruscant Guard making these threats. I do not endorse or promote these actions. If Senate Guard were to return, Coruscant Guard would have no problem working with them or the Senate entirely.

  • Informative 1
  • Confused 1
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2 hours ago, GregRocks said:

You are a very dedicated, active member of CG. I see you on all the time, and you are a shining example of how CG should be.

That being said, I notice some problems I see in a lot of apps. You're fairly vague. You diagnose several problems, but you're fairly vague on the actual solutions. I have some questions:
 - How do you plan on fixing public relations specifically?
 - Are you willing to hurt the activity of your battalion to instill the seriousness that you claim you will instill? Rather, are you willing to remove those CG who do not follow your high standard at the expense of NCO/Officer activity?
 - How do you plan on getting Diplomatic Services to be more utilized?
 - Did you inform your battalion/officer corps of this application, and do you have their support?

Hello GregRocks! Please see my reply above to Kaiser on Public Relations. Am I willing to hurt the activity of my battalion to instill seriousness within my troopers, absolutely and have already removed troopers for failing to uphold Coruscant Guard standards. My plan on getting Diplomatic Services more utilized is pushing them to engage more in roleplay scenarios such as VIP captures, or negotiations. I currently see Diplomatic Services lacking in senator protection. I have been pushing our Diplomatic Service troopers to step it up when it comes to this, and will continue to do so heavily. I informed many members of my battalion of all ranks, that I was going to apply for Battalion Commander Fox starting roughly 3 weeks ago, as I knew the current Fox's term was ending. I am very honest with my battalion, and I believe I have strong support from them.

  • Informative 1
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6 minutes ago, Vorix said:

Hello GregRocks! Please see my reply above to Kaiser on Public Relations. Am I willing to hurt the activity of my battalion to instill seriousness within my troopers, absolutely and have already removed troopers for failing to uphold Coruscant Guard standards. My plan on getting Diplomatic Services more utilized is pushing them to engage more in roleplay scenarios such as VIP captures, or negotiations. I currently see Diplomatic Services lacking in senator protection. I have been pushing our Diplomatic Service troopers to step it up when it comes to this, and will continue to do so heavily. I informed many members of my battalion of all ranks, that I was going to apply for Battalion Commander Fox starting roughly 3 weeks ago, as I knew the current Fox's term was ending. I am very honest with my battalion, and I believe I have strong support from them.

Excellent! Thank you for addressing these questions directly. I believe you are a fantastic fit for this position, especially seeing your willingness to take on every problem head on with a fresh attitude.

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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Head Admin

its a -1 for me right now, I don't think any applicant in CG SO+ is a good choice right now with the issues I've heard about Senate Guard and a "solidarity" for not interacting with them if they come back, some of your officers leaving due to being disrespected within the battalion, and I haven't seen anything in game or in this app that would convince me that you could change this. It seems you have some backing from your battalion which is good, but from an outside perspective I can not in good faith support this. 

  • Agree 1
  • Based 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Veteran Admin
2 hours ago, Vorix said:

I was unaware of Coruscant Guard making these threats. I do not endorse or promote these actions. If Senate Guard were to return, Coruscant Guard would have no problem working with them or the Senate entirely.

-1.  Lying to save face is just dumb. Would've respected you a lot more if you would've just been open about it. One of the senior officers that left the Battalion is saying both you and chips were there when these threats were made. Even if he is lying, which he has no reason to, you really haven't done anything to prove that you're going to take CG in a better direction.  At this point wipe the battalion and call it a day. The CG issues haven't stopped since the start of the current BCMD's term and continue to get worse and worse.

  • Winner 1
  • Based 5

Current: Yoda 

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze | Walon Vau

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39 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

its a -1 for me right now, I don't think any applicant in CG SO+ is a good choice right now with the issues I've heard about Senate Guard and a "solidarity" for not interacting with them if they come back, some of your officers leaving due to being disrespected within the battalion, and I haven't seen anything in game or in this app that would convince me that you could change this. It seems you have some backing from your battalion which is good, but from an outside perspective I can not in good faith support this. 

How do you plan on combating miss-information like this? I personally know as a CG officer 8/10 people in CG are in full support of Senate Guard coming back. I believe many people's "view" of CG is a personal issue with an individual trooper and how they were treated by them.   

  • Agree 1
  • Dumb 1

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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Simaler to chips , i do not think you are the best fit for fox, I think one day you could be a fantastic BCMD but the battalion seems to need a stronger candidate that you do not fit at the current time. 



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GM Leadership

I can't comment on the whole Senate Commandos thing as I really don't know anything or honestly really care about SC, but from the conversation we just had I think you are on the right track for mindset. How things play out or events happen, I wish you luck.


Edited by Crimson



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Bro who cares about Senate Commando, that's got nothing to do with running CG


Before I vote, I'm curious, what have you done so far to try and accomplish any of the stated goals in your app? As a Major, you have the rank to at least attempt to solve some of the issues plaguing your battalion (battalion relations seems an easy place to start)?

  • Dumb 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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4 minutes ago, Finn said:

Bro who cares about Senate Commando, that's got nothing to do with running CG


Before I vote, I'm curious, what have you done so far to try and accomplish any of the stated goals in your app? As a Major, you have the rank to at least attempt to solve some of the issues plaguing your battalion (battalion relations seems an easy place to start)?

Hello Finn! I have attempted to resolve battalion relations since I have joined the battalion as a Private. I have done this through my actions of upholding the rules with no bias and with a strong sense of professionalism. I have asked individuals what there issues are with the Coruscant Guard, and every response is that the trooper does not have any issues personally with the Coruscant Guard. This is why I feel a meeting is required between all battalions and Coruscant Guard and we need a concrete list of things we can work on and get resolved. I feel this meeting will have the most impact under the command of a new Battalion Commander.

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+1 From past experiences I've encountered with you on the server I feel you are ready to test it as a BCMD. Definitely focus on the public relations with other battalions but again you can only do so much when people take things way too seriously. 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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Veteran Admin

+1. From my personal experience with Vorix I know he is a capable and knowledgeable leader. I have worked with him in ARC and he has always gone above and beyond in the responsibilities it entails. He is also someone open to compromise and I feel like that quality will translate well if he is elected BCMD.

Current: Battalion Commander Fox
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny

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Vorix and I have not known each other long, but he has become a genuine role model and fantastic leader to everyone in CG. I have seen Vorix push through many obstacles throughout his time in CG, and have been increasingly impressed on how he exemplifies the Army Values.

L- Loyalty

D- Duty

R- Respect

S- Selfless-Service

H- Honor

I- Integrity

P- Personal Courage 

Vorix is the personification of LDRSHIP. Shame to see that some people vote based upon a personal grudge, and don't have the capacity to see the capability for leadership in this candidate.

  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 2
  • Bruh 1
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in my honest opinion what the Current BCMD and CMDS say or do should not represent all of CG, but the current state of CG is a mess some people shouldn't be in CG . There still some people in CG that shouldn't still be in CG, what was said/done to me shouldn't have happened but i still think it shouldn't represent all of CG. Does CG need a rework absolutely, should people understand its a game and not real life of course. there's only a few people who deserve to even get the chance for Fox and Vorix is one of them , is he perfect? no he's not nobody is perfect. He's one of the few people that reached out to me and still talks to me like a human being after i brought SC/SG back due to a miscommunication. i hope he doesn't let a toxic environment  grow if he does become Fox. CG was a battalion that i loved being in but going through the worse of the worse along seeing how it is right now, its just sad all i ask of you is to make sure the battalion i enjoyed being in doesn't fall apart because of what the current heads of this battalion have done . i hope you don't let a let a toxic environment  grow if you do become Fox. CG was a battalion that i loved being in but going through the worse of the worse along with seeing how it is right now, its just sad all i ask is you make sure the battalion i enjoyed being in doesn't fall apart because of what the current heads of this battalion have done . i hope you don't let what went on happen again, i hope you become a good leader and not let the power go to your head, i hope you make a better impact on CG, I hope your able to fix everything vorix, i just hope you don't forget friendship means more then position in a game my friend +1 

former CG Major Jek , Former Senior senator Lux Bonteri , Former 501st TCO Cpt HawkCurrent 332ndO CPT Jesse , Former Vice chairmen Mas Amedda , 

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13 hours ago, blazin said:

-1.  Lying to save face is just dumb. Would've respected you a lot more if you would've just been open about it. One of the senior officers that left the Battalion is saying both you and chips were there when these threats were made. Even if he is lying, which he has no reason to, you really haven't done anything to prove that you're going to take CG in a better direction.  At this point wipe the battalion and call it a day. The CG issues haven't stopped since the start of the current BCMD's term and continue to get worse and worse.

I agree with Blazin. In all honesty, some will take this serious some won't... but over and over again we see every single new person that applies for CG BCMD promise the same things and say they're going to try and fix the same issues as the last BCMD. From an outside point of view CG is in a horrible place. I have been playing on here off and on since 2018 and have quite literally never seen relations between CG & and the rest of the server this bad. Dumb me if you'd like but I think the battalion should be wiped and new leadership put into the battalion. Nothing is changing with CG and it's not going to until it is wiped, everything is re done and new leaders not currently in CG are put into place. There is a repeat cycle in CG when it comes to leadership and something more needs to be done I believe.

Most of you may agree most may not but that is how I see it, and from speaking to lots of others over the last couple weeks I think most see the same thing I do.


  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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I strongly believe from this application that CG needs an outside influence to change the negative view currently associated with it. I genuinely believe that CG is a candidate for a battalion wipe right now, as the issue is getting worse and worse for the most part.

This is not personal, but I wish you the best of luck in the future, I just don't think you're what CG needs right now.

  • Winner 1
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On 2/20/2024 at 11:17 PM, Vorix said:

Hello Finn! I have attempted to resolve battalion relations since I have joined the battalion as a Private. I have done this through my actions of upholding the rules with no bias and with a strong sense of professionalism. I have asked individuals what there issues are with the Coruscant Guard, and every response is that the trooper does not have any issues personally with the Coruscant Guard. This is why I feel a meeting is required between all battalions and Coruscant Guard and we need a concrete list of things we can work on and get resolved. I feel this meeting will have the most impact under the command of a new Battalion Commander.

I appreciate the answer.


I'm gonna -1 this for a few reasons.

Firstly, your application is very bare bones. You talk a lot about where you want the battalion to be, but not nearly enough on how you're going to get them there. Making sure NCOs feel valued or wanting to see DS do more on the base are good areas to start, but that alone isn't enough. How are you going to value your NCOs? What are you going to change about how you operate DS that will allow them to have more agency on the base? These should all be answered somewhat already, and you haven't touched on them

Secondly, you're filling your app with buzzwords to make it seem longer. Everyone wants to have a dedicated, professional, and respected battalion, you don't need to say a variation of that in every bullet point you make. Saying it once or twice is ok, you're just going overboard.

Thirdly, your answer to my question was very lackluster to me. Similarly to your application, you aren't telling us what you're doing. Being unbiased and professional isn't actually solving any issues, it's just preventing additional issues. 212th and CG had some pretty public issues in the recent past and you either didn't do anything to help repair the relationship, or you haven't said it here, both of which aren't good. Personally, I've had more conversations with your NCOs about issues between CG and 212th than with you or any other leadership member of the CG, which leads me to my last point.

I don't think anyone in CG is capable of correctly fixing the issues that the battalion currently has, seeing as everyone is either complicit, or unaware of the problems. You guys need someone with an outside perspective, that can make large changes quickly, and I don't believe you're the one to do that.

If you want to discuss any of this further, my DMs are always open.

Edited by Finn

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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  • Director

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


  • Agree 1

The first and only Canadian Director

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