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King 41st GREE BCMD Application {Waived}


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Steam Name: bulletyt906

Rp Name: Improcco company Maj  REGL Clanky 

Rp Rank: MAJOR


Battalion you are applying For: 41st BCMD




501ST Battalion PVT —> LT


When I first embarked on my journey within this community I joined the 501st Battalion because this was always my personal favorite battalion. It has appealed to me so much because of the in-depth lore and the background of the 501st Battalion.


Within the 501st Battalion I was able to work my way up to Lieutenant, I achieved this by doing many training, being on whenever possible to help the 501st Battalion to success, and recruiting new troopers whenever possible as well as helping them when a problem arises. I also gained my rank by assisting with the subunits of the 501st Battalion like 332nd Company and Torrent Company, which in my journey in the 501st Battalion I was able to achieve the rank of officer within 332nd Company and Torrent Company. When within Torrent Company I showed much dedication to helping out whenever the opportunity arises, most of the time this was helping with Torrent Company Tryouts whenever they needed an available Torrent Company member to help. Whilst in my time within Torrent Company I had the opportunity to have the position of Boomer and Kano. Also when I first settled into the 501st Battalion I joined Heavy and work my way up to Heavy Officer, afterwards I was contacted by the our REGL that I was doing excellent work within Heavy and in which he told me I should consider putting in an application in for ARF Officer because the 501st Battalion had no ARF Lead at the time, so they needed help, dedication and active leadership. I was appointed ARF Officer giving me the ability to help ARF succeed and develop making the ARF Regiment gain activity to bring it back to life, which led me to getting ARF Lead due this outstanding work in the ARF Regiment. I switched from Torrent Company to the 332nd Company because they needed assistance due to them restarting 332nd Company from scratch, I wished to assist the 332nd Company in gaining their activity back to make the 501st Battalion stronger. When within the 332nd Company I had recruited a couple members to the Company, as well as assisted them in any way possible and helped them grow to a stronger point within the 501st Battalion. I had sadly disembarked on my journey within the 501st Battalion due to wanting to explore the community and opportunities it had to offer to me and my experience.


                                                        41ST ELITE CORPS


41st LT —> MAJ {Currently}

I joined the 41st because I wanted something new to try and to experience which I have loved since I joined.


As part of the 41st when I joined I became  an Advanced Recon Force LEAD and made two separate documents for ARF. One of the documents was for the officers of ARF So they know what  is expected of an ARFO and the other document was for regular arf that explains ARF and the goals that we have. After doing this I joined Green company because I like their camo style and I love the lore of Green company. When I became a green company member I was an ARF trooper. After a few weeks I decided to apply for Nemec (lore character) and also apply for Green company officer and I was able to get both of those positions. As a green company officer I was able to do a lot of tryouts for green company and help green company to grow and to get more members. Also while I was doing that I was doing regular training and joint training with different battalions. I also had a lot of recruitments into the 41st. During the month of august we also had a title called 41st member of the month which i got due to me doing a lot of recruitments and training. I also decided to leave Green company because I passed my tryout for Improcco company which led me to getting Tenn which is Improcco's  heavy trooper lore character. After being tenn for a while I switched over to clanky and became the current 41st REGL.




      How the battalions have help me grow


  Being a part of these battalions have helped me to grow by becoming more confident in leading the battalion and as well communicating with the senior officer and command team. By  being a heavy officer and being ARFL twice has taught me how to lead a regiment and what it needs to be successful. Also as me being an officer in both battalions i have also learned how to handle different problems and how to solve the problem. I have also learned to listen and think about something before I make the decision if it is big or small.


Why should you become Battalion Commander?


When observing the current state of 41st it is very active in early times but Later in the night around 7 to 9 EST there is only 3 to 6 on during the weekdays which is understandable due to school nights and people that have work. The 41st is very well kept and is up to date with all forms and documents which makes it easy  to look at all our information when needed to. 


By becoming the BCMD of the 41st  I will use my prior knowledge of being a MAJOR, ARFL and heavy officer  to help The NCO core which is not that active to be active again.   I also want to be able to Build better connections with the rest of the mechanized regiment. I also want to build better connections with the attack regiments also.   As an officer I am able to listen to all my ncos and to adapt and to be able to help them out and to listen to them. On top of that I have good relations with everyone in the battalion and generally feel like I'm a likable person. One of the key things for me is that you have to have a good relationship with the members of your battalion  is one of if not the most important thing to have in a leader, if the people you're leading don't like and respect you, how can you expect them to listen to your commands. I was always taught to lead by example. I'm not going to expect a member to do something I can't do. As a leader you have to be able to do the training and the different things you expect your members to do.  I always take in everybody's suggestions. That's the thing as a leader you have to be able to take in other people's suggestions and opinions into account because it takes a team not just one person to lead a battalion it takes everyone.






 I am on almost every day on synergy making,  sure  everything is running very smoothly and there are no problems. I am always on discord 24/7 also checking messages. 


 Estimate of how long you've play on synergy Roleplay


         844 hours


Do you have a microphone: yes


Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?

I’m currently very pleased with where we are as a battalion BUT THERE ARE THINGS WE CAN IMPROVE!


At the end of my term I want to make sure that the 41st have an active player base at all times except late at night that the next BCMD will be proud about and work to make it better.I want to have  the NCOs taking leadership and the NCOS being active daily during the week and helping out. Our officers should also teach leadership skills to promising NCO’s. Being humble to others and understanding the importance of respect. I want every rank to be confident to voice their opinion.  I also would like to see the 41st doing very well in training and recruitment.


41st perspective from other Battalions


The view currently on the 41st is that we are very hardworking and very active due to us winning battalion of the month in September. We also have a Officer on at all times to make sure none of the ncos are getting in trouble. We also always been having a sgt + been on doing recruiting's and trainings. Which also helps we have a tag called 41st of the month that goes to the trooper that has been working the hardest. We also give credit to the lead recruiter and lead trainer every month also which soon there will be some type of reward behind it to make people want to do it more. I believe we are being used as a good example of what a battalion should look like. We are also pointed out to be the more active battalion inside our regiment. 





 I would like to see more active NCOS that are taking leadership and the NCOs being active during the week and helping out by doing training and also doing recruitments. I would also do a purge of members that have not been active and their tig is above 50 days cause there should be no one that is SFC that has 50 days tig and has not done any training. So I would implement a rule where that would change that so we have active members. I would also had a meeting at end of the month or start of the month to discuss future goals and plans and also how well we did the month prior and ask for opinions and suggestions on how everything is going. I also would like to have a meeting also every month with Both the subunits to see how everything is going and to see what we need to change or try to add to the subunits.




Officers will also be held at the same standard and then some. They have proven that they are active and willing to grow inside the battalion. It's important that they aren’t shown as lazy or unwilling to help. People shouldn’t strive for officers so they can slack off and do nothing. Their standards will be different from an NCO as their responsibilities are as well. It’s their job to build future leaders and mold the 41st into a battalion others strive to be like. Inactivity, without proper reasons, will be dealt with immediately. How can a battalion trust their officers if they are not there to listen. A commander without the respect of their peers or their soldier, is doomed to fail. I have the faith of my soldiers that I will lead them from dark times, I want my officers to have that same faith from them. 


BARC trainings and AT trainings


 BARC and AT training are an important part of the 41st. This gives other troopers the ability of using the BARC and doing alien translation during events and deployments. The month of august we did 161  AT/BARC trainings for the whole month of august which we were very active and all of us in the 41st were doing training to help our battalion. The BARC and AT Trainings are part of new requirements system that they have been using for the last 3 months since i have been here and it has been working super well because to get promoted you have to host a certain number of training and it has been working very well.




Improcco COMPANY 


I love where Improcco is right now. Currently it is active and is full, which is very good for RP. My opinion we keep Improcco how it is running which is led by commander gett aka badger. He's been doing a great job leading the unit. It has been full and always active which helps 41st because it is the elite unit of 41st.




In my opinion I would add more recon to the tryout for green company since it is more of a scouting unit. How i would do that is by adding a high point somewhere in the tryout where they can comms what they see in and is not just a plain shoot and kill and mission is complete. I would work with  the green company officers and lead on changing this and what to add and their opinions on it. Also I would like to see the green company as a whole during deployments going up and scouting ahead of everyone and giving the call outs.


Concluding everything


Besides everything that has been in this application. I would start keeping my activity as it is. I will keep leading the 41st as I am doing it. Making sure our officers and NCOs do the work. If any ‘hole’ in the battalion needs to be filled, I will make sure that it is done. You will also get an active Gree that is very dedicated and is always on for the next three months. I also promise I will do my best to achieve the best for 41st. I will be open for any feedback and suggestions from other battalions and do my best to work closely with the high command. I do not have the biggest experience in the server but my dedication and motivation is there. I will do my best as the BCMD of the 41st.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: 


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


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Veteran Admin

Big +1, This guy can easily continue what I left.

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Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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+1 Dew it

  • Friendly 1

                               Current: Havoc ARC Overseer / Rancor MAJ  

                Ex: Alpha-22 Aven Sage Manager



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Veteran Admin

+1 I have known King for some good time now and I can say he's the perfect choice for Gree. He has put in an enormous amount of work into 41st & 501st. He deserves the position. Best of luck my friend!

  • Friendly 1

Current: 501st BCMD Rex | Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager | Quest Master TRO
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma


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+1 I am fairly new to the server still but ever since I have joined the 41st for my Battalion Regiment, I've noticed King has a real passion for this Battalion. He puts in a lot of work every single time he is able to be on. I've also noticed he has a very good acute sense to leadership and being able to connect with people easily. Good luck to King and I hope to see you as the 41sts new BCMD!

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From my talks and experience with this man its only been good, and I think this man has only good plans. 

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_______________________ Current _______________________

Server Retired

_______________________ Retired _______________________

104th WolfPack Lead / ARCO / "Boost" / "Dash-29", Alpha-66 WO "Muzzle", Jedi Shadow Manager Hoovyx2,Torrent Company Officer "Tup"

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tbh i don't think he is ready. 
needs to mature and not take certain things personally.

he is a good guy but i think he needs to grow a bit more.

also, he needs to communicate better with his lower enlisted and officers, not just hiding in a locked channel.

Someone who " will leave if someone else gets the position" in my eyes isn't fit for the position.

Also, minimal effort was put into this application. 

Just more clarity
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So before I vote I was wondering, you were going to Delta tryouts for quite some time, what was your reasoning for this? The way that I see it right now, is that as soon as Delta got filled up, you put in an app, so I just don’t really see the full dedication to 41st from my perspective.

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Future Adult!

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4 hours ago, Edgar said:

So before I vote I was wondering, you were going to Delta tryouts for quite some time, what was your reasoning for this? The way that I see it right now, is that as soon as Delta got filled up, you put in an app, so I just don’t really see the full dedication to 41st from my perspective.

i have not been to any delta tryouts, are you sure it was me and that you're not mixing me up with a previous clanky or someone with a similar name? @Edgar

Edited by bulletyt906
had to @ edgar
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5 hours ago, bulletyt906 said:

i have not been to any delta tryouts, are you sure it was me and that you're not mixing me up with a previous clanky or someone with a similar name? @Edgar

I was totally confusing you with a previous Clanky mb, I was unaware the position had been filled up so fast after the previous one, +1 from me, seems really chill.

  • Winner 2

Future Adult!

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-1 The only reason why I do this, albeit being new to the 41st, is quite literally due in part to an experience I had today. Yes Today, and maybe I could give it some slack. But I wanna make this clear anyways.

During the Deployment, the first one at around six to seven pm est, Clanky and most of the Battalion for the first twenty minutes was active and working. However, After we claimed one of the bases him, and a few others that I will keep unnamed for their privacy as this doesnt concern them, Were back at this base goofing around. This went on for anywhere around twenty to thirty minutes. I was on the field, without lead, without commands from any of my Squads higher ups on as to what I should be doing. So I stuck to another squad and did what I could as a heavy. I shot targets, while he and those few others cracked jokes about being in cells, easter eggs, money, and focusing on making friendly Droids rather than pushing with the main forces after a direct order for all Units to push to the Sith Temple. This IS my FIRST event with him, so maybe this is a one time thing. But it was a terrible outlook to be a SPC at the time with all my higher ups messing around while the rest of us shot at clankers. I do not, after this experience, trust that he could make a good leader. Not to mention, those specific people I talked about voted for his application and didnt vote on the other. I barely know him sure, but THE FIRST EXPERIENCE is the most important. This did not help his image of him in my eyes today.

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King, I watched you grow from the lower ranks of 501st and personally can say that you've made progress on the server in a lot of areas. Your time as a 501st member was really fun and very enjoyable with you as an officer. However, I can't see you moving up to BCMD. In my eyes, you don't yet have the experience as a CMD or the time dedicated to the 41st. In your past, you only did things when you were pushed to do so, were incredibly volatile on whether you were going to stay or leave, and weren't really communicative with the rest of the battalion outside a select few. These were problems with your Warrant Officer term that I'd noticed and the rest of the CMD team noticed. I was considering a +1 in good faith but after reading some of these votes...I can't say that anymore. You're still hiding in locked channels away from the rest of the battalion and have a problem with seriousness during events/deployments that's more than the occasional incident of goofing off. Had this app been posted in the future when you had more experience or more accomplishments within the 41st and being a Senior Officer, I'd have thought differently.

That being said, -1.

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i carried onderon events


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For as much as i enjoy talking to you and enjoy playing with you in TS and Jedi, I've spoken to some people around server about your Clone life, and from some of the things ive heard + the lack of experience i think its best if you grow under another BCMD and then reapply. I'll be looking forward to seeing a BCMD app of yours again in the future man. 

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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After reading some of the comments made on your behalf it looks like you might need more time or that you need to be more active in channels. I also, like Edgar, thought you were the Clanky going to Delta tryouts so I was going to instantly -1 if this was true. With all that being said, I've never personally met or talked to you so I think it would be unfair to judge you badly so I hope you are a strong horse in this race: +1

  • Friendly 1

Former Wrath of the Sith
Former Grey Jedi Master
Former BCMD of Special Operations/Shadow Company
-Aust (austistic)

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Management

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


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i am literally captain tukk

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