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Woenys Climber Application


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==========[ Commander Application Template ]==========
==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========
Steam Name:Woeny23    
RP Name:RC 23 Ion Team MED Ras

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:0:85912862

Battalion or squad you are applying for: Ion Team Climber
501st Legion:This is where majority of my time was From the first day i joined till a monthish, When i first joined i was under first meerel, During my Ncos times i was our only medic so i became the 501st’s Medic lead although not gonna lie during that time basically didn't mean anything

I was quickly promoted to 2nd lt because of my actions and the amount of tryouts i held, I began commanding troops during battle and around this time i became an intel officer (For 501st docs) it was basically the same until i hit Ltc. When I became LTC Acorn was TCC Kain(Puke) was xo along with caps so there was 1 spot open for xo.
This is when we Synergy became a thing. Day 1 of synergy i was promoted to Cmd and was made intel lead for the 501st documents. We brought in a new system in which how Gm runs there regiments with different regiments have leaders and overseers for that area of regiment, Since i was medic lead for the longest time i was made the Support Regiment Overseer which oversaw Medics Engineers and Arf Troopers. During this All 3 of those regiments were alive and having quality troopers not just to fill spots. I did such a great job with that I was made Regimental Lead which oversaw all regiments and regiment overseers. All the other regiments were struggling because some didn't have a pointed leader and so it was because of the load out (Our assault troopers). I quickly appointed troopers that had earned the position.
Torrent Company Commander: After The current TCC resigned they needed someone to   fill the spot, At the time i was the only one capable to fill it so i filled the spot until another would arise to claim that spot. Within the span of a couple of weeks i had filled all name characters and Basic Tc troopers which had never been done before.(Was alot of fucking tryouts to do). For these tryouts i created Scenario sims based off what they would be like in the actual clone wars.(Will provides examples if you would like)
RC Ion Team Ras: I've been Ras for almost i wanna say a good month now, and Ive really enjoyed the environment of a small squad, During this Ive really only been able to help with tryouts and help improves others medical rp, 
Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I feel like I would fit Climber because i have experienced leading a huge ass battalion and aiding in a small squad, ive had leadership skills throughout my entire time as a trooper in which I see fit that can lead a squad
Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:Yes i Understand the Lore of Ion Team
Availability:Im on almost all the time always available through Discord but im normally on 1:42 pm est to 12:00pm est on school dayd 
Other than that im either away or im just on for a longer time period
Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:Since day 1 of it coming out :D
Do you have a microphone?: Yea you can hear me any time :D
Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want Ion Team to keep its amazing image that it currently has and how other battalions view it currently, but majority of it doesnt need changing it just needs to stay the same because its amazing how it was being runned with Metro as Climber I just want to maintain and improve of where Ion Team Can
Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Sure do :D

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  • Retired Founder

+1 Not sure if power play or if metro stepped down cause I'm still on LOA and have no idea whats going on, but metro gave a +1 so ill assume everything is all good, not to mention I know woeny will keep that squad in great shape while having plenty of fun in downtime.

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+1 What a guy.

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+1 alright fella, if he gets it there's a 3% chance of me coming back and going to Ras (or Trace if that's open, because holy shit my MedRP is garbage) tryouts


Edited by Faoeoa
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21 minutes ago, Voucher said:


holy shit u live

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