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Replacing KU Heavy Trooper


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Name: Slak | Charger

RP Rank: LT

Suggestion: Changing the current Kellers Unit Heavy Trooper job. Starting out, renaming “Kellers Unit Heavy Trooper'' to “Kellers Unit Heavy Weapon Specialist”. Adding the Tracking Launcher weapon. 

Implementation: Renaming “Kellers Unit Heavy Trooper” to “Kellers Unit Heavy Weapon Specialist”. Adding a Tracking Launcher to the job.

Lore: N/A

Workshop content if applicable: N/A Everything is on the server
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following if not, leave it out.

Add or Change: Change the name to “Keller Unit Heavy Weapon Specialist”. Adding the tracking_launcher.
(Any job modification requires all this information)

Job: Keller’s Unit Heavy Weapon Specialists

Slots: 3

Description: N/A

Model: models/jayarr/marines/keller/kellers_heavy.mdl
(Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu)

(If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu))

Other: KU is currently redefining its own identity to a modified Heavy Assault and front line unit of the 21st. Kellers Unit’s goal is to serve the purpose as the first men to breach, first men to engage, first men to do pretty much anything regarding front line assault, while the SO remains the long distance recon/assault. Heavy is definitely the weakest link to KU as of now since it only has the Z6 and westar compared to the Recon and Medic. Giving this job only 3 slots makes it very limited compared to KU Medic. Keep in mind this job will be abiding by the HVO limits meaning if there is 2 GM HVO then that means there can only be 1 KU HWS.

Edited by Slak

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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The tracking launcher is currently really garbage. I’m not trying to be that person; however, when I was asking for opinions around the server to adding chain gun to heavy ordinance troopers the community told me they do not want mini guns and rocket launchers on the same job. If you already have mini guns than the tracking launcher is uneeded. 

As a current HVO you will feel completely useless  your ammo runs out for the launchers. 

Edited by Arroyo
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+1. KU needs to be unique and unique jobs is definitely a correct step

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
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30 minutes ago, Arroyo said:


The tracking launcher is currently really garbage. I’m not trying to be that person; however, when I was asking for opinions around the server to adding chain gun to heavy ordinance troopers the community told me they do not want mini guns and rocket launchers on the same job. If you already have mini guns than the tracking launcher is uneeded. 

As a current HVO you will feel completely useless  your ammo runs out for the launchers. 

We are not giving the job the full HVO loadout. Therefore the substitute for the rest(RPS and Mines) is the reason why we are giving the Z6s. As well this job can be limited to 0 people if there are already 3 current HVO in regular GM. This job is very limited to what it can do.

Edited by Slak

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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1 hour ago, Arroyo said:


The tracking launcher is currently really garbage. I’m not trying to be that person; however, when I was asking for opinions around the server to adding chain gun to heavy ordinance troopers the community told me they do not want mini guns and rocket launchers on the same job. If you already have mini guns than the tracking launcher is uneeded. 

As a current HVO you will feel completely useless  your ammo runs out for the launchers. 

Firstly in this situation we don't have 2 rocket launchers and mines (unlike HVO), we have the Z6 and are trying to add one launcher. Secondly you probably experienced pushback because adding a minigun with 2 rocket launchers and mines. Thirdly minigun is bad against aircraft so this will expand our arsenal

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9 hours ago, Levii said:

Thirdly minigun is bad against aircraft so this will expand our arsenal

Considering I used to be to a Heavy trooper in not too long ago in KU/GM This is incorrect, it's certainly better than the tracking launcher.

But, I want to hear from Slak what makes the tracking launcher the real choice for this.  Do you think management is open to giving out a weapon that was added specifically for HVO? I'm not fully aware of the current moves KU is trying to make but it's concerning how often the sub-unit has a suggestion or change made to it just to make it "Stand out". 

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1 hour ago, Stockings said:

Do you think management is open to giving out a weapon that was added specifically for HVO?

This job is going to be a HVO just to clarify. It is abiding by HVO rules and slot limits. GM and KU will be a combined 3 Slot HVO limit. 


1 hour ago, Stockings said:

what makes the tracking launcher the real choice for this.

We were originally going to utilize the RPS-6, however, we wanted to ensure that we are utilizing the most significant weapon that HVO has and put it on this job. HVO is not utilized at all in 21st, since it is onthe normal GM part of the 21st. However, we have goals to not only make this new KU class active but to reactivate the GM portion.

1 hour ago, Stockings said:

I'm not fully aware of the current moves KU is trying to make but it's concerning how often the sub-unit has a suggestion or change made to it just to make it "Stand out". 

KU currently is in a ditch, the only reason KU was active while Devil Dogs was mainly because DD was a terrible mess and KU was the safer option. However, we are back to the older times of 21st where it's KU and SO. SO currently is dominating the house and we are trying to bring back old classes we had in the past but also tweaking them to fit the servers expectations and actually softening them a bit. SO is as well making changes to benefit us, but we can't depend on that and need to depend on KU changes. So, KU has chosen to redefine its purpose on the server by being the front line and heavy assault unit of the battalion. KU is going to be the ones knocking on the door while SO goes through the window. 


As well, KU is trying to be the role models to the battalion, we want to be the WP to the 104th, WP has a person in each branch making it easier for them to role model the battalion, therefore we are taking the weak links in the battalion and going to strenghten them with just KU itself. 


To answer the part where you said constantly putting out suggestions. Well I can say from my POV as someone who just joined KU a month ago. KU was stripped from a lot when DD was added, they got all of their jet packs removed and weakened classes. Previous Kellers had made suggestions to make KU weaker to balance the fact that DD needed help since it was failing, however, now that SO is back, SO is now trying to do what KU did for DD. Therefore is the reason why current KU leadership is stepping backwards in the past a little bit to regain what we had before DD was addded so we can move forward again. 


For clarification KU used to have Jet packs, Support / Medic combined Job, Heavy Weapons Class, and I believe a better version of the current recon class. I could be fact checked on that but that's to my knowledge. 

Edited by Slak
  • Informative 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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8 hours ago, Slak said:

This job is going to be a HVO just to clarify. It is abiding by HVO rules and slot limits. GM and KU will be a combined 3 Slot HVO limit. 


We were originally going to utilize the RPS-6, however, we wanted to ensure that we are utilizing the most significant weapon that HVO has and put it on this job. HVO is not utilized at all in 21st, since it is onthe normal GM part of the 21st. However, we have goals to not only make this new KU class active but to reactivate the GM portion.

KU currently is in a ditch, the only reason KU was active while Devil Dogs was mainly because DD was a terrible mess and KU was the safer option. However, we are back to the older times of 21st where it's KU and SO. SO currently is dominating the house and we are trying to bring back old classes we had in the past but also tweaking them to fit the servers expectations and actually softening them a bit. SO is as well making changes to benefit us, but we can't depend on that and need to depend on KU changes. So, KU has chosen to redefine its purpose on the server by being the front line and heavy assault unit of the battalion. KU is going to be the ones knocking on the door while SO goes through the window. 


As well, KU is trying to be the role models to the battalion, we want to be the WP to the 104th, WP has a person in each branch making it easier for them to role model the battalion, therefore we are taking the weak links in the battalion and going to strenghten them with just KU itself. 


To answer the part where you said constantly putting out suggestions. Well I can say from my POV as someone who just joined KU a month ago. KU was stripped from a lot when DD was added, they got all of their jet packs removed and weakened classes. Previous Kellers had made suggestions to make KU weaker to balance the fact that DD needed help since it was failing, however, now that SO is back, SO is now trying to do what KU did for DD. Therefore is the reason why current KU leadership is stepping backwards in the past a little bit to regain what we had before DD was addded so we can move forward again. 


For clarification KU used to have Jet packs, Support / Medic combined Job, Heavy Weapons Class, and I believe a better version of the current recon class. I could be fact checked on that but that's to my knowledge. 

just to add on, KU never made a sacrifice willingly for DD. DD was made by the Founders/High Staff and the changes to KU were their decision. 

With that being said, KU is currently really just white GM with a Westar.  Adding back lost jobs/things that made KU unique, limited and appealing will draw to the subunit. 
Keller's Unit hasn't had a suggestion made since Misfit was Keller under Gadget iirc. Even then they were bad suggestions and the one that passed was a job rename.  KU hasn't had a server suggestion, or one that passed in awhile. Like years awhile. With SO back and having had its former foundation to come back to, KU completely lost their foundation with the wipe and addition of DD. With this being said they reverted the DD changes, and now need to revert what was done to KU as well. As that only fixed half the problem in 21st/GM.

@Stockingspinging as you asked the question.

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KU really needs something to stand out. They have nothing that sets them apart from the regular GM save for the Westar and the Model. Heavy has been terrible for years now and no one ever willingly went for Heavy unless the other Jobs were full. Even then they switched away from it as soon as another Job opened.

This is a no Brainer +1

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