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BadDog's Mechanized Regimental Commander App


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Steam Name: BadDog

RP Name: Comet

RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID STEAM_0:0:146737655

Regiment you are applying for: Mechanized Regiment

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I see three battalions that have great BCMDs in them but with no active dedicated Regiment commander I want to change that by becoming an active very hands-on Regimental commander working will the battalions to ensure we yes continue to improve our battalions as a whole and become a regiment well infrastructure that we continue to grow but also help each battalion on the server best be can it’s not a contest, we all should be leaning on each other and covering peoples weakness we are the grand army of the republic I aim to act like it 

I believe I can bring a type of motivation into the Regiment being a leader that doesn’t wait for people to set up Training/sim or as I like to call my things “missions” I will actively go out my way to make sure I am setting up to do that being Rp scenarios, Specialized Training or having a bit fun in SIM ROOMs.

The thing I see the most is people setting up something and taking all that time and effort into making something for 1 person or no one shows up and then they quit trying I don’t believe in that and I never will I will always give people the chance get on and play I’m here to help the server as a whole grow once again and stay motivated and I don’t believe in quitting I have high goals for this server and I never want to sit back and watch I want to continue to keep doing my part and pushing it in the right position 

I believe I am a very nice and understanding person that people can lean on for help and that’s what I want to continue to do and be here for not just my BCMDs or Commanders but if I see anyone that needs help within my regiment I will always sit with them and help sort it out we are a community and a community that I have always felt at home with I only want to see greatest and continue to see this community grow

I want be a Regimental Commander that my Regiment can rely on that being if they want see something change and help them push for that change for the better of the battalion we are moving into a new stage of the server and I know change needs happen and I’m willing to find them changes with my battalions to better them 

Within Mech we hold a good few pieces of training I do believe my Regiment can keep on top of the training happening but I won’t just sit back and watch them do the training within my Regiment I will be a Regimental Commander that takes part in hosting them for people and I know that’s a small thing for some people but the small things matter as well 

I have the experience that I know has prepared me for this role I have dealt with many situations within battalions and I know if any situations happened within my Regiment I have the knowledge to deal with them but I will continue to make my battalions better and closer I want my 3 BCMD on close terms I know with the love we have for the server and our battalions we can do that

Within 104th I have always tried setting up as many sims and training up as I can for 104th I won't make this into a bigger scale by doing it when I’m Reg with all three battalions when I am on I want aim to get a few sims set up early morning and late at night give people the chance get on and play no matter the time zone or lifestyle I am from the UK and if u know me I stay up to around 5 am my time playing on the server so I can aim for early mornings sims/training as it’s the afternoon for me and late night as I stay up really late I know I can hit that goal

I do think I’m a good leader I always have a place to improve but I am always up for learning something new and I know I am ready for this position 

I  have seen this happen again and again since I joined this server in 2017/18 is that BCMDs don’t teach people the way to be a great BCMD and I’m not saying it’s happening now but BCMDs do all this great work for their battalion and after the term is up they leave and the new person needs learn the ways himself what takes up the time he could be improving the battalion more or they try be BCMD and they hate it or can’t handle the pressure I don’t want see this happen and I want my BCMDs making sure they have people within the battalion they are teaching the ways so if something happened or they didn’t run for a second term the battalion wouldn’t take a stand still but continue to improve 

This is my second time going for a BCMD+ position and I am more ready and confident than my Commander Cody term, as you may all know I didn’t run for a second term not because I got bored but because i had been doing my best teach my commander the ways and I believed that he would make a great Cody so I stepped aside and let him have his time to shine and I was right he’s been doing amazing and I couldn’t be happier I also didn’t know how active I would be within February as I was busy with work but I am glad to say that I didn’t drop my hours at all and was still very active but overall I am glad my commander became Cody 

I will not overstep on my BCMD's toes at all but when they ask or need my opinion I will always voice my opinion and help them deal with any situations or any tasks that will need to be done

I will be a Regimental Commander that helps with anything even if that's just helping the HVYL with changing the try-out or updating it with permission from the BCMD help with these kind of tasks when needed I am a big believer in everything matters no matter how big or small and I will show that 

As I’ve said before I am still not ready to sit back and watch this community that has been here for me die and I will do my part to make sure we do not go without a fight.

I do believe have an active hands on Regimental commander will only make a great impact within the HC team and also for my battalion

As a HC member within deployments for example i will be pushing for more rp and working with the GM team make sure deployments run a lot smoother and help direct the players to the right location and make sure each battalion understands what’s going on in the deployment  

I want work close with the other regimental commander coming up with ideas for sims and training together and actually working as a team showing the server that all regimental commander are a team and i just think having the regimental commanders together working as one will have a great impact and help us bring battalions closer in different regiments and also with the other Regimental commander  i would love set up big Events/trainings with every battalion and have us actually leading them instead of us just sitting back and watch

I want actually take the time before deployment to  rp and act like we are getting ready for a mission and i really want push this before deployments 

Just a little about me personally i am 20 years old I'm from Scotland where it always rains :( one reason why i love this server but i have something called dyslexia but i never let that stop me i always try my best when i am dedicated and i always try my hardest with any task that comes my way


Availability: i work five days a week so them days 5pm EST till whenever and when im off just whenever unless i'm busy then be around 6pm Est till late my days off always change every week 

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:







-212th PVT to 2ndACL Commander Barlex



-DU 2ndLT to Commander


-Ghost Company 1stLT Waxer


-212th Regimental Advisor
-FoxTrot RC-46 1stLT BadDog

-212th CSM - 2ndACL Major Barlex

- 212th Regimental Advisor+2

- 212th Commander Cody 

- Wolfpack Commander Comet


- Jedi Master

-Jedi General Adi Gallia

-Jedi General Quinlan Vos

-Jedi General Skywalker

-Consular leader

-Shadow leader

-Guardian manager

-Gray Jedi Master

-Guardian Leader+2

-Guardian Master 

- Master Plo Koon

- Master Obi wan 


-CM to Commodore

-Engineering leader

-Medical leader

Since joining the server when it first started i have had a lot of experience but i want keep it do this time around so i will only talking about my experience since i came back as soon i can focus on the more important things like the future 


After Coming back to the server in 9/9/2022


I joined back into 212th as a CSM and quickly fell in love with this server again but 212th was in a bad way with only few active members as a CSM i tried do trainings best i could give people the chance get on and play and show them that someone is trying i was noticed really quickly and got put up to officer and was giving bear i continued try get people on everyday when i was on what was mostly everyday at some point  i think started doing things within 2ndAC and was noticed and giving Barlex the lead of 2ndAC i then found a bear and we continued try get 2ndAC more active and active every day then i came staff and started hosting more sim types for server and my battalion and i worked my way up LTC and then my Cody left and i stepped up and i can that i tried every day with 212th get people in the right positions and all that and i got 212th back on it’s feet with the great help of my 212th team and end my term i had one the biggest battalions on the server with the right people in the right positions and they are now continuing build an even better battalion as i had been teaching my commander the ways and he’s made a great BCMD

I joined staff as a SA and was putting in the work for the server at least trying get few good events out a day and really bring enjoyment back to the server i was then giving SA the week few times then one mouth i was giving staff the mouth and then became a VA and i continue try do a good amount of events for the server and try host or help in as many deployments as i can ask more help the GM team as the better it will be and i’m still trying just do my part in it all and i continue learn new things



 I was an Elder Knight and became a Guardian Manager and was doing at least few trials a day as the branch needed people get into it i was a 104th jedi at the time and for my hard work trying get guardian back and working with 104th i was then giving master and plo koon i continue help 104th and WP best i could coming up with a new idea and being an active Plo and still continuing get guardian back i then went to obi wan and continued try help 212th best i could and i became guardian master and i am now working with my lead make sure guardian continues grow and get ACE up and running 


After Plo i put my clone in 104th and was still in love with the battalion i started off as a LT and i quickly put myself back into WP and became sinker and was always trying get trainings/sims set up for us and make the battalion members enjoy being on the server and in the battalion i then became Commander Comet with my dedication and work for the battalion and i have been trying get WP back up and running fully still a few things i’d like do before i leave 


I hope u understand why i didn’t go into my full experience on the server i do believe the past is improving my we need look ahead not looking in the past a few years back when the server is a lot different  


Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

Something i really want get up and running within my Regiments is NCOs and Officers get noticed for making great rp scenarios i want really push for people act like their lore characters and really push Rp within the Regiment so i want make it knowing that i am giving Recommendations for stuff like that and yes i can’t force people to rp or that but we are a rp server so will be really pushing that with myself and the clones/jedi 

I want have an active jedi core within all my battalions i do believe having an active jedi core will bring more  rp and impact the battalions in a good way will also give the new players and even old get fighting with jedi in events it’s always great have a jedi in events 

Within my term i want show what a bit of dedication can have a great impact on the battalions that not quitting and continuing set stuff up for the server will always pay off so i will be setting up trainings for my battalions most i can and might not always be big ones but i want aim give people the chance get on and not just run around half the time but to actually enjoy the server and being in Mech  

I aim help the BCMDs make sure that all battalions will continue have a great future and have the right people in the positions and showing them that also giving people the chance prove themselves can make a great trooper 

I want my BCMDs setting up trainings and missions together but also helping the NCOs and officers set them up as well as i believe getting a trooper step out his battalion and lead another battalion as well is a great way make a great trooper and yes he might fail but failure is not a bad thing u learn from your mistakes and that’s how you become a better person not just in star wars rp but in life i want my Regiment to know and understand that failure is not the end   

Working with the higher ups i would like keep good amount of active and dedicated high battalion members in each battalion make sure the battalion does not fall apart and if a battalions needs some help within a part of the battalion i will step in with BCMD permission help them out till they find a new person to take up the job i am a big believe in people shouldn’t get a position just because it’s been open and they should always work and show they want it that doesn't mean u don’t give a new player a chance at HVYO but u let him show his skills at HVYO and not just give him Lead as it was open

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I was thinking of something i personally haven’t seen for this question and that's not taking the battalion as a hole and doing a joint training but getting all 3 HVY units together and getting them do a joint training i believe this will have a good impact as it will give a class something to do that’s just for them but it will also let a trooper step out his battalion and lead others and it will also give class officers/leads get know each other and help each other within the shared class 

We are a Rp server but we all enjoy a bit fun and i believe just having a joke playing some mini games or parkour dupe will bring us more closer than just staying in character all times but see each other outside of roleplay and just chilling having a good time but also keeping the server pop up. As of right now we are close as Regiment not as close as i would like but no one hates each other and i feel like i have a good place start and build our relation up with spending time together in rp and out it as well 

Obviously i will continue do joint trainings big and small one’s and even if no one showed i won’t quit i will always push

If any fights within the regiment was to start i would handle it case by case and make sure at the end they are on good terms and whatever happened has been dealt with the right way and it will not be brought up again and again that we will move past it and continue work as a Regiment  


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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Huge +1 man From our days when it was just you me Opa and Silvian in the 212th to making 212th the best batt in the server i will say as a Mech reg Jedi General i know you can do this and i know you are up for the challenge and i know you can do it so with my full trust in you and the ability to help mech and 41st you got this 

  • Pay Respect 1

Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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  • Pay Respect 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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+1  Great app!

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                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Head Admin

+1. Took me under his wing when I joined 212th and has been nothing but an amazing person throughout my experience on Synergy. One of the good ones, would be a shame to not see him in this position. 

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                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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+1. I have some great experiences with you. Im sure youll try your hardest in this position

  • Pay Respect 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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Head Admin

+1, good look

  • Pay Respect 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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