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Name: Navy Admiral Ricter

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:207780887

Who helped (If applicable): Cubby, Brooklyn, Finn, Raven, Frank

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Jedi's got captured Onderon base saved them and

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:

Please rate using this scale


Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

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Gameplay was confusing
Shoot em up mostly. Didn't go the GMs direction
Server performance was poor throughout but the map didn't help this.

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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Gameplay 1/5: God awful, I was being shot from above from below the map. The second I poked my head out I was hit multiple times. Nothing special or interesting just run here shoot this, run there shoot that and get blown up by a AAT charging straight at me.

C&E 2/5: Looked like the care was there for the start of the event however, once it started droid spawns and health were stupid and all over the place. The objective once the event started was nonexistent for us clones on the ground we took the dish and just played a standard shoot'em up

SP: 4/5 didn't have any problems with performance other then the restarts lol. 

Constructive Criticism: More objectives for the standard clones other than just a run and gun. Setting the health of droids lower and giving people a reason for droids to being spawned on top of them like droid pods or drill pods. Passive RP or defense of a structure would have broken up the monotony of turn corner and shoot til they aren't moving anymore. 

Overall: 2/5 Waste of good potential. It was there at the start but flatlined when we got into it and didn't improve over the time in the event.


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Head Admin

5/5/5 Perfection.

When we were resetting to the main map, everyone in 212th and 501st kept saying stuff along the lines of "this was amazing" and "one of the best deployments I've been apart of" and I think I can define it as a few different reasons.
-People really enjoy vehicles, and you let loose an ATTE and LOTS of ARC-170s. This did not overload the server and gave people a fun alternative to boots on the ground.

-Enemy HP and accuracy was manageable. While sometimes we didn't have much cover and some droids were in the ground, we were able to deal with large groups as long as we weren't dumb.

-Well thought out plan. Your mission objectives were linear and easy to follow while also being interesting and at the time, captivating. I speak for 212th and 501st when I tell you it was very easy to keep on track and take objectives, and we were even able to help others with theirs.

-Good dupes and good may layout. Your bases and groupings of droids with barricades were excellent. Gave us a challenge while not allowing us to just get pummeled. 

Really good deployment. Thanks for hosting <3

  • Dumb 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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This was...yeesh.
Droids were way too high HP for it to be enjoyable, let alone the spawning from out of nowhere/no pods to be found. Really the most fun was Mechanized working together and having fun in game/TS by our own doing. There was like no direction either so we kinda just...ran around and shot droids with no clear consequence or reward from doing/clearing anything.
Care and Effort was y'know, there, but it was without direction and could've used more directions and EJs to have the story/objective more clear. Apparently we were supposed to find Jedi but...we didn't find anything about them? I was a bit confused there.
Performance was fine, had a few spikes and frame drops, but it was playable.

i carried onderon events


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this is gonna be a weird ass rate because i had fun with the group of people i played with BUT i hated the event

2. i had zero clue what the objective was 90% of the time. beyond that myself and my group couldnt move more than 3 feet without being spawned on, spawned under (there was a fat ass group of droids under the map in half the valleys between the hills or wall props) or spawned around. I understand trying to keep us back from a certain objective but spawning damn near 800 health commandos around an already choked in area or honestly just in general in mass is and was not fun. There were no drop pods to explain where they were coming from or even an MTT, so much to the point that i in character had to explain that all the droids had cloaks. Lastly 5 AATs (wasnt especially a problem since i had rockets but still) spawning back to back in the same spot wasnt too fun for my group.

3. Im not gonna say you didnt care because i 100% know you did everything you could to entertain the server for this deployment but as ive already said the droids were super high health and the spawning was beyond insanity.

1. i dont feel like typing anymore but i crashed a smooth 2 times and was stuck at a good 15 FPS the entire time i was able to play.

I apologize about this rating because i damn near never do something like this but i did not enjoy this as an event. I enjoyed it and was fun because of the people i was with but playing it as a whole wasnt a good time at all.

the Darman Keller guy

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Gameplay:  Had no sense behind it and was random every turn. WAY too much health on every droid. No clue what was happening the entire event. Got droids spawned on me and the rest of the battalion every time we cleared droids.

Care/Effort: It was just thrown together tbh.

Server: Yea it was ight


:monkaMEGA:Yea I'm Joe's son :POGGERS:

(Thanks Naffen for the pepe stuff)

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