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Gears' Mas Amedda Re-Applicaton


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Steam Name 

RP Name
Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda

Jedi Military Overseer Gears

Steam ID

How many terms have you held the position?

Why do you wish to maintain this position?
I am currently still dedicated to improving and maintaining the Senate's Status within the servers. I find the position of Mas Amedda a great experience and wish to continue using this position to promote and improve the roleplay experience.

Current availability:
3-8PM EST Every Day

What have you achieved within your Faction during your past term?:

I will be going through everything I have put in my First Mas Amedda Application and marking them into 3 Categories, Completed, Ongoing, and On Hold. This will help you understand where the Senate currently is and what still needs to be done.

Increasing The Activity of the Senate - Completed

In my app I initially proposed to the server an increase to 6 Hours of activity a week, This for the most part was a success, however Senators did raise a concern that this was initially too much due the current state of the server at that time. I myself changed my opinion on this matter, for me I value the quality of the time they do over the quantity, so with this I lowered it back down to 3 hours with one condition, If they are able to do 1 Committee action, they may only do 3 hours. So far this has been successful and has given a positive impact to the committees as well.

Defining The Role of the Committees  - Completed

I'm happy to say that all Committees have been revamped and have new functiontioning roles. The MIlitary Oversight does Weapon Inspections and Military Evaluations, Loyalists can hire informants and interrogate potential traitors and The Ethics Committee can do ethics hearings. These are some of the key things they can do but there is a lot more that they can do. Overall we see work from each Committee although some more than others and committees actually have a purpose.

Senate Guard and Commandos - Ongoing

Initially I wanted there to be a Sub-Unit “More Elite” Section of the Senate Guard, But honestly, I think we were spreading ourselves a bit thin on how the Senate Guard should operate. After 2 “Revamps” we finally settled on a nice structure. We Have LTs, Commanders and a Modest Roster that we can pull from. While they dont have the biggest presence, they are something we can probably shift our focus onto and get people who are interested in taking a more unique method of RP.
I'd say it's still ongoing as I'm confident enough to say we have “revived” the Senate Guard. We have gotten out of its lull period but there's still a lot more we can do.

Republic News and Media - On Hold

This is mostly held due to the fact that you can only do so many newspapers without it becoming repetitive, I'd like to revisit it and have others contribute to it but for the Senate is a low priority. Other than that I'd like to think the regular media posts we do are sufficient.

Encouraging Interactivity and Increasing Presence - Ongoing

While this is “Ongoing”, I would say the Senate has a lot more activity and presence. With the requirement of Committee work ive seen alot more interactions with Clones and other sections of the server. I feel happy with what's been achieved so far, but there's always room for more, so this will always be a task that's always tackled.

Crime and Punishment - Ongoing

The Document for CourtRP was not revamped, It still remains functional in most situations but when changing the committees it became a larger tedious task to do, additionally with the Map change we lost a Dupe we did it in. If I were to get a 2nd term, I will look into this and actually make a better document for it.
However when it comes to “Crime and Punishment”, There's been work within the Committees, For Example, Taking part in questionings, Interrogations and overlooking Public Executions. Also We have added 2 new types of “Trials” that Ethics/Loyalists can organize.

Being Professional and Earning Respect - Ongoing(?)

This isn't really something I can say has progressed, I'd like to think with the Presence and how interactive Senators have at least changed some outlooks of people positively. I'm always available to be contacted if people have issues and have been previously dealt with it. 
I believe in terms of professional standards, Senate Guard could be sharpened up in that aspect as I've had reports on mingeness. I always try to encourage Senators to seek out RP and create a positive experience and always open to feedback.

Also to address it, There has been instances of particular members being remove from the community, However Id like to say that dispite them being part of the Senate, The things they did were in no relation to the Senate at all. Any reference to them on our documents have been removed.

Transparency and Communication- Completed

While I'd like to give bi-weekly updates on the Senate, There's always quiet periods where I'd rather not @ everyone to say Same Shit Different Week. When something important such as Promotions, Additions and Revamps happen, I make sure everyone in the discord knows about it. I also utilize the updates on forums to let people know how the Senate are doing. When people have questions about the Senate, I give them as much as I can and be fully transparent on a matter. Thankfully in my time as Mas Amedda, I haven't had a controversial addition that needed addressing

Keeping firm contact with High Command.- Completed

Well this one was rougher than I felt it needed to be. I'd like to say firstly, that High Command now are easily contactable, open to Senate changes and have been a lot better as of previous, Im happy with how High Command approaches us (although there's always room for improvement.). What I'd like to address is the issue we did encounter for the sake of transparency. I think there's been some growing pains with Mas Amedda demotion, especially with us getting information towards the High Command. Sometimes I get lost in the shuffle and it created a Miscommunication. However I'd like to say that issues have been resolved and High Command is much better working with us.

Raising the morale of the Senate- Completed

The Senate seems overall positive and I members are interacting with each other while coming up with new ideas, I think we have been pretty consistent with our work and it helps keep morale high.

Cleaning Up - Completed

Could be better cleaning up docs but most things work and im always exploring new ways of having information displayed.


Jedi Relations

Pretty solid, Our previous Battalion Overseer for Jedi was positive and happy to work, as someone who is in the council it's easy to keep relations there good. Our Diplomats were hard workers and both got Master, they left to pursue new ventures. We are struggling to get new diplomats but always looking to get them.

Bounty Hunter Relations

I think they were rough to start off with, But I think their relationship has cooled down now. I'd like to look into the Senate and Bounty Hunters doing more together as this is something we only touched on.

Coruscant Guard Relations

The Senate has always kept an open door policy with CG working with Senators and we have had many times where we have done stuff together. I'd like to think CG and Senate Relations are in a good place.

Naval Relations

This is something we didn't do anything for during my term and I'd like to change that going into a 2nd term, The Current Admiral has been positive about working with senate, Along with RSB and other things.

Overall I think relations around the server remain strong, there are not any outstanding issues that I can see. I want to keep an open door policy to anyone wanting to interact and do things with the Senate as we have always been welcome to that.

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your Faction?:

Revisiting Unfinished Work

I want to continue to work on the ongoing projects listed above, This also includes the Republic Media and Crime/Punishment. The bulk of it all is already done and needs to have continued investment and should continue to improve the Senate.

Increased Investment of Senate Guard

For me I took a backseat in the development of the Senate Guard, It was the work of other Senators that did bring some consistency in the guard. This is a lot due to me focusing on the more important parts of the factions. Now that I feel that the Senate is in a more comfortable position, I feel more prepared to focus on the Senate Guard that it needs. This means increasing recruitment, encouraging more to get on and raising its standards. I hope to have a consistent pool of guards to pull from and explore them not just being “GuardRP”.

Helping the Loyalist Committee and Informant System

The Loyalist Committee is the weakest of the 3, It shows some promise but from Long time Senators to new Senators, It's the one that shows the least interest. I want to encourage Senators to take it as a Secondary Committee and work together on adding or changing aspects of it that may give it a little more interest. The Informant System has actually got everything in place for it to work, however no one has given it a try, I'd like to do that myself to give an example of how it should be.

Better utilizing of Bounty Hunter Contracts

2 Committee Leads and Mas Amedda can contract a Clan or Bounty Hunter, during this time we have only contracted 1 Bounty Hunter. What I'd like to do is give a better incentive to being contracted to the Senate, This includes but not limited to, Taking part in committees, being able to get into areas where Senators can go and being able to remain on base when Naval orders Bounty Hunters to be escorted off. 

Continued support of Jedi Diplomat

Unfortunately at the time of writing this we have no Jedi Diplomats, This has previously been a very successful system and I believe we are just in a lull period that we will get out of. I hope to get 2 New diplomats who are just as passionate as the previous ones.

Experimenting with new/old ideas

I personally believe the Senate is moving towards its ceiling and without additions or revisiting previous ventures, the Senate will stagnate. I want Senators to be able to explore what can be done to the Senate and I want to give them all the support I can, I understand we will get push back at many stages but if you don't ask you dont get. If we can just a small amount of what we want I think the Senate will benefit greatly.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Edited by Gears

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Despite what alot of people say about you as a person and your work ethic/attitude in the past, it has been nothing short of pleasurable working with you, Senate seems bustling with SG having battalion numbers and Senators are always around  providing DS and SG some roleplay. 

+1. All I will say though is 3 Senators got community banned :eyes:

Edited by Mystic
+1. All I will say though is 3 Senators got community banned :eyes:
  • Agree 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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I served under Gears as a Senator for 2/3 of his term, and he did a fantastic job. He genuinely cares about the Senate. His intentions at first seemed a little bit iffy, but his work is visible and undeniable. There has never been so much care and effort into Senate, and it pays off.



Edited by Lovestruck
  • Optimistic 2
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Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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+1. All I will say though is 3 Senators got community banned :eyes:

  • Funny 3
  • Dumb 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1. All I will say though is 3 Senators got community banned :eyes:

Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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5 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

+1. All I will say though is 3 Senators got community banned :eyes:

I will make it 4 don’t worry. Can’t really hold the Breaking Badders against us!

+1 Gears has the dedication and love of Senate unlike many others, understands the position well, and can work with HC/other factions on the server really well to get things working. 

Good luck!

  • Agree 1
  • Funny 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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3 senators getting community banned - is impressive. A good leader takes risks!

  • Agree 1

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